  • Antirrinum( snapdragon)

    Family of norichnikovye.

    Homeland - the Mediterranean, North America.

    Perennial, grown as an annual;stalks erect, up to 90 cm high, the main shoot above shoots of other orders;leaves lanceolate, smooth, green;inflorescence - a versatile brush;flowers of irregular shape( they have only one axis of symmetry), two-lip;fruit - a two-cavity box. There are 12 garden groups and a large number of varieties, differing in color, often named by the color of the corolla in different languages ​​(more often - in English).Groups:

    1. Butterfly. Height up to 90 cm;stalk is slightly branched, inflorescence up to 40 cm long;flowers up to 4.5 cm long, with open throat and wavy edges, fragrant. Varieties are named for the color of the corolla in English Pink - pink;White - white;Yellow - yellow, etc.

    2. Hyacinth color. Height to 65 cm;inflorescence dense, dense, up to 30 cm long and up to 12 cm in diameter;flowers with fringed edges. Varieties differ in color( often named by the color of the corolla) "Dunkelrot" - dark red;"Raintelb" - bright yellow;"Solmon Orange" - salmon, etc.

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    3. Carioca. Height up to 60 cm;the main shoot on the same level as the others, the inflorescence of medium density, up to 35 cm long;flowers up to 4.5 cm long. Grades also differ in color and are named according to the same principle.

    4. Hummingbird. Height up to 35 cm;stalks strongly branched, inflorescence hemispherical, loose, strongly branched;flowers up to 4.5 cm long, with closed throat and wavy edges.

    5. Coronet. Height to 65 cm;the stem is strongly branched, the inflorescence is dense, up to 20 cm long;flowers up to 5 cm long, with wavy edges, all shoots bloom simultaneously. Varieties - the same principle.

    6. Maxim. Height to 85 cm;the stem is branchy, the inflorescence is loose or dense, up to 40 cm long;flowers up to 5 cm long, with wavy edges. Varieties: "Alaska" - white;"Topaz" - dark red;"Sharlahrizen" - sharlahovo-red with orange coating, etc.

    7. Terry. Height up to 75 cm;the stem is slightly branched, the inflorescence is dense, up to 35 cm long;flowers up to 5 cm in length, terry with fringed edges. Varieties: "Vanguard" - bright pink;Super Jet is yellow;"Heilife" - light yellow, etc.

    8. Nanum grandiflora. Height up to 50 cm;the branch is branchy, the main shoot is on a par with others;inflorescence loose, up to 30 cm long;flowers up to 4.5 cm long, with wavy edges. Varieties "Avalash" - white;"Guinea Gold" - pink and orange;"Torch" - bright red;"Eldorado" - bright yellow, etc.

    9. Pumila. Height up to 40 cm;shrub is compact, stem is strongly branched, main shoot on one level with others, inflorescence is friable, up to 17 cm long;flowers up to 4.5 cm long. Varieties "Diamond Rose" - pink;"Gelb" - lemon;Orangeisharlah is orange-red.

    10.Rokit. Height up to 1 m;the branch is branchy, the main shoot is noticeably higher than the rest;inflorescence up to 50 cm long, flower spike - up to 60 cm;flowers up to 5 cm long, with wavy edges. Varieties "Orchid" - purple;"Pink" - light pink;Redstone - red, etc. / /.Type-top. Height up to 60 cm;branching branch, inflorescence up to 35 cm long;flowers up to 5 cm long, with fringed edges. Varieties: "Weiss" - white;"Dunkelrot" - dark cherry, etc. 12.Treib. Height up to 80 cm;stalk is slightly branched, inflorescence of medium density, up to 50 cm long;flowers up to 4 cm long, with wavy edges. Varieties: "Hawaii" - dark red;"Tiefhelb" - bright yellow;"Zartilla" - purple, etc. The varieties of this group are suitable for forcing. Very unpretentious plants.

    Humidity requirements: moderate humidity is preferred.

    Requirements for heat and light: cold-resistant light-loving plant.

    Requirements for soil: extremely unpretentious.

    Reproduction: by seeds( ripen a month after flowering, they are sown in March - April).

    Features: resistant to adverse weather conditions, but often damaged by diseases and pests. Well tolerates the transplant. Plants are planted at a distance of not less than 15 cm from each other.

    Usage: flowerbeds, flower beds, distillation. Well stand in the cut.