  • Carnation

    Family clove.

    Carnations - classic garden ornamental flowers, it is known that they began to select them in ancient Rome, so it is not surprising that there are a lot of their garden forms and varieties.

    Carnation has been known since ancient times and is widely popular nowadays. Appreciated for bright, elegant, fragrant flowers, resistant to cutting and transportable for transportation.

    The clove genus includes about 250 species, the most important of which were four: Dutch, Chinese, pinnate, Turkish.

    The Dutch carnation in greenhouses( remontant races) and clove Shabo in the open ground is most often cultivated for cutting.
    The most famous carnation is a garden, however in horticulture as a whole 25 species are used, of which four are primarily distributed:

    Carnation Chinese * Perennial, cultivated as an annual;Herbaceous plant of compact or spreading form up to 50 cm high;the stems are numerous, thin, cranked, smooth;leaves are lengthened-lanceolate;flowers single, large( up to 9 cm in diameter), can be simple or terry, the color is different for different varieties, can be two- and three-color. The most famous garden variety Geddevigi. Varieties: "Diamond" - flowers are terry, dark red;"Vesuvius" - flowers terry, orange-scarlet;"Coral Charm" - coral flowers;"Schneibal" - flowers are terry, white;and others.

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    Carnation Pinnate * Summer-winter-green perennial;shoots are numerous, densely leafy, form pillow-shaped curtains up to 40 cm in height and up to 1 m in diameter;a part of the leaves is collected in a root rosette, the leaves are linear, bluish;flowers up to 3 cm in diameter, simple, white, pink or red( less often - with an eye), fragrant. It is unpretentious.

    Garden carnation ♦ Artificially created species, including one-, two- and multi-year varieties, the most famous of which is the clove of Shabo( annual).Species of the Child of Nice, Camellia, Margarita, Regina and Shabo have even strong stems, varieties of the Vienna, Grenadines, Landnelles and Tijes de Fier - straight and thin;in all varieties stems and leaves are gray-green, the leaves are small, linear;flowers large, terry or gustomahrovye( non-marrow removed).Varieties of the Shabo variety: "Aurora" - semi-stems, up to 55 cm in height, flowers up to 6 cm in diameter, thick-stemmed( up to 44 petals), pink;"Benigna" - stems are fragile, semi-overlapping, up to 50 cm in height, flowers up to 7 cm in diameter, medium-sized( up to 34 petals), light purple with bordeaux-purple fringe;"Jeanne Dionysus" - stems straight, numerous, up to 50 cm tall, resistant to lodging, flowers up to 7 cm in diameter, medium-sized, white, one of the most widely distributed varieties;"Legion of Donner" - stems numerous, densely leafy, up to 50 cm high, leaves green, flowers up to 6 cm in diameter, thick-stemmed( up to 80 petals), bright red, almost do not burn in the sun;"Magenta" - the stems are numerous, up to 50 cm tall, flowers up to 7 cm in diameter, with an insufficiently dense cup, thick-stemmed( in individual flowers up to 130 petals), violet;"Neron" - stems strong dense, up to 60 cm tall, flowers up to 6 cm in diameter, with a strong cup, medium- or densely-tall, dark red, in the south sometimes burn;"Reingelb" - stems of medium-sized leaf, spreading, up to 50 cm in height, flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, medium-mammoth, lemon-yellow with strongly dissected margins and strong odor;"Rose Quin" - stems erect, up to 60 cm tall, flowers up to 6 cm in diameter, medium-sized( up to 20 petals), purple-pink;"Etenselan" - stems strong, numerous, up to 50 cm tall, flowers up to 7 cm in diameter, terry, bright red, in the south burn out in bright sun, the smell is strong;and others.

    Carnation Turkish * Cultivated most often as a biennial, but there are annual and perennial varieties;plant height up to 60 cm;stems strong, smooth;leaves small, numerous;inflorescence - a thyroid head up to 12 cm in diameter, the flowers fit closely to each other, relatively small, varied in color, often multicolored with an eye and border, there are terry and non-primary forms;most varieties blossom since June. The most undemanding view. It is best to grow a Turkish carnation for a beginner gardener. Occurs in a wild-growing species.

    Varieties: "White" - height about 50 cm, flowers white;grown as a biennial;"Willy" - height about 10 cm, color of corolla mixed;is grown as an annual or biennial;"Salmon-pink" - differs from the white of the same color with a variety;grown as a biennial;"Newpert Pink" - height about 45 cm, flowers salmon-pink with slight deviations in shade;grown as perennial;"Sam-measure beauty" - height about 30 cm, color pink, red or white, grown as an annual;"Harris Perfeshin" - height about 45 cm, color mixed, grown as perennial;and others. Requirements for moisture: before the beginning of flowering, varietal cloves are sprinkled with sprinkling, blooming - under the root;good gully is necessary.

    Requirements for heat and light: winter-hardy heat and light-loving plant;Only the Turkish carnation can develop normally even in a dense shadow.

    Soil requirements: is preferred cultivated loam, seasoned with organic fertilizers 2-3 years before planting, but can grow on many light soils with good drainage and neutral reaction. In autumn, potash and chlorine-containing mineral fertilizers are introduced into the soil, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers are added in the spring during digging or snow melting( in the second year), and fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers is also desirable. On poor soils, top dressing with full mineral fertilizer and separately potassium-phosphorus during the budding period is necessary. Reproduction: by seeds( a sign of ripeness of seeds - opening of single boxes, seeds are sown in hotbeds in January - February, dived into small pots and moved to open ground in May) and shards( mother bushes are pre-transplanted into pots and stored in cool rooms or in greenhouses, cut in February-March, rooted in boxes,( can be in the sand) until May. The root neck during planting should be at ground level

    Features of : in cloves garden in the offspring there is a strong cleavage by the terry, itAchro specimens are better to be rejected in advance, because of cross-pollination, different varieties should be kept in isolation from each other.

    Use of : basic for cutting, turkish and pinnate also in cuttings and curbs.