
Diet for chronic gastritis of the stomach: an approximate menu for every day and for the whole week

  • Diet for chronic gastritis of the stomach: an approximate menu for every day and for the whole week

    Chronic gastritis is a progressive disease caused by inflammatory changes in the gastric mucosa. Drug treatment is an integral part of the treatment. But the priority is the right diet, which can normalize digestion processes and improve overall health.

    Symptoms and causes of gastritis development

    Chronic gastritis is divided into two forms: with reduced or increased acidity. A number of characteristic symptoms with reduced acidity are as follows:

    • loss of appetite;
    • feeling of heaviness;
    • belching and nausea after eating;
    • frequent diarrhea.

    The increased acidity has directly opposite manifestations, namely:

    • paroxysmal pain;Acid reflux and acidic eructations;
    • increased appetite;
    • constipated.

    Various causes lead to the development of chronic gastritis. The most basic include:

    • rapid absorption of food, insufficient chewing;
    • violation of the rhythm of nutrition( for example, snacks "on the go" and dry);
    • disturbance of body metabolic processes in case of obesity or gout;
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    • nicotine and alcohol;
    • exposure to an infection called Helicobacter pylori.

    All of the above reasons suggest that to reduce and eliminate the symptoms of the disease you need to adhere to a strict system and principles of nutrition.

    The optimal type of diet for gastritis

    So what kind of diet is needed for chronic gastritis of the stomach? First, to normalize the work of the stomach you need to eat light foods that are quickly absorbed.

    You should eat dishes warm and in no case hot or cold.

    Cooked food should be thoroughly and long chewed or crushed. This is necessary for rapid assimilation of food and getting rid of stomach overload.

    You can eat vegetable stew, meatballs or meatballs, steamed, vegetable soups or mashed soups, bread( coarse grinded and dried), boiled eggs greens( parsley, dill).You can drink herbal tea, compotes, slightly brewed leafy teas and kissels. Protect yourself from fatty foods, especially smoked, spicy, salty foods and from street food( even a person with a healthy stomach is difficult to digest it).

    All cooked food should look appetizing and nutritious. Do not overeat or undereat, you need to eat a little, but often. Diets with chronic gastritis should be adhered to approximately 2 months. And even after such a diet it is necessary to observe and not ignore any point of the diet in the future, in order to avoid relapse of the disease.

    The menu for a week with chronic gastritis should be developed by a highly qualified specialist. And remember that without the knowledge of a gastroenterologist you should not self-medicate.

    Exacerbation of gastritis

    Gastritis has a tendency to sharply aggravate, it can occur due to stress, poisoning, overeating, alcohol, smoking and other causes. To reduce pain symptoms should adhere to a therapeutic diet with exacerbation of chronic gastritis of the stomach. It is necessary to abandon the sweet, fried and salted( this food irritates the walls of the stomach).

    Usually, when exacerbating, doctors prescribe patients a diet number 1a, and then №1b. Dietary food should be gentle, and the products are easily digestible. You should prefer dishes from fish or meat cooked for a couple, boiled eggs and omelets, cereals with butter( rice, oatmeal or buckwheat), puree from vegetables. The approximate menu for each day is as follows:

    • rice porridge, soft-boiled egg and tea with milk;
    • jelly and / or milk;
    • casserole from potatoes, soup-puree, fish soufflé and compote;Pumpkin juice and homemade croutons;
    • potato puree, boiled fish( preferably pink salmon) and jelly;
    • milk.

    Naturally, a therapeutic diet for exacerbation of chronic gastritis should be prescribed only by a doctor who can correctly diagnose and take into account all the nuances of the disease.

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