  • Privet

    The number of unpretentious shrubs is an ambush. It is not very well known and does not apply much, but it is wrong. Biryuchin is an exceptionally beautiful and unpretentious plant. It grows on almost all soils, in the sun and in the penumbra, it blossoms beautifully, best of all, of course, in the sun, but it grows even in the shade. The birch tree, planted in a sunny area, grows very quickly, reaching a height of about 2.5 m and forming a beautiful, large, but compact bush. In this case, the plant easily tolerates a haircut, and therefore the bush can be cut and attached to any shape that you want. I have very beautiful light green foliage, oval leaves with well-marked veins. The leaves are located along the crimson-red trunks and stems.

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    The crimson-red color of the wicker leaves remains in winter, against the background of snow this very branched bush looks elegant. If you are thinking about what your plot will look like in winter, you can pick up such a group of plants that will be elegantly also in this season, an ambulance, of course, will be included in their number.

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    The bush blooms in late May and early June with caps of white flowers, collected from small white flowers. Therefore, the barrow looks very impressive, not inferior to the duration and beauty of the Blossoming buddies, but, unlike the latter, the piercer does not attack pests and has no diseases. Very rarely there is a brown fringe or spots on the leaves, but this is a lack of potassium in the diet, and not a disease. So you can feed a couple of times with potassium chloride( 3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water under a bush), and everything will improve.

    Propagates an ambulance as you like, you can just chop off a piece of bush with a shovel and plant it. You can dig up the root offspring and separate the root off from the mother's bush, you can cuttings or cuttings( last year's, and this is done in early June, and preferably with young ends that grew in the same summer, in July).She cuttings in the same way as the black currant. When multiplying by layers, you tilt one of the lowest branches to the soil, make a few grooves on the bark by a needle, top the moss sphagnum and place it on top with moist soil and cover it with a film so that the soil does not dry out. But it is possible and in the soil under the pressed branch to make a hydrogel, which will retain moisture, so that it will be possible to do without regular watering of the buried branch for a month. Without a hydrogel, constant wetting of the buried portion with water is required. The end of the stuck branch is not cut off. When you see that the end of the branch has started to grow, it means everything is fine, it has taken root. It is better this year not to dig out, and next spring to chop the dug up end of the branch from the mother plant, dig it out and set it on a permanent place.

    But it is possible to make a bunch without clamping the branch to the ground, but simply to make a few scratch marks right on the branch with a needle, then tie a piece of polyethylene film below the scratched branch, put damp soil there, tie it up, tape can seam the seam. If you see that the soil is dry, then pour water on the trunk. You will see how the sachet is filled with roots, and when the roots are sufficient, you will cut the sack with roots and transplant into place, naturally, taking off the package before planting. You make such a bait on the trunk or branch in the early spring, and at the end of the summer you must transplant it, otherwise the package will go through and all will perish. In this way, you can immediately make a lot of layers and create a protective curtain from the plantings for a more heat-loving plant or use it to create a green fence, but from the neighbor's site you should retreat 1.5-2 m and another 1.5-2 m from yourplants.