  • What flowers should be planted in autumn?

    The summer ends, the period of flowering of various plants and flowers. It's time to think about the colors and necessary work for the flower bed next season. To do this, it is important to know how to properly and which flowers to plant in the fall.

    Of course, the main planting material of autumn is bulbous. As a rule, these are narcissi, tulips, small bulbous ones - muscari, scylla and snowdrops.

    It should be noted that the planting period will be different for each of the regions, but there are still rules for the autumn planting of flowers. For example, bulbs of daffodils and tulips are planted about a month before the first frosts( for the central band this period falls at the end of September).Premature planting of bulbous plants will lead to the germination of a flower that will completely freeze out during the first frosts and the plant will die. At a late planting the bulb will freeze before it has time to take root.
    Finely planted plants are planted much earlier than normal bulbous plants. This type of plant requires a longer period for effective rooting. Despite this, they blossom the very first, not waiting sometimes for the complete melting of snow.

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    For planting bulbous adhere to a single rule - the bulb should be deepened into a well that exceeds it three times.

    What other types of flowers are suitable for autumn planting? Autumn months are the most suitable time for dividing and transplanting perennials - irises, daylilies, rudbeckia, delphinium, phlox, although this procedure is possible in the spring. Experienced gardeners believe that after the autumn transplant and division, flowering of perennials is guaranteed for the first year after this procedure. To avoid infection of the plant, sprinkle its roots with wood ash after digging and dividing.
    Autumn is a suitable time for transplanting various shrubs, such as rhododendron, juniper, etc. And it is also possible to transplant hips of wild rose and lilac.

    Autumn in the soil is also planted and seedlings of biennial plants, such as daisies, mallow, viola, carnations. Since, planted in the spring, they do not manage to take root until the summer and blossom.

    In stable dry weather, be sure to water abundantly planted plants. It is important in this case not to allow blurring of the soil near the roots of plants.

    The soil for plant transplantation in autumn is prepared in advance. To do this, you must first dig it, make sure to make vitamins, microelements and antibiotics. Humus is used only last year.