  • Bloodroot

    Cinquefoil, or kuril tea, is quite suitable for growing in any region, including in the North-West. Cinquefoil blossoms almost all summer, flowers are different: bright yellow, like a bathing-gown, slightly beige, tender pink, ivory and white. But the most elegant bush - with yellow flowers. His leaves are small, he overgrows. It must be constantly cut through, carving out shrunken branches and those that grow inside the bush. More plants do not require anything, but it is beautiful and long blooms only in the sun and does not like acidic soils. He needs to be planted in well-fertilized soil, so that he takes it faster and grows. Then you can not feed it. Is that a little nourish azofovskoy: a couple tablespoons on a bucket of water, once a season before flowering water - and all. Sometimes just throw up the organic.

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    Kuril tea grows in nature on the Kuril Islands, and locals on the Kuriles use it as tea leaves. In the tea you can put green leaves, but you can dry them and brew instead of tea in the winter. It has not quite a tea taste, but the drink is very pleasant. In the summer he is advised to drink instead of tea. In general, in summer it is advised not to drink tea or coffee, but to drink everything from green brewed sheets. You can, for example, brew ivan-tea - and leaves, and flowers. Nuril tea should be brewed leaflets. You can add to this tea a cranberry, blueberry, black currant, raspberry, mint leaves, lemon balm, that is a huge bouquet, not for tea to acquire the usual amber-golden color, add a few flowers of St. John's wort.

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    Irrigation does not require watering, only if the dry weather lasts for a long time, then at least slightly pour it at the moment of flowering. It reproduces by cuttings, it is possible last year's growths of the ends of branches in the beginning of June. It is recommended to propagate also with stepchildren, because stepsons who will go in July, can strongly thicken the plant. Stephens who grow inside the bush, you must immediately clean, they still do not need you. You just plant them in the soil, cover it with a jar, not in the sun, but in the shade or penumbra - and everything will be all right. Sometimes it happens that the bush begins to dry out, so you need to cut a third of the bush in one year, the second third in the next year and the third third in the last year, to the earth itself. This will force the roots to push out the replacement shoots, and the bush will resume again.

    Cinquefoil perfectly tolerates the haircut, so it can be given any shape. If the bush is not cut from time to time, it will become loose, with uneven long shoots. So the cobbler needs a hairdresser.