
Kidney displacement: underlying causes, clinic and consequences

  • Kidney displacement: underlying causes, clinic and consequences

    Normal location of the kidneys implies their being on either side of the spinal column. At the same time, their boundaries are determined by 11-12 thoracic and 1-2 lumbar vertebrae. Changing these boundaries more than 3 cm is the displacement of the kidney.

    The basis of the normal location of the kidneys

    Their location is normally provided by a number of anatomical structures.

    1. The kidney bed is a recess in the muscles of the back.
    2. Renal fascia are connective tissue sheets that extend from the diaphragm and surround the kidney from the front and back sides.
    3. Binding device. Connecting connective strands connecting them with neighboring organs. The right kidney is fixed by two ligaments: hepatic-renal and renal-duodenal( from the word "duodenum" - duodenum).The left one is connected to the pancreas and spleen with the help of the corresponding ligaments: pancreato-rental and reno-lienal.
    4. Fat capsule. Layer of adipose tissue located directly between the fascia and the kidney.
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    6. Vascular "leg".It consists of renal vessels. That is, from the vein and artery.

    This is important! Accordingly, the displacement occurs as a result of weakening of the data of the binding structures. Moreover, weakening of the fasciae and ligaments make the main contribution to the development of displacement, since they represent the main fixing apparatus of the organ.

    Reasons for bias

    All the main causes of displacement lie in their fixing apparatus.

    • Weakened ligaments and fascial bed. Occurs under the influence of a number of provoking factors. First of all, they include back injuries, chronic diseases of retroperitoneal space and neighboring organs. So the weakening of the hepatorenal ligament is often observed in chronic hepatitis. The same is noted for chronic zpolnvaniya duodenal ulcer. Also, loosening of the ligamentous apparatus can be associated with the kidneys themselves. Berenosis can also lead to a weakening of the fascial-related apparatus. This fact is confirmed by the fact that the displacement in women is several times more common than in men.
    • Depletion of the fat capsule. It occurs as a result of a sharp decrease in weight. It is often observed in cases of severe general injuries, chronic diseases, eating disorders.

    For example, a lower location of renal vessels creates an additional condition for omission.

    The bias clinic

    The bias clinic is more dependent not on the presence of ptosis, but on the degree of its severity. In this connection, three stages of ptosis are distinguished.

    1. The first stage is observed with a slight bias. It occurs at a distance equal to at least 1/3 of the length of the kidney. It's about 6-7 centimeters.
    2. The second stage is characterized by a significant displacement. The kidney almost completely falls below the costal arch.
    3. The third stage is characterized by an even more significant displacement. The organ can reach the small pelvis.

    This is important! The main symptom of displacement( and often only) is pain. Its appearance is different at different stages.

    So for the first stage, not constant pains are blunt and aching pain in the lumbar region. They arise not often and not for a long time. In this case, only the lower third of the kidney is available for palpation.

    In the second stage, the pain becomes more prolonged and more pronounced. Almost all of the kidney is palpable. In this case, palpation is painful due to the overestimation of the painful receptors of the fascia.

    In the third stage, the pain is almost constant. Often they can give into the corresponding iliac region of the abdomen. The kidney is constantly accessible by palpation.

    In addition to pain, various mental disorders can occur during the shift. So for the male, suffering from kidney ptosis, hypochondriac mood, irritability is often observed. For women, hysteroid reactions are most common.

    Complications of nephroptosis

    The main complications of organ displacement include various inflammatory and non-inflammatory pathologies.

    1. Inflammation complications arise due to the fact that a constant bias negatively affects urodynamics - urinary incontinence. This creates conditions for the appearance of foci of chronic infection. The most common of these are pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis.
    2. Non-inflammatory diseases include the following pathologies:
    • Hydronephrosis is a fluid accumulation in the tissues of the kidney. As a result, the body is almost completely turned off from the "work".
    • Urolithiasis. The formation of stones from uric acid crystals is due to a violation of urinary retention, and hence - as a result of its stagnation.
    • Kidney infarct. It is one of the most formidable complications of the third stage of nephroptosis. The mechanism of occurrence is associated with pathological processes that take place when there is a displacement. First, a significant nephroptosis can lead to clotting of the kidney vessels, which underlies the ischemia of its tissues. Secondly, a constant bias creates favorable conditions for thrombus formation.

    Diagnosis of kidney bias

    For diagnosis of bias on anamnesis, palpation, percussion and instrumental diagnostics are of great value.

    Laboratory changes are not informative, as in the absence of complications, the compensatory possibilities of a healthy kidney are quite capable of coping with the basic functions of the excretory system.

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