
Rehabilitation after kidney removal: a further process

  • Rehabilitation after kidney removal: a further process

    Nephrectomy is called surgical intervention, during which the kidney is removed. Such manipulations are prescribed to patients with large organ cancers, serious damage to the kidney tissue by the cyst or carbuncles, purulent melting of the organ, complete dysfunction of kidney tissue provoked by tuberculosis or due to trauma.

    In people with disseminated renal oncology, complete nephrectomy is realized as an operation whose purpose is to reduce the pain and level of intoxication of the body, as well as the cessation of severe hematuria. Complete removal of the kidney can be carried out only if there is a second properly functioning kidney.

    The life activity of a person with a single kidney is virtually unchanged except for a few non-serious limitations, and rehabilitation after kidney removal is in compliance with special rules and prevention measures.

    The kidney removal operation is shown to people in the following situations:

    1. Tumor in the kidney.
    2. Serious kidney trauma.
    3. instagram viewer
    4. Kidney anomalies.
    5. Polycystic and other severe pathologies, when the kidney is unable to perform its work, which leads to various complications and organ damage to the infection.

    Nephrectomy is performed in the urological department. After completion of the operation, the patient remains in the hospital usually for one to three weeks, and how long the rehabilitation after removal of the kidney will last depends on the general state of human health.

    Complications after surgery

    After the kidney removal surgery, the consequences will depend on the patient's health, the presence of concomitant pathologies, the experience of the surgeon and the quality of preoperative preparation.

    In the postoperative period after removal of the kidney, nonspecific complications can develop, which are explained by general anesthesia and a patient's continued immobility. To such complications should be attributed:

    • congestive pneumonia;
    • thromboembolism in the pulmonary artery;
    • myocardial infarction;
    • thrombophlebitis;
    • stroke.

    Fortunately, the listed deviations develop very rarely. To prevent them, it is important to properly prepare for the operation of the patient and his early activation after the operation.

    Early rehabilitation

    The early rehabilitation period is to observe the following rules that help to achieve successful recovery after kidney removal:

    • Physical activity. Immediately after the surgical intervention, the patient should remain in a supine position on the back and avoid sudden movements in order to prevent complications of the type of slipping or misalignment of the sutures from the kidney foot. If after two - there are no complications for three days, the patient is allowed to sit, and on the fourth day - you can get up. At the first stage of the postoperative period, reasonable activation is required through the movement of the limbs, performing exercises of respiratory gymnastics, turning from one side to the other.
    • Eating after surgery. A few hours after the completion of the operation, the patient is allowed to consume a small amount of water or to rinse the mouth. The next day, you can eat. At times, the postoperative period may be complicated by the development of the intestinal paresis. Weak peristalsis is explained by irritation of the peritoneum during the operation. This is manifested by bloating, stool retention and gas escape. In such a situation, a gas pipe is used, an enema is placed and medications are prescribed that increase the activity of the intestine.

    The process of further rehabilitation of

    The rehabilitation period after removal of the kidney can last from one year to one and a half years. At this time, the second kidney is under heavy loads and performs large amounts of work to compensate for the absence of the paired organ.

    In adaptation, the remaining kidney increases in size, which is why, in the first year after surgery, patients complain of mild blunted pain in the area of ​​the remaining organ. This symptom is not dangerous and passes through time itself. After discharging a person from the hospital, it is recommended that he avoid excessive physical exertion.

    For maintenance of health it is recommended:

    1. Walking in the mornings and evenings.
    2. Carrying out hardening water procedures, such as a shower, wiping with a towel.

    It is well known that the skin, like the kidneys, performs the excretory function. Therefore, you must carefully monitor its cleanliness.

    After removing a single point, you need to adhere to special rules regarding nutrition. Take recommended digestible food with sufficient calorie content. It is important to limit the intake of protein in the body. The following products should be taken as a basis for food:

    • Rye bread.
    • Vegetables, fruits and dishes from them.
    • Sour-milk products.
    • Low-fat fish and meat for 200-300 g per week.

    Any dishes should be steamed, stewed or boiled. Smoked, fried and canned foods and meals should also be excluded from the diet.

    It is not recommended to abruptly abandon the consumption of salt and liquid, because it can cause irreparable harm. Drink better non-carbonated pure water, juices, weak tea, cranberry juice. If necessary, the attending physician makes up a personal diet.

    The process of rehabilitation after nephrectomy is also to organize activities to preserve the health of the remaining kidney. This requires:

    • Prevent the infection of the body by infections.
    • Carry out timely treatment of acute and chronic forms of inflammation - otitis media, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc.
    • Prevent subcooling.
    • Regularly go to the urologist to assess the possibilities of working the remaining kidney.

    If it was not possible to prevent the disease, then you should not be treated yourself, it's better to turn to a specialist in time. Untreated pathologies of an infectious nature can lead to the defeat of pyelonephritis and other inflammations of the second kidney, which will lead to its dysfunction.

    The life of a person with a single kidney is practically the same as that of ordinary people. With adequate physical exertion, proper nutrition, proper organization of work and rest regime, the life expectancy does not decrease in any way.

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