
Logopedic facial massage in pictures and video( for children)

  • Logopedic facial massage in pictures and video( for children)

    All parents are impatiently waiting for their child to speak. If the child is not in a hurry to do this or speaks with defects - this is a serious cause for concern. You can overcome such difficulties with the help of massage. You can see the speech therapy facial massage in pictures in this article.

    Massage can be done by either an expert or parents at home.

    Conditions for massage

    The room should be comfortable with the optimum air temperature. Very much depends on the condition of the hands of the masseur. They need to be washed, warmed, peeled off and nails trimmed. If they have scratches, allergies and other injuries, massage should be postponed.

    Do not massage until two hours after eating. Before doing this, make sure that there are no leftovers or foreign objects in the child's mouth.

    To make the effect noticeable, you need to do twenty sessions of massage. Then take a break for one month and repeat again. It is desirable to hold sessions every day.

    The duration of the massage is from 5 to 25 minutes. It depends on the age of the child and on the severity of the disease. The first massage lasts five minutes. The duration of subsequent sessions should be increased by five minutes.

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    The child should not feel uncomfortable. Do not need the first massage in the horizontal direction. It is better to do it in a sitting position. Ensure that your movements do not cause pain and do not cause unpleasant sensations.

    Over time, the child will get used to these procedures, and will withstand the entire necessary complex.

    Contraindications to the

    massage There are several contraindications for carrying out speech therapy massage:

    • colds and flu;
    • inflammation of the eyes and mouth;
    • the presence of herpes.

    If the child is not set up for massage - crying, screaming, avoiding touching in every possible way, do not force him. The effect of such a session will not be.

    Technique of massage

    Logopedic massage of the face is based on stroking, rubbing, vibration, kneading. For children, the most important thing is that they feel comfortable at the same time.

    Movements are made in the direction from the forehead to the chin.

    To begin with, you need to smooth the muscles of the forehead from the middle to the temples.

    Then do stroking, rubbing and vibrating movements from the eyebrows until the hair begins to grow.

    The area of ​​the face from the corners of the mouth to the temples stretch and slightly stretch.

    In the direction from the cheekbones to the bottom of the jaw, stretch and relax with stroking.

    To massage the wings of the nose - to do stroking, rubbing and vibrating movements.

    In the direction from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips make stroking movements.

    Make rubbing and vibrating movements on the lower lip. In the direction from the middle to the corners.

    Stroke, grind, and then make vibratory movements on the upper lip. In the direction from the middle to the corners.

    Make mashing and stroking movements in the direction from the chin to the corners of the mouth.

    And finally, pat and stretch your neck in the direction from the bottom up.

    Logopedic massage at home

    Before you start the massage yourself, you need to consult a speech therapist. If your child has serious disorders in speaking, he will need qualified help.

    Despite the apparent simplicity, such movements cause a different effect.

    They can both relax the muscles, and lead to tonus. What exactly is necessary for your child to be able to identify a specialist. Based on this, a set of massage movements will be assigned.

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