
Renal nephropathy, kidney nephropathy and their manifestations

  • Renal nephropathy, kidney nephropathy and their manifestations

    Nephropathy is a whole group of diseases that differ in their causes and flow and arise from the violation of metabolic processes in the body. Types of kidney nephropathy depend on specific manifestations of lesions, beriberi, hypoxia etc.contribute to the development of diseases.

    With nephropathy, kidney structures are damaged and kidney work is deteriorating. Nephropathy can be primarily hereditary or secondary, that is acquired.

    As a result of progressive nephropathy, there may be a risk that a chronic form of kidney failure will occur. Which at the first stages of its development is asymptomatic, which is especially dangerous for the state of human health.

    Causes and varieties of nephropathy

    Due to the fact that nephropathy is not a disease but rather becomes the outcome of other painful processes, there are many reasons for its development - long-term use of medications, intoxication of the body with heavy metals, exposure to the body by radiation, metabolic disorders,tumor processes, the effects of toxins on the body, abnormalities in the structure of the kidneys and urinary canals.

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    Exchange or dismetabolic nephropathy is a kidney damage that occurs due to metabolic disturbances. This pathology is often found in pediatric practice, since metabolic disorders of urine are observed in every third child.

    In a normal state, together with urine, a certain amount of salts is excreted from the body. Simultaneously, the urine does not lose its transparency and there are no foreign particles in it. When carrying out microscopic examination of urine, salt crystals are found in it. Depending on the concentration of such salts, the physician makes a decision about the presence of such a pathology as renal exchange renal nephropathy.

    If the child's exchange nephropathy remains constant, and the doctor determines that relatives have suffered from urolithiasis, certain preventive and curative measures are required. Excess allocation of salts along with urine is considered a risk factor for the formation of kidney stones.

    Oxalate-calcium nephropathy - often found in children, and its development can correlate with a violation of metabolic processes of calcium, oxalates. Oxalates enter the human body with food and are synthesized by the body itself.

    The causes of oxalate formation are:

    • High concentration of oxalates in consumed food.
    • Intestinal pathologies - ulcerative colitis, intestinal anastomoses, etc.
    • High production of oxalates in the body.

    Oxalatnaja a nephropathy - a multifactorial pathology. According to various sources, the hereditary factor in the development of oxalate nephropathy is up to 75%.But in addition to genetic predisposition, much depends on the effect on the body nutrition, stressful situations, ecology, etc.

    The first signs of the disease are formed regardless of the person's age, and can be detected even in newborns. More often the disease is diagnosed in five to seven years if urine crystals are detected in oxalates, some protein, red blood cells and leukocytes. An increase in the removed urine density is also observed.

    Oxalate nephropathy, as a rule, does not affect the overall development of children, but they may have vegetative-vascular dystonia, obesity, a tendency to lower blood pressure and headaches. The period of exacerbation of the disease occurs at the time of puberty, that is, the age from 10 to 14 years due to hormonal failures in the body of a teenager.

    Progression of this pathology can provoke the formation of kidney stones, the development of the inflammatory process in case of attachment of a bacterial infection.

    Phosphate nephropathy - often occurs in pathologies that are accompanied by a disruption in the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium in the body. And the main cause of the formation is chronic infection of the urinary system.

    Often, phosphate nephropathy is accompanied by oxalate-calcium, but in such a situation is manifested weaker.

    Urinary nephropathy - is a violation of the exchange of uric acid. For one day in the human body produces up to 1000 mg of uric acid, one-third of this volume is secreted into the intestines, where it is destroyed by bacteria. The rest is filtered in the kidneys and absorbed back, and only about 12% of the total volume is excreted along with the urine.

    Primary urate nephropathy is due to hereditary impairment of uric acid metabolism.

    Secondary urate nephropathy develops as a complication of other pathologies, is the result of taking some medications or disrupting the functioning of the renal tubules or due to a violation of the physico-chemical properties of urine. The deposition of urate crystals in the kidney tissue provokes the formation of the inflammatory process and the deterioration of the kidneys. The first symptoms of pathology are manifested already in early childhood, but mostly doctors note the latent course of the disease.

    When carrying out a general analysis of urine, it reveals the presence of a small number of red blood cells and protein. With a high urate concentration, the urine becomes a brick shade.

    Disturbance of cystine metabolism. Cystine is considered the product of metabolic processes of an amino acid called methionine. There are two main reasons for the increase in the concentration of cystine in the urine - this is its excess in the kidney cells or a violation of the processes of reverse absorption of cystine into the renal tubules.

    Cystine accumulates in cells due to genetic defects. Often, the intracellular accumulation of cystine is found not only in the kidneys, but also in the spleen, liver, bone marrow, lymph nodes, peripheral blood cells, in the muscular and neural tissues and in other organs.

    Infringement of the reverse absorption of cystine is detected in the renal tubules due to hereditary defects in the transport processes of amino acids such as arginine, cystine, ornithine and lysine through the cell walls.

    If metabolic nephropathy begins to progress regardless of its variety. That shows symptoms of urolithiasis, and in case of infection - an inflammatory process in the kidneys.

    Treatment and diagnosis of nephropathy

    The diagnostic process is based on the study of the clinical picture of the disease, laboratory data, ultrasound examination. If necessary, more sophisticated and accurate methods of instrumental diagnostics are implemented.

    Treatment is carried out in a hospital and consists of implementing measures that involve the elimination of the causative factor, the implementation of symptomatic therapy, that is, the restoration of blood pressure, the elimination of puffiness, the normalization of diuresis and homeostasis of blood.

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