
Treatment of kidney cysts with folk remedies: an overview of the most effective means

  • Treatment of kidney cysts with folk remedies: an overview of the most effective means

    The kidney cyst is a benign neoplasm and is a small cavity that is filled with fluid. Mostly men are at risk.

    Before starting treatment of the kidney cyst by folk remedies, the patient must undergo a comprehensive examination to exclude the presence of malignant tumors.

    Selection of a suitable therapy regimen using medicinal plants should be carried out by a qualified specialist.

    The most effective prescriptions for

    Treatment of a kidney cyst without surgery is possible. For this, it is necessary to pay attention to a list of simple and effective recipes of traditional medicine. Before you start using this or that remedy, it is recommended to consult your doctor.

    Therapy with the use of walnuts allows you to eliminate the disease quickly and effectively. 200 mg of nutshells should be filled with water and boiled for a short period of time over low heat.

    Reception of the received drink should be carried out three times a day for 65 ml. The initial course of therapy can be up to 1.5 months. Then you should make a two-week break. In the event that, against the background of using the nut shell, the patient begins to worry about pain, this may indicate the elimination of the disease. However, just in case it is recommended to see a doctor and get a check-up.

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    One of the simplest recipes used in the treatment of kidney cysts by folk methods is the use of green tea with the addition of a small amount of warm milk and honey. You can drink this drink 2-3 times a day.

    The application of aspen bark has an effective effect. The bark needs to be ground in a coffee grinder or in a meat grinder to a powdery state and take 10-15 grams three times daily before meals. It is desirable to drink the powder with a small amount of simple, purified water. The duration of the course of admission is individual in each case. On average, it will take at least 14 days to use the powder to achieve a therapeutic effect.

    Healing drink, which includes elecampane, live yeast and sugar can fight even polycystic. For preparation, all components are mixed, poured with warm water and left for several days. The resulting drink resembles kvass. It can be taken up to 4 times a day for 30 days. After a two-month break, the reception of the drink can be repeated.

    Use of Burdock Leaves

    Another effective folk remedy for kidney cysts is the application of burdock leaves.

    The burdock leaves are twisted into a meat grinder, stacked in a glass jar and placed overnight in the refrigerator. As a result, you get a burdock gruel in combination with the juice of the leaves. The drink is filtered and treated. The plant includes:

    • A large number of polysaccharides, which contribute to the improvement of normal functioning of the kidneys, liver and pancreas.
    • Alkaloids, which contribute to the antitumor effect and antibacterial effect.

    The reception of the received drink should be carried out according to the following scheme:

    • 1st and 2nd day of treatment: 25 ml twice a day.
    • 3-6 day: 25 ml three times a day.
    • 6-8 day: 25 ml twice a day.

    The use of the drug according to the proposed scheme can be carried out for one and a half months. Then follows a short break.

    Use of celandine

    When treating herbs with kidney cysts, note that some of them may be toxic. For example, leaves of celandine can have a toxic effect. When using this plant, additional application of laxatives is required. This allows you to adapt to celandine and not to provoke the development of unwanted side effects.

    It is recommended to start the celandine with a minimum dosage: 10 drops per 30 ml of simple purified water half an hour before the main meal. Every day you can increase the dosage by 1 drop. When the number of drops increases to 45, the dosage should be slowly reduced.

    Using a golden mustache

    When treating a disease using a golden mustache, the plant can be used both for making infusions, as a basis for the preparation of medicinal decoctions.

    The plant should be ground in a meat grinder, mixed with 400 ml of alcohol and insisted in a dark place for 2 weeks.

    Readiness of curative infusion can be determined by its color - if the liquid has acquired a violet color, treatment can be started.

    Prolonged storage can cause the color of the drink to gradually turn brown.

    Before use, the infusion is filtered and taken 5-7 drops in pure form or previously dissolved in water. Each day, the number of drops can be increased by one. The maximum daily dosage should not exceed 30 drops of infusion.

    If the use of traditional methods of therapy does not lead to the desired result, then a full-time doctor's consultation and a change in treatment strategy are required. In most cases, long-term use of such plants as celandine, golden mustache and burdock leaves is required.

    Additional recommendations of

    With the formation of the kidney cyst, serious attention should be paid to the measures aimed at its elimination. In some cases, the disease can occur without concomitant symptoms. However, with such disturbing manifestations as pain syndrome in the kidneys, urination disorders, impurities of blood in the urine, you should immediately consult a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable and can lead to the development of irreversible complications.

    Diagnostics may require ultrasound and a number of other medical examinations that will help to detect the development of such disorders as kidney enlargement, possible squeezing of the urinary canals, the presence of nephritis, etc., in a timely manner.

    Folk treatment of kidney cysts must necessarily be combined with proper nutrition. From the diet should be removed smoked meat, spicy and fried foods, animal fats, alcoholic beverages, as well as coffee and tea. Against the background of using the described recipes, it is also recommended to abstain from legumes, aerated water, industrial sweets. The described products can reduce the effectiveness of phyto treatment.

    Daily intake of salt should be reduced to 5 grams.

    It is allowed to use cinnamon, dill and cumin to improve the taste of the dishes. Eating should be at least 4-5 times a day. The drinking regime can be increased to 2 liters of liquid.

    Strict compliance with the diet is an extremely important step in the traditional and non-traditional treatment of kidney cysts.

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