
Carrying out the procedure and the necessary diet for kidney dialysis

  • Carrying out the procedure and the necessary diet for kidney dialysis

    Dialysis is implemented provided that the kidneys do not work properly. This method removes harmful components from the blood, provided that the body itself can not cope with the task. Different types of dialysis are classified, and a diet for kidney dialysis is required.

    Complications of kidney failure

    Unfortunately, if the kidneys do poorly with their functions, then the work of other systems in the human body is also disrupted, and this provokes the following complications:

    1. Nerve damage. This pathology makes itself felt by changing the sensitivity in the hands, feet and feet. The reasons are different. This includes the accumulation of products of vital activity, diabetes, vitamin B12 deficiency, etc.
    2. Anemia or anemia is a decrease in the concentration of red blood cells in the blood, which, thanks to hemoglobin, transfer oxygen into the tissues. Possible causes of anemia in dialysis include:
      • The inadequacy of the erythropoietin hormone in the blood, which is produced by healthy kidneys and is required to stimulate the production of erythrocytes.
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      • Loss of high blood volume due to dialysis and blood sampling.
      • Reducing the intake of vitamins and iron because of special nutrition, or their large loss during dialysis procedures.
    3. Pathologies of the osseous system that arise in patients on the terminal phase of kidney failure, due to a violation of the absorption of calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus.
    4. Increased concentration in the blood of potassium, leading to cardiac arrest. To maintain a normal level of potassium in the blood requires compliance with a special diet, appointed by the attending physician.
    5. Body overload with liquid. If the specialist prescribed treatment is not respected, for example, the use of a large amount of fluid, a fluid retention in the tissues may occur. In this situation, heart failure or swelling of the lungs may develop.
    6. Pericarditis - the development of inflammation in the pericardium - this is the membrane that covers the heart. This is the main reason for the contraindication of dialysis.
    7. In addition, a person undergoing dialysis may develop infectious lesions at the site of insertion of the catheter. Approximately 15-20% of patients undergoing hemodialysis may die from the complications that are associated with the placement of an intravenous catheter.

    What is the essence of the procedure

    With the help of dialysis, it is possible to remove slags from the body and prevent their accumulation. Dialysis also helps normalize the concentration of potassium in the body, bicarbonate and sodium in the blood. In addition, the procedure helps control blood pressure.

    This is important! Hemodialysis removes blood from the body and passes it through special filters. Filters remove harmful components, after which the blood again enters the body.

    If a person is shown the organization of dialysis, then first of all access is selected. Such squeaks take a long time. Temporary access is the location of the hollow tube in a large vein, more often it is the neck, chest or legs in the groin area. This procedure is implemented only in emergency situations for a short period of time. But some catheters are used for several weeks or months.

    Permanent access to the body is created through surgical intervention by connecting to the vein of the artery, usually in the hand. There are two main ways of performing the operation:

    • The veins and arteries are connected to each other, and after a few months form the so-called fistula. This method is characterized by a lower risk of infection and lasts longer.
    • A human bridge is used to connect the artery and vein. It can be used for several weeks.

    To prevent the development of complications it will be sufficient to implement the recommendations of a specialist, but for the treatment of the terminal stage of kidney failure, dialysis is required.

    Risks in the procedure of

    The main risk of dialysis organization is as follows: a small air bubble enters the bloodstream and begins to move in the blood vessel to other parts of the body - this is how air embolism develops.

    There is also a risk of developing severe bleeding at the puncture site.

    Electrolyte imbalance may occur, the infectious process may develop, the rhythm of the heartbeat may be disturbed, the blood pressure may drop, the patient complains of nausea with vomiting.

    Implementation of the

    procedure The physician preliminarily instructs the patient. It usually requires the presence of a relative or a close person who will also be pre-instructed. Right before the procedure, the patient is put on a special chair and through the pre-installed catheter from the hemodialysis tube the blood is pumped into the dialyzer.

    This is important! After completion of the filtration process, the blood again enters the body through another vessel, and the catheter remains in the vein until the end of all sessions, that is, until the kidney is transplanted.

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