  • Eosinophils

    Eosinophils are cells, the phagocytizing complexes of Ag-AT, mainly represented by IgE.After maturation in the bone marrow of , the eosinophils are in circulating blood for several hours( about 3-4), and then migrate to tissues where their life span is 8-12 days. For eosinophils, the daily rhythm of fluctuations in the blood is characteristic, the highest indices are recorded at night, the lowest ones are observed in the daytime. The action of eosinophils manifests itself in sensitized tissues. They are involved in hypersensitivity reactions of immediate and delayed type.

    Eosinophilia is an increase in the number of eosinophils in the blood( more than 0.4x109 / L in adults and 0.7x109 / L in children).In some conditions( fibroplastic parietal endocarditis of Lefler, nodular polyarteritis, lymphogranulomatosis), hypereosinophilic leukemoid reactions with eosinophilic hyperplasia of red bone marrow and infiltration of eosinophils of tissues are possible. Parasitic infestations and atopic diseases are most often accompanied by eosinophilia. Invasion with helminth parasites is the cause of prolonged eosinophilia;less often eosinophilia is caused by protozoa. When infecting with intestinal parasites, eosinophilia is rarely pronounced. Nevertheless, an increase in the content of eosinophils to 10-30% and even up to 69% is possible with strongyloidiasis. In allergic conditions, eosinophilia is usually moderate - from 0.2 to 1.5x109 / L, but in some cases may be higher, for example, with bronchial asthma or angioedema. Expressed and stable eosinophilia( from 10 to 60%) is observed in pemphigus and in herpetiform fever of Dühring. In addition, eosinophilia accompanies nodular polyarteritis( in 18% of patients the content of eosinophils reaches 84%), rheumatoid arthritis complicated by vasculitis and pleurisy. Also there is a hypereosinophilic syndrome, in which the leukocytosis reaches 138x109 / l, while the eosinophils account for 93%.

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    The main function of basophils is to participate in immediate-type hypersensitivity reactions. They also participate in delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions, in inflammatory and allergic reactions, in regulation of vascular wall permeability.

    Basophilia - an increase in the number of basophils in the blood( more than 0,2х109 / l).Diseases and conditions in which basophilia is possible include:

    In addition to the above reasons for basophilia, it is possible during ovulation and during pregnancy. Sometimes basophilia occurs due to iron deficiency, lung cancer, anemia of unknown genesis, true polycythemia, some hemolytic anemias, and after splenectomy.

    Basopenia - a decrease in the number of basophils in the blood( less than 0.01x109 / l).Basopenia is difficult to evaluate because of the low basophil content in the norm.