
Preparation of patients, taking, storage and transportation of material for laboratory research

  • Preparation of patients, taking, storage and transportation of material for laboratory research

    Laboratory methods of research are becoming increasingly important in clinical practice. Over the past decade, about 190 new methods have been introduced into laboratory practice, allowing to conduct laboratory studies in the following directions:

    • general clinical studies( urine, feces, gastric and duodenal contents, cerebrospinal fluid, exudates and transudate, other biological fluids);

    • haematological studies( blood, bone marrow, etc.);

    • cytological studies;

    • biochemical studies( in all biological fluids);

    • microbiological studies, including bacteriological, virological and parasitological methods;

    • Immunological methods( including serological diagnosis).

    These methods are increasingly being implemented with the introduction of modern technologies in modern laboratory activities on the latest equipment( automatic and semi-automatic analyzers, counters using standardized test systems, computer processing of the results), which reduces the possibility of diagnostic errors. There are also new directions, actively entering into practical laboratory diagnostics - such as molecular biology, consisting of molecular-genetic and other research methods, combining histological and cytological variants of molecular biological methods.

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    The following molecular biological methods have been widely used:

    • polymerase chain reaction;

    • method of molecular biological amplification;

    • allowing to diagnose a number of fungal and parasitic infections, such as toxoplasmosis, leishmaniasis, etc.

    • allowing to diagnose practically all important in human pathology bacteria and viruses in a short period of time;

    Immunological research methods based on modern methods of analysis have recently acquired great importance: isotope labeling - radioimmunoassay, enzymatic labeling - enzymoimmunoassay;fluorescence and luminescent immunoassays, receptor immunoassay, biomedical analysis.

    Intensive use of immunological studies in clinical chemistry led to their introduction into clinical cytology. All these methods are feasible with the use of expensive equipment and diagnostic test systems. Despite the increase in the accuracy of diagnosis with their application, a large and, as a rule, decisive is the technique of obtaining the material under investigation.

    On how well received and delivered material for further research, the quality and informativity of diagnostics largely depend. When collecting pathological material, a combination of techniques of general clinical, cytological, bacteriological, parasitological and immunological methods of investigation is necessary. This allows you to approach the process under investigation from various positions and give more accurate information about the nature of the pathological process.