  • Gastric ulcer: symptoms, treatment, diet, causes

    Disease, a characteristic feature of which is a violation of the integrity of the gastric mucosa with the formation of a small defect, is called a stomach ulcer or peptic ulcer.

    It is one of the most common diagnoses associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

    The disease is chronic with marked phases of exacerbation, usually falling out in the autumn and spring period, and remission. Changes caused by a stomach ulcer are irreversible, as the damaged area acquires a scar that will never have the ability to produce gastric juice.

    The prevalence of this disease among adults is quite high, about 11%.Urban residents are more exposed to it, which can be explained by psycho-emotional factors and eating habits.

    According to statistics, stomach ulcer is more common in men than in women. In the latter, the appearance of the disease is usually in close connection with the hormonal changes associated with menopause.

    Causes of stomach ulcers

    There are two main causative factors that lead to the development of stomach ulcers:
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    1. 1) Increased production of hydrochloric acid, leading to increased acidity of gastric juice, provokes destruction of the gastric mucosa and the gradual formation of a defect.
    2. 2) If Helicobacter pylori enters the body, a particular bacterium that destroys the cells of the mucosa, it can lead to the formation of ulcers.
    Infection penetrates the saliva of an infected person if the hygiene rules are not respected. It should be noted that a large number of infected people, and their number is about 60% of the world population, is not a big threat without the presence of predisposing factors and provided that hygiene standards are observed.

    As for the conditions that contribute to the appearance of peptic ulcer, they are as follows:

    1. 1) Use of medicines, the side effect of which is the destruction of the gastric mucosa( these are preparations from a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and aspirin).
    2. 2) Presence in the anamnesis of inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa, associated with chronic gastritis or other similar diseases, can lead to the appearance of ulcerative defects.
    3. 3) Neuro-emotional overstrain causes increased production of hydrochloric acid, which increases the acidity of the contents of the stomach.
    4. 4) High acidity can be a consequence of genetic characteristics, in this case they speak of a hereditary predisposition to peptic ulcer.
    5. 5) Dysfunction caused by snacks in the dry, long interruptions between meals, is the cause of changes in the production of gastric juices.
    6. 6) Excessive infatuation with acidic, acute products or rather coarse food, alcoholic beverages, coffee, as well as a habit of smoking stimulates not only the increased secretion of gastric juice, but can lead to an inflammatory process resulting in the formation of ulcers.

    Degrees and forms of the disease

    Depending on the nature of the course of gastric ulcer, three degrees are distinguished:

    1. Light. Symptomatic disease even at the time of exacerbation is poorly expressed, the duration of the acute period does not exceed a week and its frequency is very small - every two years. If the patient receives proper treatment and observes proper diet and diet in the stomach ulcer, the period of remission is not associated with unpleasant manifestations.
    2. Average. The periods of exacerbation take about 2 weeks, manifest twice a year, they are accompanied by severe pain syndrome, vomiting and problems with stools.
    3. Heavy. Exacerbations occur more than twice a year, their duration exceeds 14 days. The patient's condition is severe, he experiences severe pain. At this degree of disease, most often there are various complications.
    An important point for proper treatment of stomach ulcers is the identification of the site of its localization. Depending on this, the following classification is created:

    1. 1) Ulcer of the atrial and body parts of the stomach. The first form of the disease is more typical for young patients.
    2. 2) In patients who have crossed the 50-year threshold, the ulcer of the subcardial department is more often diagnosed.
    3. 3) The pyloric ulcer of the stomach is localized on the narrowest part of this organ, where it passes into the 12-colon.

    Symptoms of stomach ulcers

    Symptoms characteristic of stomach ulcers are manifested during an exacerbation. To provoke this condition may be a violation of diet, excessive physical or emotional stress, stress, the use of certain medications, infections. Usually the attack begins acutely with the onset of intense pain in the area of ​​the stomach.

    The peculiarity and time of the onset of the painful syndrome directly depends on the location of the ulcer:

    1. 1) For the stomach ulcer in the area of ​​the entrance department there are such manifestations as night and "hungry" pains, sometimes heartburn may occur, vomiting with a sour smell of vomit is much less common. The defect on the body of the stomach manifests itself as heartburn, eructation, nausea and vomiting, which brings tangible relief, painful sensations occur shortly after eating, sometimes they are given to the area of ​​the left hypochondrium, back, left half of the sternum or behind it.
    2. 2) Subcardial gastric ulcer differs in the specific localization of the pain syndrome, which appears in the region of the xiphoid process, in the hypochondrium where the sternum ends. Sometimes the pain radiates to the heart area.
    3. 3) Pyloric ulcer manifests itself with sharp pains in the epigastric region, which can be present permanently or occur without apparent causes and systems at any time. The situation is often complicated by severe vomiting.
    Pains can be aching, drilling, cutting, cramping, blunt. Heartburn occurs due to the high acidity of the gastric juice and can manifest itself both in association with the pain syndrome, and in front of it.

    Most patients complain of an acidic eructation, accompanied by salivation and characteristic regurgitation. This symptom is non-specific, due to the weakness of the cardiac sphincter and manifestations of antiperistalsis.

    Nausea with vomiting is one of the bright symptoms of a stomach ulcer. They usually occur at the time of greatest pain and ease the condition. Vomitive weight consists of absorbed food and sour stomach contents. Most people with peptic ulcer suffer from violations of defecation, in particular - from constipation. The inability to empty the intestine can cause even more trouble than pain.

    Appetite in patients with stomach ulcers remains unchanged or increases. Reduction can be observed only against a background of intense pain.

    Treatment of stomach ulcers

    For the improvement of the patient's condition, stomach ulcers use non-medicamentous, medicinal and surgical treatment measures.

    During the period of remission it is recommended to take a course of sanatorium treatment, completely abandon bad habits and adhere to a special diet that includes not only a certain list of products, but also ways of their preparation and use. With the exacerbation of the menu it becomes even more strict and sparing
    The use of medications is resorted to during the period of worsening of the patient's condition. The effect of these drugs is directed to the fight against Helicobacter pylori, if exactly it provoked an attack, neutralization of hydrochloric acid and reduction of gastric secretion.

    To implement these goals, the following groups of medicines are used:

    1. 1) Antibiotics. Eliminate pathogenic bacteria. From the extensive range of this group choose those that are resistant to an acidic environment. These properties are characteristic for amoxicillin, metronidazole, and clarithromycin.
    2. 2) Antacids. Called to neutralize the effect of hydrochloric acid on the walls of the stomach through alkali. Treatment is not without Almagel, Maalox, Vicair, Gastrogel and other similar medications. These drugs are widely used during remission to combat heartburn and to improve the digestive process. In addition, they are able to accelerate the healing of ulcers with the help of a special mucus, which is created on the walls of the stomach.
    3. 3) Histamine blockers. Their use is associated with the need to reduce the secretion of gastric juice to reduce the effect of acidic environment on the affected mucosa. Prescribe drugs of the third generation, for example, kvamatel, gastrosedin, topsin.
    If conservative treatment of gastric ulcer does not produce results or complications occur, expressed by perforation of the walls of the stomach, profuse bleeding, constriction of the pylorus and other undesirable consequences, resort to surgical intervention. Gastrectomy is prescribed.

    Read also: diet with stomach ulcer sample menu for a week.


    Preventive measures aimed at preventing the threat of stomach ulcers, based on the observance of personal hygiene, the rejection of bad habits, full sleep, avoidance of stress.

    It is important to eat fully, adhere to the regime of food intake, thoroughly chew it, do not eat extreme low or high temperatures, refuse foods that increase the acidity of gastric juice.

    With the first symptoms of stomach ulcers, you should seek qualified help and not disregard other gastrointestinal diseases that can contribute to mucosal inflammation.

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