
Omission of the kidney: contraindications, manifestations of pathology and appropriate treatment

  • Omission of the kidney: contraindications, manifestations of pathology and appropriate treatment

    Kidney is called a state of the body when the body becomes too mobile. Due to the displacement of the kidney, pain, blood flow, blood pressure, and the risk of developing more severe pathologies are subsequently manifested. Usually omission develops with a rapid decrease in body weight or with a weakening of the muscles surrounding the kidney and ensuring its location. Obstruction of the kidney: the doctor must take into account the contraindications to surgery when prescribing treatment.

    Nephroptosis is often diagnosed in young women, and treatment can be conservative or surgical.

    Causative factors of the onset of

    The cause of nephroptosis development can be various external and internal influences on the body, which cause weakening of the ligamentous apparatus.

    Basically, these disorders include:

    1. Rapid weight loss when the renal capsule is thinning, which includes fatty tissue.
    2. Lesion of tissues in the lumbar region, provoked by the receipt of direct or indirect injury - bruises, fall, operation.
    3. instagram viewer
    4. Muscle loosening on the abdomen and lower back muscles in old age.
    5. Often, kidney damage occurs during pregnancy.
    6. Incorrect physical activity - power sports, unsuitable physical activities

    Predicting factors to the development of pathology are a prolonged stay in an upright position: the kidney lowers even lower, as well as permanent vibrations. In this regard, omission of the kidney becomes a characteristic disease for people in certain professions, for example, for sellers, drivers, dentists, etc.

    Symptomatic development of nephroptosis

    The first sign of the development of pathology is pain in the kidneys, which become stronger in the evening, as the weight rises. The pain does not recede even after taking pain medications and only a little calms down when lying down.

    This is important! If more recently a person has lost excess weight, then he is at risk of manifesting the disease. When starting, the development of pyelonephritis begins - the body temperature rises, there is weakness and chills. In this situation, you need to turn to a specialist, and the exact diagnosis is the implementation of computed tomography or intravenous urography.

    How treatment is performed for the diagnosis of nephroptosis

    As a rule, the treatment of nephroptosis is the organization of conservative therapy. Conservative methods include orthopedic treatment - wearing a special bandage - it is worn before getting out of bed, with a deep breath and lying down. The bandage is being removed in the evening.

    Modern orthopedics produces a large number of various bandages, corsets. Belts, manufactured individually for each case of disease. Contraindication of orthopedic therapy is the kidney, which was fixed in a new place through the adhesive process. In other situations, orthopedics are mandatory.

    This is important! At the first stage of pathology formation, the benefit is provided by sanatorium-resort treatment, belly massage, exercises of physical therapy, suggesting strengthening of muscles and restoration of normal indices of intra-abdominal pressure. The amplitude of the displacement of the kidneys is also limited.

    It is impossible to put the kidney in place only through medication, but the medications are responsible for treating complications of nephroptosis. Pyelonephritis responds well to antibiotic therapy and the reception of uroseptics.

    The elevation of blood pressure in the development of renal hypertension is controlled with the help of antihypertensive drugs. Also, patients are prescribed painkillers and antispasmodics, anti-inflammatory medications. It is important to abandon heavy physical exertion to prevent complications.

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