
Recipe of jam from apricots and all the details of making jam or jam with bones and without

  • Recipe of jam from apricots and all the details of making jam or jam with bones and without

    Apricot jam has ever been tasted by everyone. Apricots we all know and love in any form: in dried, in jams and in compotes. About how much apricots are rich in vitamins, and not worth talking about. But they are especially useful to those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

    Jam from apricots( the recipe will be lower) is very tasty and beautiful in appearance. Especially prized jam, where apricots are not boiled in a homogeneous mass, and retained their shape.

    In today's article we will tell you how to prepare the most delicious and beautiful jam from not very ripe medium-sized apricots.


    You will need: 2 kilograms of apricots, 1 kilogram of sugar, half a teaspoon of citric acid.

    Preparation of jam

    It is best to take apricots for jam a little immature, dense and medium-sized. Ripe apricots quickly boil, and the jam will turn into a homogeneous mass.

    Apricots need to be washed and dried. Carefully divide into halves and remove the bones. In a saucepan or basin, in which jam will be prepared, lay a layer of apricots core up and pour a layer of sugar, then another layer of apricots and another layer of sugar. Do this until you have laid out all the prepared apricots. The top should be a layer of sugar. Leave the apricots for 10-12 hours.

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    Then put the pelvis on the fire when the juice starts to rise, gently stir the jam and slowly boil over a small fire. Try to mix the apricot jam very carefully, so as not to damage the apricots.

    Jam is prepared for about 40-50 minutes, then remove the pelvis and lay out the resulting delicacy on the banks. We roll up the covers, turn them over, wrap them in a blanket, and in this form let them cool down. Keep it in a cool place.

    As you can see, our recipe is not very laborious, and as a result you get a fragrant, beautiful and tasty treat. Such jam can be useful for decorating cakes. Whole halves of apricots will look very nice.

    The little secrets of

    • should never be lazy to get out of apricots bones. There are recipes for jam with bones, but such jam can not be used as a filling for pies;
    • if the kernels of apricot kernels are not tasty, then they can be replaced by another component. For example, apricot jam with walnuts or almonds is very popular among jam lovers. Nut, like a nucleolus, should be placed inside the apricot. Such a delicacy is not only unusually tasty, but also useful;
    • if you make peel from apricots to peel, the preserves will turn out to be softer and more homogeneous. If it is boiled for 30-40 minutes and mixed thoroughly, it will resemble the consistency of jam.

    Video recipes

    Jam with apricot nuts:

    Apricot jam:

    Jam in the multivariate:

    Jam from gooseberry and apricots: