  • How to remove a bang beautifully: a photo with a short and bang

    Often before happy owners of a bang, and no matter what, short or long, the question arises: how to remove bangs beautifully? He is very relevant, because even despite the uniqueness of the hairstyle with bangs, sometimes you want to change the image. For example, go to a meeting with a beautiful open forehead and loose hair. The presence of a bang in this case is not a sentence for a new hairstyle. You just need to learn how to put it right.

    Beautiful but short

    This paragraph is dedicated to all women who do not know how to beautifully remove a short bang. There are several simple rules that allow you to do this without even using the help of a hairdresser. Of course, variations with a short bang can be thought up much less than with a long or oblique, but do not despair. A little practice, and you will succeed!

    So, here are the options that you will definitely like.

    Romantic people can make a retro wave. To obtain a result, you can not do without a modeling mousse and strong varnish. Hair should be slightly moistened, apply mousse and put the strands on the forehead in the form of a large wave "a la twenties".Result fix with lacquer.

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    More eccentric girls, not afraid of experiments, can try to "put" a fringe with a funny hedgehog. Hairstyle will look pretty bold. For such a bang, you need wax. Apply it with your fingers to dry hair and rastrepite bangs, giving it a chaotic form. Fix it with lacquer.

    It is especially interesting that such a bang will look like a haircut in a pixie, if you put all your hair in the manner of artistic disorder.

    Metamorphosis of a long bang

    There are not so many problems with bangs, if it is long initially, according to the idea of ​​the master who made the haircut. In this case, it is best to try to disguise it by including in the total mass of hair. It is permissible to use curlers, hair curlers, and even bright accessories. For example, a bang that has grown to the chin can be slightly podged and stabbed back with a beautiful hair clip. In general, accessories can be used any, but hair clips are still preferable.

    Even if the high forehead hides the bangs, which is perfectly right, sometimes you want experiments! Well, that's entirely permissible. The main thing is a sense of proportion. For example, you can try not to bang the bangs back very tightly, but slightly loosen the strands of hair to make a flirtatious wave on your forehead.

    Another very interesting option for a long bang: braiding braids. Strange as it may seem, the bangs served in this way look very worthy in any situation, well, maybe with the exception of business negotiations. And the braid does not have to be braided, you can just twist the beautiful tourniquet, as in the photo below.

    In addition to pins with the fence of a long bang, you can also use a hair hoop. By the way, quite an interesting trend: hairstyle in the style of a la sixties. She needs a long bang and a beautiful hoop. The technology of execution is simple: it is good to comb the hair along the entire length and make the hair on the very roots. Strip the comb on the forehead and do not touch it yet. Wear a hoop. After this, gently tilt the bangs back and tuck it under the bezel. Slightly move the hoop on the forehead.

    On top of the hoop you can put on a beautiful bright ribbon or take a beautiful designer hoop.

    Or do a haircut in antique style without bangs and with a high fleece.

    Between short and long

    And what if the woman was tired of a short bang and it was decided to grow hair? When you grow a bang, the strands, of course, have to be constantly removed from the forehead. Hairdressers offer lovely ladies several options for everyday hairstyles, in which a growing bang can be fixed on the back or on the side. And a bang in a hairdress will look beautiful, even if it is short.

    Method one: comb the bangs and comb it on the side. Near the very roots of hair you can make an oblique parting. According to stylists, such a bang in any case will look very sexy.

    Method two: make a small "zalizun", as if mixing a bang with the bulk of the hair. The downside of this laying is that it requires strong fixing means - gel, paste, lipstick, clay. If you overdo with the dosage, there is a risk of not getting a very nice stuck together koltun, so be careful.

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