
How to choose a hair curling iron correctly: choosing and buying a good model

  • How to choose a hair curling iron correctly: choosing and buying a good model

    Many girls dream of voluminous, thick and healthy hair. And if the last two desires can be performed with the help of hair masks and ampoules, the first one will not be so easy. To make your locks more spacious and attractive, you need to use not only third-party items, but also be able to correctly use these objects.

    Earlier, hair curlers were used for a long time, but it was clear to all that using them to make voluminous locks is quite difficult, so they were replaced by more convenient means, and one of them is a curling iron. By our time, many different variations were invented, but the structure remained the same, having not only advantages, but also drawbacks that strongly affect the condition of the hair. In this article, you will learn how to choose a hair curling iron correctly, minuses and pluses of using a curling iron.

    Choosing a curling iron

    Choosing a hair curler for your hair depends only on you, you can use the standard with or without a clamp, you can buy a curling wave or a triple curl, but they all have a common minus - it's a metal surface.

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    When choosing a fuse, make sure that its plates are not metal and not chrome plated. The best and safest option would be a tourmaline-coated curls, also ceramic or titanium can be used.

    Waveforms of long and short hair vary greatly, and everyone knows this, and therefore the diameters of the plates should be different. If you buy a curling iron for long hair, then its diameter should be as much as possible. If you have short hair or medium hair, then choose a smaller diameter. The diameters of the plates vary from 13 to 31 mm.

    The next step is to study the range of possible temperatures. Usually, it ranges from 100 to 200 degrees, but if you want to get really elastic and strong curls, and while you have strong enough hair, it is better to look for temperatures higher, say, up to 230 degrees. If things are the other way around, then you can use ploits with a temperature of 130 degrees. Here it is worth noting that a good ployka should have a temperature control function to prevent possible overheating.

    Now you should consider not such important abilities of your purchase, as a fast start and heating ability, and also length of a cord. If you often do the styling in the morning, when there is not much waiting time, then buy a quickly heated curling iron, the time of its heating is up to 5 minutes. The best for you will be a cord length of 2-3 meters and with the ability to rotate for ease of moving the curling around the head.

    Where to buy a cooler?

    When selecting, you need to take into account not only the above parameters, but also the brand of the fuse, as well as the place where you buy it. On the question of where to buy a good ployka, the answer is quite easy to find. First, a lot depends on the brand of the instrument, so it is recommended to study in advance possible options, it is advisable to use comments and feedback for review. Secondly, the place where you buy a cooler should provide you with a large selection, different brands and types of tools.

    These two main criteria should be taken into account first of all when buying a new fuse.
