  • How to make hair curls: a photo and video with instructions how to wind

    Volumetric and beautiful curls - this is the property of any girl. But it is very rare to get natural curls, and if you get them, you should carefully look after them. The best option is to artificially improve your hair, wind hair. For this, ironing, hair curlers and hair curlers were invented, and over time, various nozzles and other improvements began to be used.

    However, in order to competently wind hair you need to have not a little experience or be confident in your thoughtful actions to the end, so as not to get disobedient uncomfortable little curls. And if you are wondering how to make curls curled up nicely and neatly, then stay.

    Usually, for the creation of curls, use a conical curl, that is, a curl without a clamp and a standard one with a clamp. You decide which one will be more convenient. When buying them, it's better to choose an option according to the length of your hair, the longer, the larger the diameter. However, you can try to make curls on long hair and a small ployka, then you get the effect of natural curly hair.

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    Also, you can curl and only the tips, this option is suitable for those who are afraid to overheat and damage their hair or for less spectacular and vulgar effect, as is usually the case.

    Curls with a conic curler

    A conic curved bar is not the most convenient tool for use, but if it has some experience, then the haircuts are simply stunning. Firstly, this type of fuse does not mean clamping, so you need to hold the lock yourself, but this will not be a big problem for you, as the kit always contains a heat-resistant glove.

    Your task is first to divide the hair into six zones( two parietals, two temporal and two occipital) and, holding the lock, wind it on the curling rod, slightly retreating from the roots, so that the standing curls do not turn out. Preferably, the temporal and occipital zones are wound around the face, parietal from the face. So you can get a soft romantic effect.

    The second option for you is much simpler, you can not divide your hair into six zones, but then one side of the head should be twisted in one direction, and the second - in the other. This method is more suitable for a quick wave in the morning. Also, you get the effect of free developing wind in the wind, which looks very beautiful from the side.

    However, the curl of a cone curler is most welcome for medium hair and for long hair, since short strings are not very comfortable to hold yourself. Also, to keep your curls for a long time you can sprinkle them lightly with lacquer.

    Video master classes will help you in your endeavor.

    Curls with standard curler

    Which is better for curling hair than a regular curl with clip. With its help it is easy to make both curls, and simply wavy voluminous hair. A standard ploick with a clamp is suitable for both long hair and very short, but will have to take tools of different diameters. But in this case, beautiful curls make it much easier. However, with the help of a curling iron with a clamp, it is better to make flowing curls than curls, and how to wind them you will learn further.

    Here you can use the methods provided above, but by holding the knife in place with a curtain, lightly wrap it like a tourniquet. The temporal zones are wrapped around the face, parietal and occipital in the opposite direction. Also, you can not divide your hair into zones, but then try not to get confused. However, it will be correct to use the first option, so it's easier to navigate.

    You can see some photo-examples of the twist options for a standard curling iron.

    As you can see, the options for twisting hair on a standard fuse are quite different, some of them will be helped by video tutorials.