
Dystonia of the kidney, its variants, diagnosis and prevention of complications

  • Dystonia of the kidney, its variants, diagnosis and prevention of complications

    Dystonia of the kidney is a pathology of the structure of the organ, which consists in its movement in the pelvic region into the lumbar region.

    The kidney with dystonia has a lobule structure and is often slightly flattened in the anterior part. The shape of the affected oranus resembles a pear or oval, and its size is much smaller than normal. In this case, the pelvis is located on the surface, and the calyx is turned to the spine. Kidney vessels are somewhat lower and therefore limit the mobility of the organ due to their large number and too short length.

    Often the development of such a disorder develops pathologies of the organs of the reproductive system and other body systems. This is because of the length of the bias time, so this process has a bad effect on the formation of a paired kidney and other organs.

    Lumbar dystonia of the right kidney is the most common type of pathology. In this case, the organ is in the lumbar region much lower than the usual localization. The renal pelvis is facing forward, and the artery very low from the aorta, provoking severe pain.

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    In the area under the ribs, one can grope a tumor, which is often mistakenly confused and incorrect diagnosis of nephroptosis or the presence of a malignancy. The main thing, what distinguishes the lumbar dystonia of the kidneys from nephroptosis is a shortened ureter and restriction of the organ's mobility.

    This is important!

    Most often, the kidney is affected by dystonia, which is located on the right side. Often dystonia of the kidney is combined with various pathologies of kidney development and human reproductive organs. In general, the disease affects the male body due to the special structure of the pelvic organs.

    Varieties of the pathological process of

    Kidney dystonia is classified into the following varieties:

    1. High dystonia or thoracic dystonia, when the organ is a part of hernia of the diaphragm, the ureter is elongated, and the artery moves away from the thoracic aorta.
    2. The iliac dystonia occurs when the spleen is medially displaced, the arteries are multiple and begin from the iliac artery, the kidney remains immobile.
    3. Lumbar dystonia of the right kidney - characterized by the fact that the artery is located above the aortic bifurcation, the organ is limitedly displaced.
    4. Cross dystonia - there is a fusion of two kidneys.
    5. Pelvic dystonia of the right kidney - when it is under aortic bifurcation. But its form remains unstable.

    Simultaneously with kidney dystonia, the body can be affected by other malformations during development.

    How dystonia of the kidney is manifested

    In general, dystonia occurs without symptoms. Sometimes there are painful sensations in the abdominal region or in the ileum, urination is impaired, and during pregnancy severe toxicosis develops.

    This is important!

    While the kidney affected by dystonia remains healthy, it does not provoke any pain. And only the kidneys located in the small pelvis, can squeeze the nearby organs, thereby provoking violations of urinary diversion, violation of the menstrual cycle or create serious obstacles during childbirth.

    The assumption of a doctor about the presence of kidney dystonia occurs when other developmental abnormalities such as atresia of the uterus or testicular retention are simultaneously detected. Incorrect location of the kidney can be accurately diagnosed by X-ray examination or by filling the kidney pelvis with contrast material.

    How to detect the presence of the pathology of

    The kidney that has been struck by dystonia is slightly flattened in the anterior part, and also has a pear-shaped or even oval shape, although the normal kidney has a bean-shaped form. The size of the affected organ is much less than the norm, the calyx is turned towards the spine, and the pelvis is located on the surface. The movement of the affected kidney is limited, due to the too low position of the vessels.

    This is important!

    In the lumbar form of dystonia, the kidney is located in the lumbar region, but below the usual location. At the same time, the renal artery goes too far out of the aorta, and the kidney pelvis is directed forward. The patient can often complain about the pain in the lower back.

    When performing a diagnosis of this anomaly in the structure of the organ, doctors can detect a tumor in the area under the ribs. Sometimes, when an ultrasound is performed, this sign causes the wrong diagnosis, for example, nephroptosis. But the main distinguishing feature of dystonia from nephroptosis is the lack of mobility of the organ and too short a ureter.

    It is best to carry out dystonia of renal dystonia with the help of an X-ray, or more precisely with the help of a microscopic cystography - an X-ray examination of the kidneys and organs of the urinary system when you perform urination. Retrograde ureteropyelography is also often organized-a survey that catheters ureters using a contrast agent.

    Treatment of pathology - the basic techniques of

    First of all, patients with suspected dystonia of the kidneys or with an already diagnosed illness are registered with a urologist. Treatment of kidney dystonia is performed only with the development of complications.

    Dystonia of the kidney is not considered a contraindication to conceiving and giving birth to a child, but a patient with dystonia should be registered as early as possible, because an improper arrangement of the organ can cause a large number of complications and the development of the inflammation process. These factors during pregnancy can provoke fetal death.

    Recommendations for feeding

    When the kidneys are affected by various pathologies, dietary rules are primarily limited to the consumption of fats and proteins. The main rule is the restriction of salt and salty foods, because it is able to retain fluid in the body, thereby overloading the kidneys and interfering with their proper functioning.

    With kidney damage, dystonia will need to monitor not only the consumption of specific foods, but also the way food is taken. This approach helps prevent complications. The basic rules regarding nutrition are as follows:

    • You need to eat a little bit - five to six times a day in small portions.
    • The total amount of liquid consumption per day should not exceed 1.5 liters. To the liquid also include various soups and tea.
    • Do not salt food during cooking, and replace the salt will help lemon juice, vinegar and other acidic components.
    • You should try to eat at about the same time.
    • The diet should be dominated by vegetables, not protein foods such as meat and meat products.
    • It is necessary to completely abandon the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

    Following the above rules of nutrition, the patient facilitates the flow of kidney dystonia. It is necessary that compliance with the rules become a habit, then the pathology will not interfere with the conduct of the habitual way of life.

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