
Multiple cysts of the kidneys - why and under what conditions are developing, the mechanisms of education

  • Multiple cysts of the kidneys - why and under what conditions are developing, the mechanisms of education

    Diagnosis of multiple renal cysts means that a person has a large number of cortical cystic tumors immediately in two kidneys. Typically, this is the detection of more than five cysts in both kidneys.

    It should be noted that multiple cysts are not associated with polycystic kidney disease. Careful study of medical history, collection of family history, clinical signs of lesion, and age of development of the disease - this information enables the physician to organize accurate differential diagnosis between such pathologies as multiple cysts and polycystic kidney disease.

    Mechanism of development and etiological factors of the disease

    Regardless of the location of the cyst, it is formed in accordance with the general mechanisms of development of these neoplasms:

    1. The formation of a clearly limited space that does not contain functional tissue in its composition. This may be a cavity by the principle of cyst formation in the brain after the transference of hemorrhagic stroke.
    2. Formed space is limited by fibers of connective tissue.
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    This is important! These are general mechanisms that may differ slightly depending on the affected organ and the time of formation.

    The main etiological factors provoking multiple cysts are:

    • Hereditary causes. Under their influence in the kidney, congenital cavities are formed. Mutations of chromosomes and disorders of the structure of genes cause disorders in the development of organs and tissues - this is the main reason for the presence of cavity neoplasms in the kidneys. To the same reasons should be attributed and pathology of the mother's organism, transferred in the period of bearing the child. They contribute to the child's in utero development, without violating the structure of the genetic apparatus itself.
    • Non-hereditary causes are a diverse group of multiple causes. Such tumor formations are formed under the influence on the human body of negative factors already after its birth. The first place among the lesions is occupied by the following diseases: renal carbuncle, inflammation in the kidney, trauma of the lumbar region, urolithiasis, glomerulonephritis. Multiple cysts appear as a result of the development of these diseases - most often due to glomerulonephritis.

    Symptoms of the appearance of multiple cysts

    Among all cases of development of multiple cysts, only a small part is accompanied by any clinical manifestations. Basically, this is a pain in the lumbar region. Pain, as a rule, aching and does not correlate with body movements. When lying on the side, the pain becomes more intense in the situation when the cyst is directly under the capsule.

    If the cystic cavities are located at the poles of the kidney, the pains on the contrary noticeably decrease in the prone position and increase in the vertical position. In any situation, the development of pain indicates that the size of the cyst in the renal parenchyma is more than 5 mm. If the cyst is localized under the renal capsule, then the uncomfortable sensations in the lumbar region disturb the patient already when the growth of the formation is more than 2 cm in diameter.

    This is important! Disorders of the urodynamics process are not typical for multiple renal cysts, but polycystosis always provokes these deviations, which is expressed in a strong edema of the face and a decrease in the volume of urine. Also, polycystosis is characterized by a frequent increase in blood pressure indicators.

    How is diagnostics and subsequent treatment performed?

    For an accurate diagnosis, an ultrasound examination in the kidneys, MRI, computed tomography and radionuclide scanning of the body is performed. The above methods give an opportunity to consider squeezing or changing the shape of the calyx and the renal pelvis.

    Multiple cysts are not always amenable to treatment - the therapy will depend on the symptoms. With a small tumor diameter and no worries, the patient does not need treatment. It is realized only at the moment when the tumor reaches a size of 5 mm and will provoke this or that symptomatology.

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