
Meteosensitivity, meteozavisimost - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Meteosensitivity, meteozavisimost - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Meteosensitivity is the body's response to the effects of meteorological( weather) factors or increased sensitivity to weather fluctuations due to weakening of adaptation mechanisms, immunity or chronic diseases. Diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems are most often accompanied by the appearance of meteosensitivity.

    The distinguishes three degrees of meteorological sensitivity . The mild degree of meteorological sensitivity of is manifested only by subjective malaise, subjective complaints, and at inspection nothing new is found in a person. When is expressed, the meteorological sensitivity( moderate degree) of shows distinct objective changes: changes in blood pressure, electrocardiograms, etc. In , the severe meteosensitivity of is markedly abnormal, manifested by five types of meteorological reactions.

    With cardiac type of meteosensitivity, , there are pains in the heart area, dyspnea. The brain type of meteorological sensitivity of is characterized by headaches, dizziness, noise and ringing in the head.

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    Mixed type of meteorological sensitivity - a combination of cardiac and neural disorders. When astenoneuroticeskim type of meteosensitivity noted increased irritability, irritability, insomnia, changes blood pressure. There are people who can not clearly localize manifestations. This is an indeterminate type of reaction: general weakness, pain and aches in the joints, muscles, etc. Persons suffering from severe meteosensitivity must be under special dispensary supervision. The nature and amount of damage caused by the effect of atmospheric pressure depends on the magnitude( amplitude) of the deviations of atmospheric pressure and, mainly, on the rate of its change.

    Absolutely healthy people with well-functioning adaptation mechanisms on the weather do not react. In practically healthy people, a sharp change in the weather is reflected mainly in the state of the psychoemotional sphere, sometimes meteorological events are observed in abnormal climatic phenomena, that is, these people do not have serious malfunctions, but the rain in the morning can drive them almost depressed. Another thing - chronic patients. Any fluctuations in air temperature, atmospheric pressure, intensity of the electromagnetic field can cause them undesirable exacerbations of the underlying disease, and even lead to a hospital bed.

    Meteosensitivity is quite widespread and occurs with any, but more often unfamiliar climatic conditions for a given person. The weather "feels" about a third of the inhabitants of temperate latitudes. The peculiarity of these reactions is that they occur in a significant number of people synchronously with the change in meteorological conditions or somewhat ahead of them.

    Manifestations of meteorological sensitivity depend on the initial state of the organism, age, the presence of a disease and its nature, the microclimate in which a person lives, and the degree of acclimatization to it.

    Meteosensitivity is more often observed in people who are rarely on the open air, occupied by sedentary, mental work, not engaged in physical education. They have narrowed the zones of so-called microclimatic comfort. For a healthy person, meteorological fluctuations, as a rule, are not dangerous. Nevertheless, in people who do not feel the weather, the reactions to it are still manifest, although at times they are not realized. They must be taken into account, for example, by drivers of transport. With a sudden change in the meteorological conditions, it becomes more difficult for them to concentrate their attention. Hence the number of accidents can increase. As a result of diseases( influenza, angina, pneumonia, joint diseases, etc.) or fatigue, resistance and body reserves are reduced. That is why meteosensitivity is observed in 35-70% of patients with different diseases. So, every second patient with the diseases of the cardiovascular system feels the weather.

    Significant atmospheric changes can cause overvoltage and failure of adaptation mechanisms. Then the oscillatory processes in the body - biological rhythms are distorted, become chaotic. The physiological( asymptomatic) weather reaction can be compared to a calm lake, through which there are waves from a light breeze. Pathological( painful) weather reaction is a kind of vegetative "storm" in the body. Contribute to its development of disturbances in the regulation of the autonomic nervous system. The number of vegetative disorders has recently increased, which is connected with the effect of unfavorable factors of modern civilization: stress, haste, hypodynamia, overeating and malnutrition, etc. In addition, in different people the functional state of the nervous system is far from the same. This is determined by the fact that often with the same diseases, there are diametrically opposite weather reactions: favorable and unfavorable.

    More often meteosensitivity is observed in persons with weak( melancholic) and strong unbalanced( choleric) type of nervous system. In men of strong, balanced type( sanguine), meteosensitivity is manifested only when the body is weakened. The body is affected by the weather as a whole, as well as its individual components. Barometric pressure fluctuations act in two ways: reduce the saturation of blood with oxygen( the effect of barometric "pits") and mechanically irritate the nerve endings( receptors) of the pleura( the mucous membrane lining the pleural cavity), the peritoneum( lining the abdominal cavity), the synovial membrane of the joints, as well as the receptorsvessels.

    In the European territory of the country, atmospheric pressure is most variable in the Baltic, in the north-west and in the north. It is here that meteosensitivity is most often observed in patients with cardiovascular diseases. The wind causes an overexcitement of the nervous system, irritating the skin's receptors. In recent years, a new direction in the study of the influence of meteorological conditions on the body, the so-called syndrome meteopathology, which includes the symptoms of meteopathy due to the combined effect of barometric pressure and atmospheric anomalies such as thunderstorms, hot and dry winds, fogs, snowfall, etc. Thus,for example, the midday wind syndrome in France;the syndrome of the southwestern wind in Switzerland, the syndrome of the northern winds( Nords) blowing on the Absheron peninsula( Baku), according to various scientists, affect the health of about 75% of the population of this region. They provoke attacks of angina in ischemic heart disease. Humidity plays a role in maintaining the oxygen density in the atmosphere, affecting heat exchange and sweating. Particularly sensitive to high humidity patients with hypertensive disease and atherosclerosis. In most cases, exacerbation of diseases of the cardiovascular system occurs at high relative humidity( 80-95%).Many people rainy days impose an imprint, even on the appearance, often the face becomes pale. With a sudden change in temperature, outbreaks of acute respiratory infections occur. In January 1780 in St. Petersburg, the air temperature rose from -44.up to + 6. during one night, as a result, about 40 thousand people became ill. A significant increase in the incidence of acute respiratory diseases was noted in Tashkent in November 1954, when the air temperature was from 4-15.dropped to -21. . In addition, blew a sharp north wind, which lifted into the air masses of drops of water, sand and microbes that were in them, flashes of infectious diseases appeared in the city. Unpleasant effects on the body and the excess of positive air ions, observed in hot and humid weather, which can cause an exacerbation of heart disease. In recent years, great importance is attached to changes in the solar activity and the Earth's magnetic field( geomagnetic disturbances and storms).Their effect on the body manifests itself 1-2 days before the weather changes, while the other metefactors influence directly before or during the passage of air masses( cyclone or anticyclone).Unusual stable weather, as a rule, also adversely affects the body. In November 1977, in Saratov, the warm, humid weather with strong fogs lasted for a long time. This depressing effect on the psyche of people, reduced efficiency, caused overstrain of the nervous system.

    Effect of weather( meteorological factors) on human health

    Atmospheric pressure

    Differences in atmospheric pressure, especially spasmodic, negatively affect the circulatory system, vascular tone, arterial pressure. Negatively affects the health and high humidity. For example, in Moscow in the cold period of the year it averages 83-86% and often leads to an exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases. Unfavorably affects the condition of patients with vascular and pulmonary pathology, bronchial asthma, the so-called weather hypoxia - a lower oxygen content in the atmospheric air. It happens in winter, for example, before snowfall, and in summer against the background of increased temperature and humidity.

    Magnetic storms

    In healthy people, magnetic storms can cause headache, nervous tension, slowing down the body's response to various external stimuli. On such days meteosensitive people need to be especially careful, for example when driving a car. In addition, magnetic storms often contribute to the emergence of exacerbations in people with diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system.

    First of all, cardiac patients react most vividly to the vagaries of the weather. This is confirmed by the data of the population's appeal for emergency medical care in various cities of Russia. So, in days of anomalous values ​​of at least one of the weather-forming factors - air temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind speed, geomagnetic disturbances - the number of calls to patients with coronary heart disease and hypertensive patients increases dramatically. Significantly worsens the state of health of those who have suffered a heart attack or stroke, suffers from atherosclerosis. Patients with articular rheumatism, as well as patients with diseases of the lungs, central nervous system, musculoskeletal system, react to the slightest change in weather.

    There are five types of natural conditions that affect human health.

    Indifferent, with minor fluctuations in weather conditions - when a person does not feel any influence of weather on his body.

    Toning - when the weather change has a beneficial effect on a person, especially on patients with chronic oxygen deficiency, with arterial hypotension, ischemic heart disease, chronic bronchitis.

    Spastic type is manifested during a sharp change in the weather towards cooling, when atmospheric pressure increases, and the oxygen content in the air increases significantly. Then people with high blood pressure may have headaches and heart pains caused by spasms of the smooth muscles of the vessels.

    The hypotensive type of weather can be manifested with a tendency to decrease the amount of oxygen in the air: then the patients have a reduced vascular tone. Hypertension, for example, feel better at this time, their blood pressure is lower.

    The fifth type of weather is hypoxic, when the weather changes in the direction of warming and reducing the oxygen content in the air. People on such days appear and aggravate oxygen deficiency.

    How to reduce meteosensitivity, meteorological dependence

    When it comes to chronic patients, it is primarily to treat the underlying disease and drug prevention in cases of unfavorable weather forecasts. Very useful therapeutic physical culture, hardening by air and sun baths, regular outdoor recreation. Well assisted electrosleep by a special technique, contrasting and dry carbonic baths. Effective conifer baths, which are easy to prepare from pine extract at home. Their duration is 10-15 minutes, the water temperature is 35-37 degrees, the course of treatment is 12-15 procedures. It is also difficult to overestimate the importance of a healthy lifestyle, the rejection of such a risk factor as smoking. All this contributes to better adaptation of the organism to changing climatic conditions. All the rest can use some recommendations.

    So, in spastic type reactions, the so-called "distracting therapy" - hot foot baths, contrast shower, gymnastics, is very helpful. This is a very effective measure.

    To people whose meteosensitivity begins when cyclones approach with a sharp warming, physical exercises can be recommended that promote saturation of the body with oxygen: walking, running, skiing, respiratory gymnastics, cold wiping.

    People with low blood pressure can also benefit from multivitamins, infusions of stimulating herbs - magnolia vine, eleutherococcus, etc., as well as strongly brewed tea.

    Effective conifer baths. They are easy to prepare from pine extract at home. Duration - 10-15 minutes, water temperature - 35-37 ° C, treatment course - 12-15 procedures.
    Autotraining here is unlikely to help, because real factors of atmospheric influence of temperature and humidity of air, the oxygen content, electromagnetic fluctuations, etc., appear. In my opinion, it is impossible to fight them with autosuggestion. But auto-training will help you to cheer up in gloomy weather. And this is already a lot.

    It is acceptable for prevention of meteosensitivity and diet. Climate, movement and nutrition are the three main factors on which human health depends. Here are recommendations. When there is a thermal front and the oxygen regime of air deteriorates, it is advisable not to overeat so as not to burden your body. Try to use in food products containing ascorbic acid, calcium, potassium, iron - fish.milk, fruit. People with high blood pressure during severe weather changes should limit the use of salt and liquid.

    It is not always possible to completely remove the meteosensitivity, but it is possible to significantly alleviate the reactions. Preventive measures are divided into planned, seasonal and emergency.

    Routine prevention. If you suffer from meteosensitivity, it is necessary as it is necessary to be surveyed, tk.under meteosensitivity may be the onset of cardiovascular or neurological diseases. So, we need to consult a cardiologist and neurologist and, if necessary, be treated. .

    When weather sensitivity is desirable in the warm season, plan a trip to another climatic zone. Helps hardening by air baths, bathing in the sea, the sun, impellent loads.

    Mud treatment is useful. It is necessary to at least temporarily eliminate oxygen and ultraviolet insufficiency. It is useful to temper the hyperthermia in the sauna, contrasting water procedures. But with serious chronic illnesses it is worthwhile to consult beforehand about quenching with your doctor. And in any case, all this must be done wisely - carefully, gradually.

    Seasonal prophylaxis. Carried out in late September and in February. Adoptogenes such as Zhen-shen, Aralia, Schisandra are adopted. Only it is necessary to consider, that preparations of these plants can cause increase of arterial pressure and palpitation. Doctors sometimes prescribe at meteosensitivity for prophylaxis vascular agents such as prodectin and parmidin, vitamin therapy in the form of injections. It is necessary to increase physical activity, at least in the form of long walks. Help and contrast showers and massage courses.

    Urgent prophylaxis in case of weather change and magnetic storms. Gentle motor mode. The minimum of food, and it is better than easy, vegetarian. A little increase the dose of their medication, without waiting for unpleasant sensations.

    The specialists of the Russian Scientific Center for Restorative Medicine and Balneology are studying the influence of meteorological factors on the course of various diseases.