
The first signs and symptoms of cancer( cancer) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • The first signs and symptoms of cancer( cancer) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Unfortunately, potential patients have not yet realized the need to undergo an annual full diagnosis of their body, and this must be done, especially at the age of over 30-40.Cancer - can develop in virtually any organ, and early signs of cancer have different properties, they can only be suspected of a disorder in the function of the organ. What are the symptoms that can indicate that the oncology process has begun in the body?

    Of course, there are a number of common symptoms that are characteristic of any cancer. Any of these symptoms may turn out to be signs of other diseases that are not related to oncology, but it is better to "perebdet" than "not to have", especially since any disease requires treatment.

    Remember, everyone can stop the cancer if he finds it at the very beginning!

    It would seem that such a deadly disease at first should manifest pain, but this is far from the case. Pain is a sign of a neglected stage of cancer, when nerve cells are drawn into the process. At the very beginning of the growth of a cancerous tumor, a person only senses sensations that he did not notice before, and if you listen carefully to your body, any sensations that were not there before should be alerted in terms of cancer.

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    Unusual sensations

    Some people recognize that 2-3 months before the tumor was detected they felt pain or discomfort in the body where they later found the cancer. Very carefully you need to treat such signs in your head as in a vital organ. A lot of people start taking pain medicine and think that the magnetic storm is to blame for everything, but this only tightens the treatment to the doctor.

    Sharp weight loss as the first sign of cancer

    If you notice that you began to lose weight without changing your lifestyle, this may be a clear sign of cancer. More often this rapid weight loss, for example, 10 kilograms for 2-3 months. A growing tumor leads the body to the fact that it starts producing biologically active substances that disrupt the normal metabolism.

    Weakness of

    A person can feel a constant weakness and quickly get tired. The fact is that a cancerous tumor secretes the products of its vital activity into the blood, and this leads to intoxication of the organism. Cancer in the early stages grows into small blood vessels and anemia begins, which also causes weakness. For the same reasons, dizziness and nausea are likely.

    Subfibril temperature as a sign of cancer

    Very often one of the early signs of cancer is unexplained elevated body temperature. Cancer is "confusing" immunity and, therefore, there is a rise in temperature. If the cancer is already in a late stage, the temperature is a consequence of many metabolic disturbances and poisoning of the body.

    Deterioration of skin and hair condition

    If you notice that your hair and skin have changed, this may also be the first sign of cancer. Changes occur because the tumor disrupts normal metabolic processes in the body.

    Early visible signs of cancer

    Sometimes, in order to identify signs of a tumor, an attentive attitude towards oneself is enough. Take the rule of monthly doing self-examination. Pay attention to their moles - have they changed the shape and color, do not they look suspicious. Women - special attention to their breasts. With any changes in the skin, seals of any size, secretions - immediately to the doctor.

    If you notice a few similar symptoms, then go to the doctor, take tests and make an MRI.If cancer treatment is started at an early stage, you have every chance to live a very long time.