  • Day-lily

    Daylily is the flower of an intelligent lazy person. There is a well-known saying: if the lilies are the favorite flowers of kings, then the daylilies are the joy of their gardeners. Another name of the daylily, krasnodnev, and correct - gemerokallis.

    Interest and daylily, then increased, then fell again.

    Their homeland is the eastern part of Asia. In Japan and China, these plants are cultivated for many centuries. By the way, in these countries there is a belief: if the leaves and flowers of the daylily are touched by hand - all sorrow will leave the soul. In Europe, wild species of daylilies are also known as izdoena, they can be found but meadows to this day. But their resettlement in European gardens began only with the XVI century.

    Since each flower stem can carry up to 40 buds, 3-4 buds are blossomed at the same time, and flower buds in each plant may not be one dozen and they do not grow at the same time, the flowering of the daylilies is abundant and lasting.

    Daylily is an amazingly unpretentious and resistant plant. It should only be properly planted - and all work for the next 10 years ends here. It's really not the plant, but the gardener's joy. Daylilies grow and blossom well not only in the sun, but also in the penumbra, for example, on the southern side under the canopy of a tree. On well-fertilized soils, they develop more quickly, but they also tolerate a rather meager soil. Preferred soils, close to neutral, but they are suitable and weakly acid( pH 5-6).Plants are completely drought-resistant, although they want to drink in dry and hot weather, so do not forget to water them, especially before flowering. When the plants grow, under the canopy of their spreading weeds in all directions of the leaves, there is no place under the sun. So they only have to weed in the first years of life, and they are long-livers and can grow in one place without a transplant for at least 10 years.

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    There are practically no pests in the daylilies, and they do not get any disease, except that the root neck may be injured due to the waterlogging of the soil. Therefore, do not plant daylilies in low places, especially when the groundwater is close to water. In such a situation, they must be planted on an elevated ridge. In addition, around the root neck should be poured large river sand. The plant has a powerful rhizome, but it is compact and short-branched, so quite a few plants can be placed on a relatively small area( planting scheme 50 x 50 cm).Its roots are deep in the soil, forming underground stolons.

    High above the leaves climb straight, strong, not requiring garters of peduncles, carrying a large number of gradually opening buds. Elegant flowers of modern varieties are similar to lilies of the most diverse colors( except for purely blue, white and blue).Often there are two-colored, with stripes and strokes or rings of a different color or tone. The variety of the shape of the flower and the amazing variety of petal shapes are amazing when you see a collection of these beautiful plants.

    There are varieties with striped white-green leaves.

    The pit should be prepared in advance, its size should be larger than the root system. Fill it with a mixture of soil, taken from the pit, with sand and peat, adding well-rotted compost or manure in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 1, add a glass of ash and moisturize well. Roots before planting are shortened to a third of their length, put them for half an hour in a solution of potassium permanganate in a bright pink color, then sprinkle with "Kornevin" or other rooting agent. Make a low mound in the center of the pit, spread the roots on it, fill the root neck with coarse sand, and root the soil. Now it is necessary to water the plant and to cover up the soil with the overgrown manure under the plant. Check that the root neck is properly embedded. Deepening should not exceed 2 cm, otherwise the plant will not bloom!

    In the spring, when the frosts will end, feed the plantings with nitrogen and potassium( 1 tablespoon each for 10 liters of water, consuming 0.5 liters per plant).If plants are thrown out by peduncles, then feed them with phosphorus. It can simply be loosened in the soil under plantings( 1 tablespoon under the bush), and after flowering, feed phosphorus and potassium( 1 tablespoon each for 10 liters of water).In the future, the daylilies can not be fed with mineral fertilizer, if you drop a little bit of the overgrown manure for them in the fall, and in the spring - half a glass of ashes or water the soil under them with a solution of "Fitosporin" or "Gumi" in spring and autumn. You can once every 3 years to introduce into the soil under the plants 1 teaspoon of granulated fertilizer AVA.Or, instead of all this, feed the daylilies in spring, during budding and after flowering, with buoy fertilizers for flowers. Over time, the rhizome can be denuded, so once in 2-3 years, pour sand to it and top soil.

    Propagate the daylilies by dividing the rhizomes, but this can only be done from the age of five. It is possible to excavate the whole bush with the help of forks. Rinse the roots with water from the hose. Disassemble them with your hands and gently cut the rhizome into pieces. Each baby should have 2-3 kidneys. All the slices immediately sprinkled with ashes or greased with greenery( sold at the pharmacy).But you can simply separate a half-bush with a sharp shovel, dig it with pitchforks, and divide it by division. The resulting emptiness is covered with good, fertile soil.

    Thus, the old shrub is also being rejuvenated.

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    There is one interesting way of breeding daylilies, as well as accelerating the growth of the bush, developed by American gardeners. In the spring, as soon as the aboveground part grows to a height of 5-7 cm, it is cut low( almost by the soil level).If you leave a large stump, then the plants will not bloom for a long time. The cut part can be cut in the usual manner. Of the remaining rhizomes in the soil, several shoots will quickly leave the ground. If you want to multiply the plant, then in autumn some of the shoots can be separated.

    In addition to all the other advantages that a daylily has, he is also winter-bound, so he does not need a shelter for the winter. Well, just an excellent flower! You can pick varieties that blossom at different times, and you will receive a continuously flowering garden of daylilies. The first of them, very early, begin to blossom at the end of May, early blooms in June, early flowers bloom from late June to early July, middle - late July - early August, mid-late blossom all August. The main large-flowered hybrids bloom in July-August. Later hybrids begin their flowering from late August to late September. In the Northwest, they usually fall under the first autumn frosts, which the plant itself does not destroy, but the flowers strongly spoil. In addition, even in the warm autumn, they do not have time to lay flower buds for the next year, so that late varieties do not justify themselves. After flowering, the plants retain an attractive appearance. In recent years, quite a lot of terry and semi-double hybrids have been created.

    According to the size of the flower, the daylilies are divided into 3 groups: miniature ones with a flower diameter up to 5-7 cm, medium-scale flowers up to 11-12 cm and large-flowered ones from 12 to 17 cm. The height of the peduncles is divided into dwarfish( about 30 cm), low(up to 50 cm), medium-sized( 50-80 cm) and tall( above 80 cm).

    Dwarfs are suitable for rockeries( rocky hills).Low ones are usually used for curbs, and the rest are used in mixborders, razbatkas, in group plantings, for framing water bodies or when planting with separate curtains. The tallest ones look good in single landings here and there over the site. I must say that the beautiful foliage of daylilies can decorate plants with an unsightly lower part or such, the aboveground part of which loses decorativeness( or completely disappears) after flowering. Therefore, the daylilies are planted in the foreground, in front of tall plants. They are well combined with lilies, phloxes, delphiniums, all kinds of daisies.