  • Rash - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Rash is a symptom of many infectious diseases. Most often, such a rash is accompanied by a rise in temperature. The combination of these symptoms usually causes the patient to immediately consult a doctor. And there is every reason for this;such signs can be a manifestation of serious diseases, early diagnosis and treatment of which can sometimes save a person's life.

    Elements of the rash:

    • Roseola - a speck of pale pink color, 1-5 mm in diameter;does not turn pale when pressing
    • Spot - a skin area with a discolored color that does not protrude above the skin level, 5-20 mm in diameter, pales when pressed
    • Papula - a formation that does not have a cavity inside, less than 5 mm in diameter above the skin surface.
    • Plaque -above the surface of the skin, diameter more than 5mm
    • Nodule - globular formation more than 5mm in diameter
    • Blister is a pale pink area of ​​the skin slightly elevated above the skin level but without a cavity inside. Diameter from 2 to 15 cm and more. It is often accompanied by the itching of
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    • Vesicle( diameter less than 5mm) and the bladder( diameter more than 5mm) - formations having a cavity inside containing
    • fluid. Pustule - formation having a cavity with purulent contents
    • Petechiae - small( less than 3mm) hemorrhages in the skin;Do not protrude, do not turn pale when pressing

    In addition, the so-called secondary elements of the rash are isolated, i.e.elements that are formed with time from primary elements.

    • Hyperpigmentation - darkening of the skin area
    • Depigmentation - pitting of the skin area
    • Scale - areas of skin peeling in place of former papules or vesicles. Scales can be of various sizes - from otriparous, when the skin seems to be covered with flour before lamellar desquamation to form large scales that separate from large areas of the skin.
    • Erosion - breach of skin integrity, more often when the bubbles and abscesses are opened
    • Cork - formed at the drying surface of the wetting surface

    For proper diagnosis, it is also important to locate the elements of the rash on the body, from which part of the body the rashes begin, how quickly they spread.

    Certain infectious diseases accompanied rash:

    • Measles
    • Rubella
    • Varicella
    • Infectious mononucleosis
    • Typhoid
    • Typhus
    • Leptospirosis
    • Secondary syphilis
    • Scarlatina
    • acute period HIV
    • Meningococcal

    sepsis When any kind of rash, particularly at highertemperature, you should immediately consult a doctor!

    To which doctor should I contact

    • when an
      • rash occurs? Infectiologist
      • dermatologist
      • dermatologist-venereologist

      . When a rash occurs, a district doctor of a therapist from a polyclinic is called at home.