  • Freckles - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    For someone the presence of freckles( pigmentation on the skin, spots on the skin, caulking) is an indisputable advantage, and for someone the small brown spots on the face become a real torture.

    Freckles( Latin Ephelides) - small, round, light brown spots on the skin. They appear because of the uneven distribution of melanin in the dermis of the skin or under the influence of ultraviolet. Freckles caused by exposure to the sun, as a rule, are darker and have uneven edges, can be much larger. The sunny type of freckles is the most common. Spots, most often, are located on the upper back and shoulders.

    The usual type of freckles, most often, occur in red-haired people with green eyes. They occur mainly on the face and upper body, especially in spring and summer.

    Freckles do not appear in infants. They become noticeable in childhood or adolescence. Sometimes specks disappear without a trace, but people with fair skin can stay for life. More often the skin with freckles is more prone to solar pigmentation. Under the influence of the sun, the spots become more intense. In winter, freckles turn pale and become less noticeable.

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    Reasons for the appearance of freckles

    Freckles are inherited from parents with a gene( MC1-R).The symptom, in this case, persists throughout life. They can also be the result of disturbances in the redistribution of the skin pigment resulting from the too rapid synthesis of melatonin. The amount of freckles increases with irradiation with ultraviolet light.

    With what diseases you can confuse the norm.

    Freckles can be one of the symptoms of the Peits-Egers syndrome. The disease is associated with the appearance of pigment spots on the skin, mucous membranes, polyposis of the gastrointestinal tract. On the face, the mucous membrane of the mouth appears patches of dark brown color and round shape. In 20% of cases, malignant degeneration occurs. If you find yourself in one of the signs of the disease, you need to urgently consult a doctor and undergo a complete examination.

    Sometimes pigmentation, similar to freckles, appears with age - this is the result of hormonal changes that lead to an uneven distribution of melanin. It is better not to try to solve this problem on your own. First, consult a dermatologist. The doctor examines the depth of pigmentation and will prescribe the necessary treatment.

    When to call a doctor.

    Freckles are not cancerous changes and do not degenerate into tumors, so do not be afraid or treat them. However, from time to time, it is useful to monitor the skin condition and visit a dermatologist.
    People with freckled skin are more susceptible to UV, and therefore more prone to sunburn. If, after a long stay in the sun, there is a large redness of the skin, fever, itching - it is worth immediately contacting a doctor or calling a therapist at home. Excessive sunbathing in people with freckled skin can lead to squamous cell carcinoma of the skin.

    How to get rid of freckles

    How to remove freckles? This question is asked by millions of owners of this type of pigmentation around the world. But before you start fighting with freckles, you should know that the effect of any treatment is permanent( temporary).Under the influence of the sun, pigmentation will arise again. Currently, there are several popular methods for getting rid of freckles:

    With the help of cosmetic products.

    Cosmetic products such as creams, lotions, gels, in addition to the moisturizing base, often contain:
    • Filters from the sun of varying degrees of protection.
    • Retinoids are analogues of vitamin A.
    • Arbutin is an organic chemical used to lighten the skin color.
    • Fruit acids - whiten freckles by a corrosive method.
    • Vitamin C.
    • Various extracts: lemon, chamomile, cucumber and calendula.

    Salon procedures.

    • Freezing with liquid nitrogen freckles - sometimes effective, but very traumatic and not suitable for everyone.
    • Laser therapy is an easy and safe treatment with high efficiency and a low risk of scarring or strong discoloration of tissues. The laser burns the dye in cages and, thus, relieves the skin of freckles.
    • Chemical peels - eliminate small defects due to hyperproduction of melanin( pigment spots, freckles).Acids are able to penetrate the skin cells and remove excess colorant. After treatment with chemical peeling, the skin becomes noticeably brighter and fresher.


    • Horseradish - with its help you can whiten freckles. It is necessary to mix 100 g of grated horseradish with 0.5 liters of vinegar and let stand in a cool place for 3 days. Use in the proportion of one glass of boiled water for 1 teaspoon of tincture. Regularly wipe freckled places with infusion.
    • Parsley - finely chop parsley, pour a glass of boiling water, insist for 15 minutes. Then moisten with a napkin and put in places where there are freckles for 15 minutes.
    • Dill dried - 1 teaspoon of dill, pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a towel and leave for 40-60 minutes. Then, the infusion obtained strain. Daily apply the mixture on the face for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with water. After four weeks of regular use, your skin will bleach and become radiant.
    • Licorice - contains an active component of glabridin. The application of the infusion on the skin surface improves the complexion and moisturizes well.

    Masks and scrubs from freckles at home.

    One of the easiest ways to get rid of freckles is to treat them with lemon juice. However, you must be careful! The acids contained in the lemon can irritate the skin and make it more sensitive to the sun.

    Since ancient times, a cucumber has been used successfully in the fight against freckles. You can simply cut into thin slices and put on freckles for 20 minutes. Another way is to wipe 2 cucumbers, mix them with a teaspoon of lemon juice and apply as a mask for 15 minutes.

    You can prepare an exfoliating scrub. To do this, take 2 teaspoons of brown sugar and oatmeal, fill them with a quarter cup of milk. Mix until a mucus of a semi-solid consistency is obtained. Gently apply the mixture on your face like a scrub. Massage and rinse everything off with water.

    To lighten the freckles, a mask of cucumber and tomato is suitable. Squeeze a spoonful of juice from a cucumber, tomato and lemon. You can add a spoonful of olive, sandalwood or flaxseed oil. Mix the ingredients and apply to the face. Take care that the mask does not dry up. After 15-20 minutes, wash the skin with water and moisturize with cream.


    The owners of freckles are often concerned with the question: "Will they be able to get rid of them forever?".In such cases, people are ready for any methods and costs. Modern cosmetology and medicine will help reduce the intensity of freckles, but the effect is not permanent and you will have to repeat the treatment on a regular basis.

    Preventing the appearance of freckles is a more reasonable solution than delayed attempts at treatment. After all, getting rid of this kind of pigmentation is relatively difficult and not always successful.

    - People with freckles should avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.
    - In areas of intense sunlight, you need to use creams with filters for protection( protective filter more than 30) from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.
    - Protect your face and head with headgear with a visor or wide margins.
    - At the time of the greatest solar activity, stay at home or be in the shade.

    Doctor cosmetologist Kondratenko NA