
What is stenosis of the renal artery: the technique of its treatment and detection

  • What is stenosis of the renal artery: the technique of its treatment and detection

    Stenosis of the renal artery is a narrowing of the artery lumen in the kidney, which is mainly caused by fibro-muscular dysplasia or atherosclerosis. Constriction of the artery usually prevents the blood from entering the kidney, so there is a risk of atrophy or hypertension of the artery - subsequently this process causes the development of renal failure.

    How to recognize the development of stenosis

    For the stenosis of the renal artery is characterized by the development of two major syndromes, namely, kidney ischemia and hypertension. A sharp occurrence of persistent hypertension in a person under the age of 50 usually indicates fibro-muscular dysplasia, and in patients over the age of 50 years - about atherosclerotic lesions of the arteries of the kidney.

    The onset of hypertension is mainly supplemented by cerebral symptoms - headaches, eyeballs, tinnitus, flickering before the eyes, poor memory and sleep disorders, and irritability.

    A large load on the left side of the cardiac parts causes the appearance of heart failure, which manifests itself through cardiac pain, palpitations, a feeling of tightness in the area behind the sternum and shortness of breath. When the stenosis is started, the formation of a repeated pulmonary edema may begin.

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    This is important! With the development of the compensating stage of the pathology, the manifestation of a moderate degree of hypertension, which can be treated with medicines, begins, so that the kidney function is not disturbed.

    For the stage of relative compensation, there is a stable increase in pressure, a moderate deterioration in kidney function, and an almost imperceptible decrease in their size. With the development of the de-symptomatic stage of the disease, arterial pressure has a bad effect on the functioning of the organ, so it may be necessary to perform antihypertensive therapy, while the kidney function worsens and their size is reduced by 4 cm. With arterial stenosis, arterial hypertension can become malignant, and organ size is reduced by 5 cm andmore.

    Nephropathy in the renal arteries with the development of stenosis of the kidney manifests itself as signs of ischemia, that is, a feeling of heaviness and dull pain in the lumbar region, with a heart attack, blood is excreted along with the urine. Often, weakness in the muscles, paresthesia and tetanus attacks can manifest itself.

    If at the same time as the stenosis of the arteries of the kidney develops damage to other vessels, then signs of ischemia of the hands or legs, the organs of the gastrointestinal tract may begin.

    Progression of the disease can cause dangerous kidney and vascular complications - acute disturbance of blood flow in the brain, insufficiency, etc.

    What treatment should be used to detect the disease

    Drug treatment for the development of stenosis of the arteries of the kidney is considered an auxiliary method, as it can not completely eliminate the causes of increased blood pressure and renal ischemia. Symptomatic medications that help normalize blood pressure indicators are prescribed to patients in old age or when a systemic lesion is detected in the arterial channel.

    This is important! Diagnosed pathology is considered the main indication for surgical intervention. The most frequent type of intervention for the development of stenosis is stenting of the arteries of the kidneys or endovascular balloon dilatation.

    In the atherosclerotic form of pathology, the main methods of treatment are - shunting and endarterectomy of the kidney artery. Sometimes it is required to implement a resection of a specific area of ​​the artery or even prosthetics of the artery of the kidney with a specially manufactured prosthesis.

    Stenosis, provoked by nephroptosis, requires the implementation of nephropexy. If the reconstructive surgery can not be performed, the organ is removed.

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