
Why does a cyst in the sine of the kidney? Its types and symptoms.

  • Why does a cyst in the sine of the kidney? Its types and symptoms.

    Paraplevikalnaya cyst, in another way it is a cyst in the sine of the kidney, which unlike similar lesions it does not communicate with the renal pelvis.

    The term of this disease refers to the location near the pelvis of the kidney and its sinus. It should be reiterated that the parapelvic cyst is a kind of simple kidney - it is a rounded neoplasm that has a fibrous membrane and is lined with a cubic epithelium and is filled from the inside with a liquid. But unlike simple cysts in the renal parenchyma, this is formed at the gates of the kidney near the large calyx and pelvis. Due to the fact that the parapelvic cyst in the kidney is in the zone of the sinus, it is often called the sinus cyst of the kidney. They do not communicate with the collective system of the body.

    This is important! It is believed that it is the parapelvic cysts that form from the lymph vessels because of their blockage and subsequent expansion of the lumen. In this regard, the internal contents of the cyst is a clear liquid with inclusions of fat droplets. This disease can develop already at the birth of the child.

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    As well as simple kidney cysts, this neoplasm is mainly diagnosed in people after the age of fifty.

    Types of pathology and its manifestations

    Parapelvic kidney cysts can be single or multiple, damage one or both of the kidneys, the size of the lesion can vary from a few millimeters to five or more centimeters in diameter.

    Often this type of cystic neoplasm becomes an unexpected finding in the implementation of a kidney examination for another reason. In most situations, the parapelvic cyst is not accompanied by any symptoms, but major pathologies can provoke acute pain in the lumbar region, obstruction of the urinary canals and urination, the appearance of blood in the urine, increased blood pressure, infectious complications and the formation of calculi in the kidneys.

    How diagnostics for

    is realized It is important to note that the parapelvic renal cyst does not belong to the group of malignancies, it is easily differentiated with renal oncology due to computed tomography or ultrasound examination. Sometimes you may need an angiography organization.

    Paraplevikalnye cysts do not have a message with calyxes and pelvis of the kidney, in this connection, in the implementation of computed tomography and excretory urography with the introduction of contrast, they do not accumulate in themselves contrast agents. However, in the organization of intravenous urography, the appearing stretching and squeezing of the calyx and kidney cups provokes the development of a picture of the renal sinus lipomatosis, and this presupposes differential diagnosis.

    This is important! When forming multiple parapelvic cysts during an ultrasound examination, they can cause a clinical picture of hydronephrosis. Even more difficult is the diagnosis, when parapelvic multiple cysts in the kidneys provoke the formation of a secondary form of hydronephrosis due to obstruction of the urinary canals.

    With hydronephrosis during the ultrasound, visualization of anechoic calyxes and kidney loops of the kidney filled with a liquid occurs, which communicate with each other. Paraplevikalnaya cyst, as a rule, can have a random location, is well recognized by means of diagnostics to the wall, and also it does not communicate with the sinus of the kidney.

    How the therapeutic process is implemented

    If a small parapelvic cyst does not provoke symptoms, then in the current situation, no treatment is needed, and dynamic observation makes it possible to monitor pathology. Surgical intervention is suggested when the presence of a large parapelvic cyst or an additional complication of diseases such as acute pain in the lumbar region, increased blood pressure, the appearance of blood in the urine, etc.

    Some specialists successfully implement percutaneous cystography, when parapelvic cyst is detected, therefore surgical intervention is no longer necessary. Surgery for excision is performed only when there is a noticeable pressure of the cysts on the pelvis and calyx buds, which greatly violates urodynamics. The prognosis of the disease with timely diagnosis and treatment is almost always favorable.

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