
Hypertrophy of the kidney, its classification and formation process

  • Hypertrophy of the kidney, its classification and formation process

    Replacement or vicarious hypertrophy of the kidney develops due to the death or surgical removal of one of the paired organs. Compensation for kidney impairment is ensured by strengthening the functioning of one remaining kidney and increasing its size.

    The vicar hypertrophy has its own pathogenetic essence and its value is close to the regenerative type of hypertrophy. In the development of such hypertrophy, the complex of humoral and reflex regulation of the human body takes an active part, as well as in the compensatory type of hypertrophy.

    Viral hypertrophy of the kidney is classified into false and true hypertrophy. The true variety is adaptive, and in the case of a false variety, an increase in the size of the organ occurs due to the active growth of the connective and adipose tissue, and this significantly worsens the functioning of the surviving kidney. Simultaneously with a false version of vicar hypertrophy in the kidney, there are atrophic processes.

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    With an increase in the size of the kidney, but with simultaneous normal echogenicity, and with a small or total absence of the second kidney, an increase in the size of the organ can be the result of the development of compensatory hypertrophy. If one of the kidneys does not lend itself to visualization, then it is required to exclude the formation of cross dystopia and other pathologies of development. Viral hypertrophy is an increase in the size of the kidney, because it places the work of the missing second kidney on itself.

    Why is hypertrophy of

    the most common causes of hypertrophy should be considered the following:

    1. The influence of external factors that are located outside the human body or inside it, when one of the systems becomes an external factor in relation to another system.
    2. The influence of internal factors, which are located in the laws of the development of the organism as a whole.

    The first type of hypertrophy should be attributed to the excessive formation of tissues due to a prolonged and severe inflammatory process.

    The vicar hypertrophy of the left or right kidney can develop independently of the person's age several months after the removal of the second kidney or stopping its normal functioning.

    How the hypertrophy of

    is formed and manifested When endocrine and neurogenic effects on the kidney occur, the functioning of the cells increases. They increase the concentration of substances that exert an autocrine and paracrine effect. Thus, the number and content of organelles increases in cells, which is characterized by hypertrophy of cells. In addition, in cells of some tissues, cell proliferation factors begin to be formed in large numbers, and this contributes to an increase in their number.

    The vicar hypertrophy of the left or right kidney is based on a whole complex of humoral and reflex regulation.

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    Hypertrophy is formed due to the increase in glomeruli in size, and also due to the widening of the lumen of the convoluted tubules. The number of nephrons in the enlarged kidney remains the same as in a normal kidney. Only the concentration of nephron cells increases.

    After the death of the kidney or its surgical removal due to lesion pathology develops the vicus hypertrophy of the second paired organ approximately forty days after the operation. In the kidney there is an increase in the synthesis of protein and ribonucleic acid, in addition, up to 95% of nephrons are involved in the work, and only 63% of nephrons are involved in normal kidney function. With the passage of time, the number of functioning nephrons decreases again. Four to eight days after the onset of symptoms, the kidney functions are equalized.

    The vicar hypertrophy of the right kidney or left kidney is not considered the norm, but more often it becomes useful to the human body, because the organ starts to work harder due to increased blood flow, increased penetration of nutrients into the kidney. But even such pathological processes are not able to ensure the functioning of the kidney at full capacity.

    In its essence, the increase in organs and tissues in the human body exceeding the norm passes in two directions, namely: an increase in the volume and size of the cells themselves or an increase in the number of cells.

    The main conditions for differentiation of the concept of hypertrophy from other processes of enhanced growth is considered to be a more or less normal functional identity of the tissue, which is redundant in size compared to normal indices.

    In contrast to the described process with the regeneration of organs or tissues, the identity of the products of active growth with the original tissues is manifested only in the most minimal sizes. For example, in the process of formation and growth of a tumor, the products of its excess growth most often lose their own functional identity with the original tissues.

    Recommendations for life

    Treatment of kidney hypertrophy is often not required, since the remaining kidney takes over the functions of the deceased or removed organ. In such a situation, it will be necessary to organize the maintenance of the patient's health status and the immediate health of the remaining kidney.

    It is necessary to refuse from uncontrolled reception of medicines and all the more it is forbidden to engage in self-medication. It is better to try to avoid hypothermia and contact with patients with acute respiratory disease, influenza, etc.to prevent inflammation of the remaining kidney.

    With respect to the regime of rest and work, a person facilitates the work of the kidney. Very useful are walks in the mornings and in the evenings. Wipe off with water and a hard towel.

    Great attention is paid to the organization of food. Products should be easily digestible and contain the necessary amount of vitamins. In the diet it is required to include cream, sour cream, honey, eggs, vegetables. Fish or meat should be eaten in a boiled form.

    Do not dramatically change eating habits, for example, abruptly switch from vegetable and dairy to protein foods. It is harmful to abuse salty, spicy food and canned foods. It is forbidden to drink mineral water systematically, because it contains a large number of salts that are difficult to filter by one kidney, so the risk of stones is increased.

    This is important!

    Some people believe that limiting fluid intake helps to facilitate the functioning of the kidney. But in the absence of problems in the work of the body, this should not be done.

    To maintain the normal functioning of one kidney, it is necessary to conduct timely treatment of patients with teeth, inflammation in the tonsils and other inflammatory processes of a chronic nature. This will prevent the occurrence of pyelonephritis. If a patient with one kidney suffers from diabetes mellitus or any cardiovascular lesions, liver and lung diseases, then he needs to periodically visit the appropriate specialists to maintain the state of health.

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