  • Oatmeal cookies: recipes and video recommendations

    Oatmeal cookies, the recipe of which we will give you today, can be prepared at home, using oatmeal or oat flakes, as they are suitable not only for preparing a quick breakfast.

    Oat flakes can be used for baking cookies, cakes or flat cakes. However, for baking is better to use not steamed instant cereal, and cereal flakes.

    Let's consider some remarkable recipes for this cookie, which in practice has long been used by many housewives.

    1 recipe: beloved grandmother's biscuit

    For the first recipe, the following ingredients will be needed: 200gr.margarine or butter, 150gr.sugar, 2 eggs, 1.5 cups flakes oatmeal fine grind, 1 tsp.soda, hydrated vinegar and 150-200gr.wheat flour. According to this recipe will be 30 pechenyushek. In the dough, you can also add nuts, raisins, dried apricots or candied fruit.

    First you need to grind butter with sugar, add eggs and cereal, mix everything. Next, add soda and flour. Knead the dough, which should not be very cool. Cover the bowl with the dough and leave it in the refrigerator for about an hour. This is to ensure that the flakes are soft.

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    Baking tray should be oiled and pasted with baking paper. From the dough, form small lozenges and spread them on a baking sheet. Bake the biscuits in a preheated 180 C oven for about 15-20 minutes. Dough cakes for this recipe need to be made small, since during baking they increase two-fold.

    2 recipe: oatmeal cookies in Bulgarian

    But the original recipe for oatmeal cookies, which is made in Bulgaria: we need to take 1 cup of oatmeal, 1 egg, 3 tbsp.l.sugar, 1 tsp.vanilla sugar. And also 100 gr.margarine or butter, 3 tbsp.l.nuts, 1-2 tsp.breadcrumbs and for decorating dried apricots or nuts.

    Flakes should be poured into a dry frying pan and dried for 10-12 minutes on low heat. Drying, you need to stir them constantly until the appearance of a characteristic odor. However, it is necessary to ensure that the flakes do not change their color.

    Then the dried flakes need to be cooled, put them in a bag and roll out with a rolling pin until flour is formed from the flakes. Of course, you can also use a blender for this purpose - the cooking process will go faster.

    To make the oatmeal cookie tender, nuts are recommended to grind. The yolk must be separated from the protein and grinded with vanillin and sugar, and the protein needs to be hidden in the fridge so that it does not get warm in the warm kitchen.

    Softened margarine or butter mash with a fork and combine with yolk. Chilled protein whipped into a foam. In the butter with yolk put the flakes, crushed nuts, breadcrumbs and mix. Add the protein and mix again. From the dough to form cakes of small sizes. The smaller and thinner the cakes, the friable cookies you will get.

    Finished flat cakes put on a baking sheet, pre-wrapped with parchment paper. In the middle of each pechenyushki need to put a piece of nuts or decorate with dried apricots.

    Interesting video recipes of home cookies from oatmeal

    Vitamin oatmeal cookies with apple, banana and cinnamon for children.

    A very delicious recipe - like the whole family.

    Dietary version:

    Classic version of oatmeal cookies: