  • Symptoms of anorexia are marked

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    According to statistics, about 90% of the inhabitants of our planet are dissatisfied with their appearance, often with unreasonable forms. In this case, many people have more problems with excess weight is not observed. Of course, it's good when a person goes in for sports and adheres to the "right" food.

    But it's quite another matter if the desire to "lose weight" turns into an obsession that can "lead" to a fatal outcome. Your attention is presented to the psychological disease of anorexia.

    Symptoms of anorexia

    Anorexia is accompanied by a strong fear of obesity, because there is an "unhealthy" desire to lose weight. In this case, a distorted perception of his figure is observed, and even when the increase in weight does not occur.

    We can identify the main symptoms:

    1. panic fear of getting better;
    2. progressive weight loss;
    3. sleep disturbance;
    4. maintain a minimum weight, no matter how low it is;
    5. a constant feeling of fullness, especially in certain parts of the body;
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    7. Feeling of guilt when eating;
    8. way of eating: to separate food into small pieces and eat standing;
    9. is depressed and completely isolated from society.

    As a consequence of the above symptoms, the physiological signs of anorexia also appear: a constant sensation of cold, pale skin, weakness, menstrual irregularity, arrhythmia and muscle spasms. It should be noted that the first signs of anorexia are increased irritability, constant resentment towards others and unreasonable anger.

    As a rule, this disease affects the female half of the population.90% of patients are girls aged 15-25 years, and the remaining 10% are older women and men. Every "extra" 100 gr.in weight they perceive as defeat and the approach of irreparable obesity, but the uneaten piece of food on the contrary is considered a victory over oneself.

    People with anorexia achieve weight loss in two ways:

    1. Cleansing the body: with enema, gastric lavage and artificially induced vomiting after eating.
    2. Restrictions, i.e.weight loss due to hard diets and reduced intake of food, as well as excessive exercise.

    Symptoms of anorexia may occur under the influence of the following factors:

    • of biological, i.e.genetic predisposition;
    • social, i.e.the influence of the surrounding society: expectation and imitation( in particular diets);
    • psychological, ie internal conflicts and the influence of the family.

    It is important to emphasize that the syndrome of anorexia nervosa is a serious psychological and medical problem that can lead to dangerous complications. At the first signs of the disease, you should contact a psychologist.

    Symptoms of anorexia nervosa tend to be severe: dizziness, severe weakness, impaired menstrual function, damaged blood vessels on the face, erosion of the tooth enamel( due to frequent vomiting), weight loss, lowering of blood pressure and pulse. Equally, there is a disorder of the thyroid gland function, a violation of the secretion of growth hormone, as well as vasopressin, gonadotropin and cortisol.

    With prolonged course of the disease, the electrolyte balance of the body may be disturbed. Such a violation is due to a shortage of sodium and potassium. In some cases, muscle spasms and even cardiac arrest can be traced.

    Treatment of anorexia

    Treatment of anorexia primarily involves family and individual psychotherapy. In severe cases, even hospitalization, forced feeding and drug therapy are necessary.

    As with any disease, it is better to treat anorexia as early as possible, i.e.before the appearance of irreversible changes in the body( exhaustion).

    It is important to note that this disease is difficult to treat because its symptoms and causes are of the most complex nature. In many cases, it takes more than one year to "struggle" with anorexia. Along with this, death from anorexia is 20%.

    Of course, only knowing the sources can begin to effectively treat anorexia.

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