
How to learn to flirt? What is flirting and how to flirt with men.

  • How to learn to flirt? What is flirting and how to flirt with men.

    Flirtation is a form of attracting the attention of others to yourself for the purpose of experiencing communication with people who sympathize with us, without going beyond the allowed.

    First let's find out where the name of this hard science came from. The word "flirt" originally meant the ability to give flowers, and it was born among French courtesans of the XVII-XVIII centuries.

    That sense, which we are now putting into this word, was first put forth by writer Lord Chesterfield. He described how during one of the social receptions, Lady Francis then opened her fan, then closed it, while hiding behind his eyes or the whole face. The man who talked to her at that moment was very interested in her mysterious and definitely bold behavior for that time, but in response to his question he heard that it was only a "flirtation" and she simply faned herself with her fan. Since then the word "flirt" has gained popularity in England, and later it has been used all over the world.

    Flirting with representatives of the opposite sex, like a small electric discharge, which slips between people, while bringing a sense of moral satisfaction. No wonder they say that flirting is in some way an emotional "affair".

    Every person has the ability to flirt more or less. Women flirting is much more direct and elegant, and men in this business are often somewhat clumsy. One of the main features of flirting is that it does not have to be permanent in time and in no way should not be addressed to all representatives of the opposite sex. Constantly flirting woman is perceived as frivolous and frivolous;Men in this situation often receive a label of a womanizer who will not miss a single skirt.

    If we believe the statistical studies we found on the Internet, almost 30% of the population of the post-Soviet space, do not consider that flirting is treason, but this statement is valid for them only if flirting does not have a continuation or until too obvious hints begin. Only about 15% of respondents like it when their second half flirts slightly. According to the well-known magazine "Time", about 4% of Americans surveyed are ready to start flirting with their superiors for the sake of future benefits. The Spanish newspaper Voz De Galicia informs us that women spend much more time flirting than men and this difference is huge - up to 300%.And according to the observations of the publication "Washington ProFile" in a difficult economic situation, women dress in more explicit outfits and show a greater propensity to flirt.

    Correct and good flirting will help you constantly be in good shape, and make friends with people who are pleasant to you. However, first of all with any flirtation, it is necessary to remember the goals that you want to achieve and in order to avoid misunderstandings, do not overdo the stick. Experienced in flirting people usually easily feel the edge. However, we should not take light flirting as a hint at the desire for further development of relations.

    Unfortunately, modern girls have forgotten how to flirt correctly. They strive to become a successful business woman, try to build a career in our complex "male" world, and completely forget that the real strength of a woman in her weakness, and not at all in the desire to be on par with men. Compare the beautiful girl with the usual flower. No matter how beautiful the flower is, we are attracted to it by its smell, not by its appearance. Similarly, with girls - men attracted by their feminine behavior and the ability to flirt.

    How to flirt with men?

    Unfortunately, an unambiguous answer to this question can not be given. However, there are special women's tricks that absolutely act absolutely on all men.

    Below we give a few tips, performing which you can ignite a storm of passion even in the heart of the most impregnable Snow King. So, lessons of correct flirting.

    1. You must be friendly and independent at the same time. Try to attract the attention of the object of your flirting, without taking the first steps, but at the same time sending him barely perceptible signals of sympathy. Smile, laugh, behave liberated, feel like a cunning, sociable hunter who lures her "booty."You should behave as if you are "all and nobody's".Proud posture, relaxed hands and at the same time the gait of a confident winner. Imagine that you are a cat "walking by itself", while looking for the most lacrificial prey.

    2. When you want to start the game - send your "victim" a "stop signal".This means that you need to attract the attention of the chosen man. Give him a look, a longer than usual smile - an ordinary companion of flirting. But do not forget about the more laid-back and natural: accidentally touch it, drop some object, so your chosen one will be able to pick it up for you, turn the toes of shoes or unfold the body in the direction of the man you want. At this stage of flirting, it is very important to learn correctly, to build eyes, because eye reaction is an integral part of right flirting. Keep long-term eye contact with the person who is flirting with you. Look at him for at least a few seconds, then smile and look away from him. After that, again give the man of interest to you a mysterious look and turn away again. Try to repeat this simple operation a couple of times for ten minutes.

    3. Your preliminary preparation for a possible meeting is very important. You have to look perfect - sexy, calling. Thin high heels of graceful shoes, tight dress or skirt on the figure, moderately deep decollete. Makeup, which is the best way to flirt: dedicated sensual lips and twisted long eyelashes, but the eye makeup itself should be minimal. Brilliant hair, well-groomed hands and a neat manicure is another important detail, on which men stop their attention. Try to create a stylish image of inaccessible fatal beauty, and around you there will be no indifferent men. But your attention should be paid only to the one you chose.

    4. During the conversation, your speech should be calm and smooth. Do not give out your excitement neither by voice, nor by behavior. Remember that the phrases you say form a man's first impression of you, and it should be successful. If you are shy or afraid to get nervous - learn some good phrases at home - do not forget that men in general have entire histories for this purpose memorized. Listen carefully, even if you are not interested in the topic of the conversation - show an extreme degree of interest, develop a dialogue, and do not forget about the smile and natural light touches to the hand of the interlocutor when you hear from him something funny or interesting.

    5. First think and only, then say. The woman is interested in her past, and in the man - the future, therefore, in the story about yourself, try not to mention that you want to go around on a liner around the world and for a long time dream of living outside the city in a luxurious mansion - better say that you have everythingwell and in the future will be even better. Your full biography with detailed details or vice versa its detailed interrogation will be completely out of place during the first meeting. Do not scare the "booty" with the phrase about your numerous former novels or how you hope that the third marriage will be more successful than the previous ones.

    6. Another of the most important moments, if you want to learn correctly, to flirt is the position of the head. Throw a glance over his shoulder at him. This asymmetry will attract his attention and successfully demonstrate the flexure of your graceful neck, while eye contact will be maintained.

    7. Do not be afraid to make compliments to a man - they like them very much, because we all want to feel extraordinary and special. But it is necessary to remember one important detail - a man truly will only accept that compliment that will not praise the facts, but his actions. For example:
    - You have a beautiful jacket - a bad compliment.
    - You picked up a beautiful jacket - a good compliment.
    - You have a great car - a bad compliment.
    - You are a wonderful driver, a good compliment.

    8. Do not forget that modesty is an indispensable guarantee of your attractiveness. Nature initially rewarded the males with brighter plumage, a luxurious mane or a more powerful voice. At the same time females always looked more modest, while males tried to make a proper impression on the partner. It follows that if you want to flirt with a man, do not dress up in a dress that can outshine the tail of a peacock in color. The outfit should be modest and not provocative, and accessories - bright and appropriate to the style of the dress.

    9. Another simple technique is mirror image. It is quite often resorted to by sellers, implicitly persuading a potential customer to make a purchase. Copying the manner of conversation or the gestures of one's interlocutor, you have him to yourself. Lean towards him, throw your foot on his leg, if so he did. Answer his movements. If you adjust to a person, then he begins to feel that you are very close to him.