  • Prostatitis in men: signs, treatment and medications

    Prostatitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the prostate tissue.

    Is, perhaps, the most common urological disease.

    Almost every second man ever encountered this pathology at least once in his life. The most susceptible to prostatitis are people who have a promiscuous sex life, people with immunodeficiency and men over 40 years of age. Than to treat a prostatitis, medicines and the first signs of an illness at men we will consider in this article.

    Causes of prostatitis in men

    Prostatitis in men is an infectious disease that can be caused by various pathogenic microflora, as well as by viruses. In the first place among the possible pathogens come out: ureaplasmas, chlamydia, trichomonads.

    In persons with weakened immunity, the disease can be caused by streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli - microorganisms that belong to the group of conditionally pathogenic and can normally be found in the body of a healthy person.

    Several viruses, such as herpes virus, human papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus, can act as pathogens of the disease. In addition, the cause of prostatitis in men may be a previous traumatic damage to the soft tissues of the perineum and pelvic organs. In addition to the main etiological factors, there are also those that are not an immediate cause, but can provoke the appearance and development of prostatitis.
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    These include:

    1. 1) Subcooling the body;
    2. 2) Decreased immunoresistance( this condition can be caused not only by various infectious and non-infectious diseases, but also by unhealthy lifestyles: smoking, excessive use of alcohol, poor nutrition, frequent stressful situations and emotional stress);
    3. 3) Foci of chronic infection in the body: tonsillitis, caries, pharyngitis, etc.;
    4. 4) Excessive sexual activity, or vice versa, prolonged sexual abstinence( causes prostate secretion stasis);
    5. 5) Sedentary lifestyle and work in a predominantly seated position;
    6. 6) History of venereal and urological diseases;
    7. 7) Inflammatory diseases of the rectum( diverticulitis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, inflammation of the hemorrhoids, ulceration and inflammation of polyps and tumors);
    8. 8) Congenital atypical features of the structure of the prostate.

    Symptoms of prostatitis in men

    Prostatitis in men can be as acute( the clinical symptoms are bright enough and suddenly), and chronically( sluggish flow).Depending on the nature of the course of the disease, certain first signs of prostatitis appear.

    Thus, acute prostatitis in men is accompanied by such symptoms as:

    • rapid urination, not satisfying due to incomplete emptying of the bladder, frequent desires;
    • urination, accompanied by a weak urine, may be by drop;
    • acute pain in the perineal region, in the suprapubic region, sometimes irradiating into the rectum or sacrum;
    • soreness in the process of urination, pain and rezi during the urethra not only during urinary excretion, but also after the completion of the act of urination;
    • premature ejaculation;
    • soreness in defecation;
    • fever, sensation of heat, fever to 39 ° C, general weakness, malaise, headache.
    As for prostatitis with chronic course, the clinical symptomatology in this case is not as bright as in acute. Symptoms of the disease bother the man periodically and much less often - during periods of exacerbation.

    The pattern of chronic prostatitis is the following symptoms:

    • periodic increase in body temperature to 37 ° C;
    • discomfort, discomfort, dull pain in the perineal region;
    • periodic occurrence of soreness during urination;
    • presence in the urine of pathological separations( it is possible to separate white flakes, especially in the morning hours);
    • , when involved in the inflammatory process of nearby nerves and nerve endings, temporary erectile dysfunction may occur;
    • fatigue, irritability.
    The clinical picture of viral prostatitis differs somewhat from prostatitis of bacterial genesis.

    So herpetic prostatitis is most prone to frequent recurrence. In addition, often a prostatitis caused by a virus can be diagnosed only after a laboratory study of sperm. The clinical picture of this type of disease may be similar to bacterial urogenital diseases, and may be almost completely absent( the disease proceeds latently).

    Possible complications of

    If the disease is not treated in time, consequences are possible. Prostatitis is an insidious disease that can lead to a number of serious complications. The most frequent of the less dangerous consequences of acute prostatitis in men is its chronicization( the transition of acute inflammation to chronic).

    Most often, the process is chronicized by inadequate treatment or late diagnosis of the pathological process. To more dangerous complications are:

    • the formation of an abscess, often requiring opening and draining;
    • of the prostate gland( inflammation of seminal vesicles);
    • colliculitis( inflammation of the seminal tubercle);
    • adenoma of the prostate;
    • cystitis;
    • pyelonephritis;
    • formation of stones in the bladder;
    • acute urinary retention( cause can be sclerotherapy of the urethral lumen);
    • impotence and infertility.

    Diagnosis of

    Differential diagnosis of prostatitis in men should be followed by various diseases of infectious and non-infectious etiology in the urogenital area. In order to establish the correct diagnosis, a number of mandatory and if necessary additional methods of investigation should be carried out. This is necessary in order to understand what to treat prostatitis in men, and what drugs will do better.

    The basic methods for diagnosing prostatitis include:

    • general urine analysis;
    • urine analysis according to Nechiporenko;
    • taking and testing a smear from the urethra for the presence of bacteria;
    • rectal finger examination of the prostate( for the purpose of differential diagnosis with prostate adenoma, as well as rectum formations);
    • Ultrasound examination( TRUS - transurethral ultrasound), prostatic secretion prostate secretion after prostate massage( with leukocyte count increases in secretion).
    In case of insufficient information content of the above methods, additional help should be used. Additional methods for the diagnosis of prostatitis are:

    • biopsy of prostate tissue( to eliminate tumor diseases);
    • of urethrocystoscopy;
    • CT of pelvic organs;
    • X-ray examination of the kidneys, ureters and bladder.

    Treatment of prostatitis in men

    The most effective treatment of prostatitis in men is combined therapy. To influence the pathological focus, the following groups of drugs are used:

    1. 1) Antibacterial agents - antibiotics from the penicillin group( Oxacillin, Ampicillin), macrolides( Azithromycin), cephalosporins( Cefixime, Cefotaxime), fluoroquinolones( Levofloxacin, Norfloxacin), tetracyclines( Doxycycline);
    2. 2) α-blockers;
    3. 3) Muscle relaxants - Midokalm;
    4. 4) Means that improve microcirculation( Trental, Escuzan);
    5. 5) Hormones( after assessing the level of hormones in the blood);
    6. 6) Phytomedication - Prostamol Uno.
    An important place in the prevention and treatment of prostatitis in men at home is given to immunomodulating drugs that promote immunity( Polyoxidonium, Echinacea extract, multivitamin preparations).

    How else to treat prostatitis in men? A perfect addition to the basic therapy of prostatitis will be physiotherapy. Currently, effective physiotherapeutic procedures aimed at removing clinical symptoms of the inflammatory process in the prostate gland are: magnetotherapy( special preference is given to transrectal ultrasound therapy), phonophoresis, laser irradiation, warm medicinal baths with chamomile broth, sage( have good bactericidal properties),massage prostate( not performed during exacerbation in chronic course).


    In order to avoid the development of this disease, it is necessary to protect the body from the effects of provoking factors.

    So, it is necessary to observe several simple rules:

    1. 1) To lead an active lifestyle( in particular, this applies to those men who spend their working days in a sitting position during the whole working day);
    2. 2) Maintain a regular sex life with a regular sexual partner;
    3. 3) Avoid supercooling of the body and stressful situations;
    4. 4) Timely reorganization of chronic sources of infection;
    5. 5) In case of symptoms of any symptoms of urogenital nature, it is urgent to consult a qualified specialist for diagnosis and appropriate therapy.

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