  • Treatment of cystitis in the home, folk remedies

    Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder. The disease occurs mainly in women due to the peculiarities of the structure of the urinary system.

    Cystitis can be expressed in both acute and chronic form. Many women at least once in their life experienced the manifestations of this disease.

    In addition, distinguish between secondary cystitis, which develops against a background of various diseases, as well as infectious and non-infectious. Of course, the causes of inflammation of the bladder are diverse, but the symptoms in most cases are quite specific.

    In this article we will try to find out whether it is worthwhile to treat cystitis at home quickly, using for this folk remedies, or better entrust it to specialists.

    Causes and risk factors

    As already mentioned, several types of cystitis are distinguished, the causes of which are different. Thus, secondary cystitis can occur against a background of bladder tumors, prostate adenoma, prostate cancer, chronic diseases of the reproductive system, etc.
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    In the development of infectious cystitis, in most cases the E. coli is guilty, as well as a number of other intestinal bacteria. With normal local immunity, the microflora of the urethra can be resisted by pathogenic microorganisms. But there are a number of factors that, when exposed to the human body, increase the likelihood of developing cystitis.

    These factors include:

    • hypothermia;
    • long sitting position;
    • chronic constipation;
    • dysbiosis;
    • hormonal disorders;
    • decreased overall immunity;
    • non-observance of general hygiene rules.
    The development of non-infectious cystitis is not associated with the influence of pathogenic microorganisms. The emergence of non-infectious cystitis may be associated with trauma, allergy, the effects of toxins, drugs and other external factors.

    Symptoms of cystitis

    A woman who has ever experienced the symptoms of cystitis in her life( see women's cystitis), hardly confuses them with the manifestations of another disease. Cystitis is characterized by rather specific symptoms, among which one can identify the most frequent, namely:

    • rapid urge to urinate, which bring relief only for a short time;
    • sensation of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
    • pain of varying severity;
    • blood in the urine.
    Symptoms of acute cystitis differ in the brightness of the manifestations and, in addition, there may be additional symptoms that significantly impair the general condition of the person. So, the appearance of fever, acute pain in the lower abdomen, turbidity of urine and the development of weakness, which reduces the capacity for work of a person, is possible.

    The development of chronic cystitis depends on the strength of human immunity, from concomitant diseases and on the presence of factors predisposing to the disease. Symptoms of chronic cystitis are poorly expressed. Usually one or two symptoms appear, but without treatment, chronic cystitis can develop into an acute form with the development of many other symptoms of the disease.

    See also, symptoms of cystitis in men.

    Treatment of cystitis at home in women

    Sometimes there are life situations in which going to the doctor in the case of the appearance of the first symptoms of any disease is not possible.

    Some women who have already experienced cystitis prefer to treat it at home, that is without consulting a doctor. Malignant symptoms, which indicate that the disease is only beginning to progress, are an immediate signal to action.

    Cystitis in mild form can be cured at home, but with the caveat: a woman should not have severe pain and blood in the urine. In this case, a specialist consultation is required, which will carry out the necessary diagnostic actions and prescribe suitable tablets against cystitis.

    When cystitis in women, treatment requires compliance with bed rest, it will avoid fatigue and retain the strength to fight the disease.

    It is recommended a plentiful drink, a woman should drink more than two liters per day, which will help to remove from the bladder pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, thermal procedures are required to warm up the lower abdomen. For this, an ordinary hot water bottle can be used, as well as the frequent taking of hot baths.

    Cystitis is an infectious disease, and it is treated with the use of special antibiotics that are effective against the pathogen, also prescribe antispasmodics, uroseptics. Folk remedies are only a possible supplement to the therapy, and are applied after the doctor's approval. Self-medication can lead to complications, or the transition of the disease to a chronic stage.

    Uproprofit for cystitis

    Vegetable preparation, treats dietary supplements. It is not an antibiotic. Thanks to the medicinal plants contained in the extracts it possesses spasmolytic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic action. Uroprofit is often prescribed for acute or chronic cystitis. Its purpose is to supplement the basic treatment. Reviews of women about the drug are very positive.

    It is dispensed without a prescription, the form of release - capsules, 30 pieces per pack. According to the instructions, take adults 2 times a day, 1 capsule with meals. Duration of the course is 30 days. Use with caution during pregnancy and lactation, as well as with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

    Uproprofit composition:

    • extract of cranberry fruit( 25 mg);
    • extract of bearberry leaves( 4 mg);
    • horsetail extract( 1 mg);
    • vitamin C( 35 mg).
    Uroprofit is used both for treatment and for the prevention of diseases of the urogenital system.

    Folk remedies

    Among the popular recipes are the most common:

    1. 1) Very effective baths with broths of herbs, for example, with a normal chamomile. The broth of a camomile possesses anti-inflammatory effect that will help or assist to remove signs of a cystitis. To make a bath you need to brew chamomile and let it brew for several hours. After this, the ready-made broth must be filtered through cheesecloth or a fine sieve, and then add the filtered broth to the prepared bath. Of course, the water should not be very hot, because the action of high temperatures can only worsen a person's condition. Take a bath with a decoction of chamomile should be about 30 minutes, after which the waist is better to wrap it warmer or apply to the bottom of the stomach warmer.
    2. 2) Cranberry juice has a very good effect on the bladder. With mild symptoms of cystitis, only a few cups of freshly squeezed cranberry juice can suppress primary manifestations of the disease. Packaged cranberry juice for treatment is not suitable, since it does not contain those trace elements that help the body cope with pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, for the treatment of cystitis it is necessary to freshly squeezed juice. If there is no opportunity to purchase fresh cranberries, then dry cranberry extracts are sold in pharmacies, which are aimed specifically at treating and preventing cystitis.
    3. 3) The therapeutic effect is not only the reception of cranberry juice, but also the reception of herbal decoctions. There are special ready-made fees for the treatment of cystitis, which are sold at any pharmacy. But it is quite possible to produce such an herbal collection independently. Usually for the treatment of cystitis the following herbs are used: bearberry, echinacea, corn stigmas, St. John's Wort, peppermint, pine buds, flax seeds, field horsetail, chamomile, eucalyptus leaves. The aforementioned herbs have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, which will help cure the cystitis.
    It is worth remembering that the treatment of cystitis should be complex, so that the disease does not take a chronic form with frequent relapses. Thus, the thermal procedures described above are combined with the intake of decoctions of medicinal herbs and cranberry juice.

    In addition, you need to pay close attention to the diet. For the time of illness, it is necessary to refuse too sharp, salty or fried foods, as well as from carbonated drinks and alcohol, which can have an irritating effect on the walls of the bladder. All these measures can cure cystitis, but in case of frequent relapses of the disease it is worthwhile to see a doctor.

    Remember that in any case, the treatment of infection requires antibacterial drugs. It can be:

    1. 1) Monural - 3 mg once, 2 hours after eating;
    2. 2) Biseptol 2 tab.2 times - 3 days.
    3. 3) Nolycin, 1 tablet 2 times, for 3 days

    What happens if you do not treat cystitis?

    An untreated cystitis has quite unpleasant consequences. First, the unpleasant consequences in the first place relapse of the disease with the emergence of acute symptoms. In addition, it is possible not only to relapse of cystitis, but also its aggravation, which will manifest itself in the emergence of new severe symptoms.

    Secondly, untreated cystitis can cause various infectious lesions of the kidneys. Third, chronic inflammation of the bladder during exacerbation can affect the deeper walls of the bladder: the mucosa, the submucosa and the muscular wall.

    The defeat of the submucosa and muscle wall will lead to a sharp deterioration in the human condition. In addition, changes in the bladder from the effects of the inflammatory process can be irreversible. Fourth, there may be a development of hematuria, in which a large amount of blood is detected in the urine due to inflammation in the bladder and kidney damage.

    All of the above complications can be avoided with timely and adequate treatment of cystitis, which implies an integrated approach, the availability of preventive measures and contact with a doctor if necessary.

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