  • Eye drops from conjunctivitis for adults and children

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    Inflammatory eye disease, covering the mucous membranes of the eye, is called conjunctivitis. In adults, this disease is diagnosed more often than in children.

    Inflammation develops due to the ingress of bacteria, microbes, fungi or viruses into the eyes. The causative agent of the infection causes not only damage to the mucous membrane of the eyes, but also provokes the occurrence of a cold, flu or ARI.

    It happens, and vice versa, when a viral cold cure leads to the development of conjunctivitis. Expressed the disease redness of the conjunctiva, itching, burning eyes, swelling, the appearance of pus or mucus. Therefore, it is important to choose the right eye drops from conjunctivitis( conjunctivitis), and begin timely treatment of the disease.

    How to treat conjunctivitis?

    Ophthalmologist quickly determines the cause of the disease by external signs and symptoms of conjunctivitis, and then prescribes treatment. The pharmacy offers many different drugs, but only the doctor chooses the tactics of treatment and prescribes a particular drug. It all depends on the nature of the ailment.
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    According to the classification of infectious agents, drops are offered from conjunctivitis for three types of disease - viral, allergic and bacterial conjunctivitis.

    Remedies for viral conjunctivitis affect the cellular level, destroying viruses or preventing their reproduction. Viral conjunctivitis is characterized by lacrimation, secretion of clear mucus.

    If only one eye is affected, then with carelessness and non-hygiene, the second eye can also become infected. It should be carefully dripped in one eye, so that the solution does not fall into the other eye.

    Drops for the treatment of the viral type of conjunctivitis

    These eye drops are effective for the treatment of viral conjunctivitis:

    1. 1) Florenal 0.1% .The drug perfectly neutralizes the viral nature. Bury them in two eyes at once as prescribed by the doctor several times a day;
    2. 2) Tebrofen 0.1% has a neutralizing effect on viruses. The drops are applied no more than three times daily;
    3. 3) Gludantan 0.1% , the agent effectively kills viruses. Effective drops, with no side effect, are also used to treat allergic conjunctivitis. Apply up to three times a day, in case of a complicated form it can be increased up to 5-6 times;
    4. 4) Half-way .The drug is effective in the treatment of blepharoconjunctivitis;
    5. 5) Dexamethasone .Effective drops, however, have some contraindications, in particular it is not prescribed during pregnancy;
    6. 6) Interferon solutions .To such antibiotic means include "Lokferon", "Ophthalmoferon".They remove the infection, while increasing the protective capabilities of the mucous membrane of the eyes;

    Drops from bacterial conjunctivitis

    The bacterial nature of the disease dictates the need to prescribe antimicrobial drugs. This type of conjunctivitis differs from viral because mucus and pus appear, two eyes are always affected and infection from another patient is possible.

    These drops with antibiotics should be used for the therapy of bacterial conjunctivitis:

    1. 1) Albucid 20% or 30% solution of .Depending on the patient's age, the concentration of the solution is chosen. Children are prescribed a 20% drug, since the drops cause burning, and adults are given a 30% solution. Bury in 1-2 drops in both eyes 3-4 times a day. It is an effective and safe drug that removes swelling and redness;
    2. 2) Oftadec 0,02% is prescribed by the doctor's prescription up to 4-5 times a day for 2-3 drops. An effective antiseptic;
    3. 3) Tobrex 0,3% bactericidal preparation quickly and effectively removes inflammation. Has a wide range of activities;
    4. 4) Cipromed. Effective antimicrobial agent. Used to treat blepharoconjunctivitis;
    5. 5) Norsulfazole 10% is instilled about 4 times a day. It is imperative to rinse the eyes before using the product;
    6. 6) Levomycetin 0.25% has an antibacterial effect, a really effective drug. It can be used only according to the doctor's prescription, as a rule, you need to instill the drug 4 times a day, 2 drops in both eyes;
    7. 7) Vigamox .Antibacterial agent, which is often prescribed to the elderly;
    8. 8) Phloxal 0.3% kills viruses and has an antimicrobial effect. Bury in both eyes up to 4-5 times a day.
    9. 9) Gentomycin 0.25% solution. Drops have an antimicrobial effect similar to levomycetin;
    10. 10) Zinc sulfate 0.25% is used as an antibacterial agent for adults. In the chronic form of conjunctivitis, 1% solution is administered. Bury in two drops about 4 times a day at the same time interval.
    There are herbal remedies for fighting eye infection. These include a decoction of chamomile, marigold, turn. You can bury with a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate or strong brewed tea. Such folk remedies help to cope with microbes and relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

    Allergic conjunctivitis develops due to the negative impact of corrosive substances on the skin of the eye. These substances can be chemical ingredients, household chemicals, cosmetics, pollen of plants, animal wool. To combat allergic conjunctivitis use means that relieve inflammation, swelling, redness of the eyelids and eyes. Prescribe drops for external use and antihistamines.

    Preparations against allergic conjunctivitis:

    1. 1) Cortisone;
    2. 2) Claritin;
    3. 3) Lacrisifin.
    Antibacterial preparations "Oftadec", "Albucid", "Tobrex" are also used for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis. Intravenous appoint calcium chloride 10%, and inside the dimedrol tablets 2 times a day for 0.05 grams.

    The most difficult is chronic conjunctivitis, which can last several months. It develops in the course of a prolonged course of acute conjunctivitis as a result of the action of stimuli - smoke, chemicals, dust. For the treatment of chronic form apply silver nitrate or collargol, i.e.colloidal silver.

    Complications of

    Most often, conjunctivitis occurs without complications with proper treatment. It is important to observe hygiene and to be treated as directed by a doctor. If the source of the infection is chlamydia or gonorrhea, then long-term treatment is possible, but the doctor always chooses the tactic.

    Self-medication can not give the desired result, because it is necessary to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to the antibiotic.

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