  • Acyclovir: instructions for use, price and analogues

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    Acyclovir is a drug that can fight viruses of simple and herpes zoster. It is effective against the virus that affects the mucous membrane and the skin - Nerpes simplex.

    In addition, the drug Acyclovir is struggling with a herpes zoster, which provokes CNS diseases with the appearance of a bubble-like rash along the nerves.

    Due to the fact that the structure of acyclovir is similar to the structure of deoxyguanine, a component of DNA, the substance is capable of interrupting the spread of viruses. After the acyclovir is introduced into the cell, infected with the herpes virus, the synthesis of the viral DNA is blocked. The components of the preparation do not affect the synthesis of the human cell DNA.

    When used internally, it is absorbed by the body only partially, by about 20%.When the agent is injected into the vein, it is withdrawn after 3 hours. Excreted by the kidneys.

    There was no teratogenic and carcinogenic effect in the study of Acyclovir. In some tests on rats and mice, the drug showed a mutagenic effect. Acyclovir did not have an effect on reproductive function and fertility.
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    Indications for use of acyclovir

    It is recommended for use in diseases caused by herpes simplex, including herpes of the newborn. Acyclovir copes well with herpes zoster and chicken pox. Cream and ointment for external use is used for the therapy of Nerpes simplex, which causes herpes mucous and skin herpes, recurrent and primary herpes genital.

    Helps to fight the Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus infection. Ointment for eyes is used for the therapy of keratitis, provoked by the herpes simplex virus.

    Read also, herpes treatment on the lips with folk remedies.

    Instructions for use acyclovir: ointment, tablets, cream

    The drug is used for intravenous, internal and topical administration. There is a remedy in the form of cream, ointment and tablets.

    Tablets are given to patients who have infections of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as with a prophylactic goal for the treatment of patients who have problems with the immune system. In addition, the tablet form is relevant for patients with shingles.

    The drug is prescribed for the herpes simplex virus inside by 1 tab.five times a day. For the purpose of prevention, pills are used 4 times a day. If the patient observes shingles, the doctor prescribes higher doses - 4 tabl.(0, 8 g.) Five times daily. Apply tablets without chewing, the amount of water at the reception should not be large.

    With herpes zoster, the drug is used for 3 more days after the symptoms of the illness have left. For newborns the product is not suitable.

    Intravenous application: adults and children 12 years of age, the drug is administered three times a day every 8 hours at 5 mg per kg of body weight. In herpes zoster, patients with immune system problems are prescribed every 8 hours for 10 mg / kg of body weight. To use Acyclovir intravenously, use a mixture of one ampoule with acyclovir and a special solvent. In the form of injection, the solution must be administered for 1 hour. Use only solutions that have just been prepared.

    If there are problems with the kidneys, as well as people of advanced age recommend using smaller doses of the drug. When transplanting organs, after tumor chemotherapy, the agent is used during the time of risk, often this period is five to six weeks.

    Herpetic keratitis is treated with ophthalmic ointment. It will be necessary to lay the drug in the conjunctival sac for 8-10 days five times a day, making intervals of four hours. Ointment is used for infectious lesions of mucous and skin, provoked by simple herpes. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to apply a thin layer on the problem area five times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the course of the disease, usually 6-10 days.

    Side effects of

    The drug Acyclovir is a fairly strong anti-herpes and antiviral agent. It certainly is characterized by the provocation of certain side effects. When it is used, often such adverse reactions as vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and other symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract are observed.

    In addition, there may be unpleasant side effects from the nervous and cardiovascular system. The patient can feel headache, lowering blood pressure, possibly anemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia. There may arise from the nervous system such symptoms as tremor of hands, a feeling of drowsiness, psychosis, confusion.

    Concerning external manifestations, a skin rash is possible. If there are problems with the liver, prescribe smaller volumes of Acyclovir.

    If the drug is used intravenously, there may be an increase in urea, bilirubin, and serum creatinine, the development of acute renal failure. To minimize the negative effect of the drug on the body, you should first follow the recommended dose and clearly study the instructions. It is also recommended to follow a healthy lifestyle.


    It is contraindicated to use Acyclovir primarily in case of individual intolerance of the substance included in the product. Because Acyclovir is excreted with the milk of a nursing mother, it is usually abolished when lactating.

    In severe kidney disease, acyclovir is also contraindicated. The deposition of salt crystals in the kidney tissue can further exacerbate the problem. If you can not do without using the drug, the patient is recommended to drink more fluids. For pregnant women, the drug Acyclovir is acceptable. In this case, the doctor evaluates the possible risks to the fetus.

    Interaction with other medications

    Probenecid reduces the excretion of this drug. If acyclovir is used topically, there is usually no problematic interaction.

    When acyclovir is used concomitantly with nephrotoxic drugs, the risk of nephrotoxic exposure is possible. This is especially true for patients with impaired urinary function.

    Storage conditions

    The preparation should be stored in a place protected from sunlight at a temperature regime of no higher than 25 degrees. Keep it out of the reach of children.


    Tablets of 200 and 400 mg, eye ointment, cream and ointment for external use, lyophilizate to create a solution.

    Analogues of acyclovir

    Lovir, Acic ophthalmic, Medovir, Cytivir, Acyclovir-Acry, Acyclovir-BMS, Gerpevir, Zovirax, Virollex.


    The average price for Acyclovir in pharmacies is 20 UAH.on tablets( 60 rubles) of Ukrainian production, about 100-150 UAH.on tablets produced in Germany. The cost of ointment Acyclovir - about 21 UAH.

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