
How to get rid of internal acne on the face: photo of subcutaneous acne, treatment

  • How to get rid of internal acne on the face: photo of subcutaneous acne, treatment

    How to get rid of internal pimples on the face: the reasons for the appearance and treatment of a doctor or a house

    The most unpleasant and unaesthetic kind of rash is subcutaneous pimples. Most often the reason for their appearance is a cold. The sebaceous glands are located throughout the body. They are needed to produce subcutaneous fat, which helps hair growth. Sometimes in the sebaceous glands an external microflora enters, mixes with the fat and clogs the flow of sebum.

    So there are internal pimples that cause painful sensations.

    In addition to the common cold, the cause of internal acne on the face may be non-compliance with hygiene, various skin lesions, hypothermia, poor nutrition, allergy from synthetic fibers. In addition, changes in the nervous and endocrine systems can also trigger the appearance of acne.

    Whatever the reason, it is possible to decide how to get rid of internal pimples on the face, only with a specialist doctor.

    Treating acne - "shavers"

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    Some people, seeing on the face of subcutaneous pimples, begin to squeeze them out on their own. As a result, a deplorable result is obtained: the formation of atrophic scars. To get rid of them it is possible only with the help of laser polishing, but such salon procedure is not cheap.

    As soon as you notice a subcutaneous pimple on the nose, fight it with iodine. The sore point needs to be cauterized several times a day with iodine. The main thing is not to overdo it. Otherwise, the burn is guaranteed.

    Ozone therapy is a very good way to fight subcutaneous pimples. He reduces the course of treatment, does not leave pigment spots and scars, resists microbes. Just one ozone injection shortens the time to mature the pimple to several hours. Accordingly, and get rid of pimples can be much faster. Also, ozone removes redness and swelling, under its action, elastin and collagen are actively produced, which help the quick healing of acne.

    In salons there are other procedures that help get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon, but treatment is best done with the help of a doctor and folk remedies.

    Treatment at the doctor and at home

    The doctor will advise you to take more seriously cosmetics: powder and foundation. They clog the pores and cause the glands to work incorrectly. Be sure to follow a diet, choose vegetables and fruits. Several days at night apply a pimple compress from ichthyol ointment. You can make a solution of the synthomycin emulsion and water and treat it with pimples.

    It is better to wait for the abscess to ripen, and then consult a doctor. He will open the pimple safely, there will be no infection, inflammation and scar.

    There are several ways of traditional medicine that will help in the fight against internal pimples:

    Compress from aloe. The sheet should be cut, put the flesh to the internal pimple and hold all night, fixing with adhesive plaster. After 2-3 sessions, the skin will be cleansed.

    • Nettle broth normalizes metabolism, removes slag and releases the body from the rash. To drink it it is necessary within a month.
    • Tea tree oil cleans the face of internal acne. Apply it to the problem areas every 3-4 hours. It removes inflammation and well desiccates the skin.
    • When the pimple is very large and painful - levomecol will help. It is a good antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent.
    • Very effective face cleansing. Cotton swab dipped in camphor alcohol, and then in baking soda and salt. Apply the resulting mixture to the face, especially carefully on those areas where acne usually occurs: forehead, cheeks and chin. Then the mixture is removed and a mask is applied from the cottage cheese.
    • Fold in the enamel plate in the same proportions butter, non-liquid honey and chopped onions. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil, then cool and mix with flour until the consistency of plasticine. Then you need to stretch the cake carefully and apply it to the pimple. Do this until the disappearance of pimples.
    • Two tablets of levomycetin and ten tablets of Trichopolum should be crushed and poured into a tincture of calendula. Wipe face with a mixture and wash off after a couple of minutes.

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    The most unpleasant and unaesthetic kind of rash is subcutaneous pimples. Most often the reason for their appearance is a cold. The sebaceous glands are located throughout the body. They are needed to produce subcutaneous fat, which helps hair growth. Sometimes in the sebaceous glands an external microflora enters, mixes with the fat and clogs the flow of sebum.

    So there are internal pimples that cause painful sensations.

    In addition to the common cold, the cause of internal acne on the face may be non-compliance with hygiene, various skin lesions, hypothermia, poor nutrition, allergy from synthetic fibers. In addition, changes in the nervous and endocrine systems can also trigger the appearance of acne.

    Whatever the reason, it is possible to decide how to get rid of the internal pimple on the face, only with a specialist doctor.

    Treat acne - "shavers"

    Some people, seeing on the face of subcutaneous pimples, begin to squeeze them out on their own. As a result, a deplorable result is obtained: the formation of atrophic scars. To get rid of them it is possible only with the help of laser polishing, but such salon procedure is not cheap.

    As soon as you notice a subcutaneous pimple on the nose, fight it with iodine. The sore point needs to be cauterized several times a day with iodine. The main thing is not to overdo it. Otherwise, the burn is guaranteed.

    Ozone therapy is a very good way to fight subcutaneous pimples. He reduces the course of treatment, does not leave pigment spots and scars, resists microbes. Just one ozone injection shortens the time to mature the pimple to several hours. Accordingly, and get rid of pimples can be much faster. Also, ozone removes redness and swelling, under its action, elastin and collagen are actively produced, which help the quick healing of acne.

    In salons there are other procedures that help to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon, but treatment is best done with the help of a doctor and folk remedies.

    Treatment at the doctor and at home

    The doctor will advise you to take more seriously cosmetics: powder and foundation. They clog the pores and cause the glands to work incorrectly. Be sure to follow a diet, choose vegetables and fruits. Several days at night apply a pimple compress from ichthyol ointment. You can make a solution of the synthomycin emulsion and water and treat it with pimples.

    It's best to wait for the abscess to ripen, and then consult a doctor. He will open the pimple safely, there will be no infection, inflammation and scar.

    There are several ways of traditional medicine that will help in the fight against internal pimples:

    Compress from aloe. The sheet should be cut, put the flesh to the internal pimple and hold all night, fixing with adhesive plaster. After 2-3 sessions, the skin will be cleansed.

    • Nettle broth normalizes metabolism, removes slag and releases the body from the rash. To drink it it is necessary within a month.
    • Tea tree oil cleans the face of internal acne. Apply it to the problem areas every 3-4 hours. It removes inflammation and well desiccates the skin.
    • When the pimple is very large and painful - levomecol will help. It is a good antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent.
    • Very effective face cleansing. Cotton swab dipped in camphor alcohol, and then in baking soda and salt. Apply the resulting mixture to the face, especially carefully on those areas where acne usually occurs: forehead, cheeks and chin. Then the mixture is removed and a mask is applied from the cottage cheese.
    • Add to the enamel plate in equal proportions butter, non-liquid honey and chopped onions. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil, then cool and mix with flour until the consistency of plasticine. Then you need to stretch the cake carefully and apply it to the pimple. Do this until the disappearance of pimples.
    • Two tablets of levomycetin and ten tablets of Trichopolum should be crushed and poured into a tincture of calendula. Wipe face with a mixture and wash off after a couple of minutes.

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