
Increased body temperature. Causes of high body temperature - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Increased body temperature. Causes of high body temperature - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    To assess the condition of a person with a high temperature, let's find out why this happens with the body.

    Normal body temperature

    The human temperature is normal at an average of 36.6 C. This temperature is optimal for biochemical processes occurring in the body, but each organism is individual, therefore it is possible to consider normal for some individuals and the temperature is from 36 to 37.4 C( this is aboutlong-lasting state and in the event that there are no symptoms of any disease).In order to diagnose a habitually elevated temperature, you need to undergo a medical examination.

    Why the body temperature rises

    In all other situations, a rise in body temperature above normal indicates that the body is trying to fight something. In most cases, these are foreign agents in the body - bacteria, viruses, protozoa or the consequence of physical effects on the body( burn, frostbite, foreign body).At elevated temperature, the existence of agents in the body becomes difficult, infections, for example, die at a temperature of about 38 C.

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    But any organism, like the mechanism, is not perfect and can malfunction. In the case of temperature, we can observe this when the organism, due to the individual characteristics of the immune system, reacts too strongly to various infections, and the temperature rises too high, for most people it is 38.5 C. But again for children and adults who had early febrilecramps at high temperature( if you do not know ask your parents or your doctor, but usually this is not forgotten, as accompanied by a short-term loss of consciousness), the critical temperature can be considered 37.5-38 C.

    ComplicatedI elevated temperature

    At too high temperatures occur disturbances in the transmission of nerve impulses, and this may lead to irreparable consequences in the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures until respiratory arrest. In all cases of critical high temperature, antipyretic agents are taken. All of them affect the center of thermoregulation in the subcortical structures of the brain. Auxiliary methods, and first of all the wiping of the body surface with warm water is aimed at increasing blood flow on the body surface and contributes to the evaporation of moisture, which leads to a temporary and not very significant decrease in temperature. Wiping with a weak solution of vinegar at the present stage after the conducted studies is considered inexpedient since it has exactly the same results as simple warm water.

    Long-term temperature increase( more than two weeks) despite the degree of increase requires an examination of the body. During which the cause must be clarified or the habitual subfebrile temperature is diagnosed. Have patience consult the results of the survey to several doctors. If the results of tests and examinations of pathology do not reveal any more, do not measure the temperature without manifesting any symptomatology, otherwise you risk getting psychosomatic diseases. A good doctor should tell you exactly why you constantly have low-grade fever( 37-37.4) and whether you need to do anything. The reasons for the long-term elevated temperature are great and if you are not a doctor, do not even try to diagnose yourself, and it is impractical to hold your head with anything you do not need.

    How to measure the temperature correctly.

    In our country, probably more than 90% of people measure body temperature in the armpit.

    The armpit should be dry. The measurement is carried out in a calm state 1 hour after any physical activity. It is not recommended to take hot tea, coffee, etc. before measurement.

    All this is recommended when clarifying the existence of a long-term high temperature. In emergency cases, when complaints about poor health appear, measurements are taken under any conditions. Used mercury, alcohol, electronic thermometers. If you have any doubts about the correctness of the measurements, measure the temperature in healthy individuals, take another thermometer.

    When measuring temperature in the rectum, the temperature at 37 ° C should be considered the norm. Women should take into account the menstrual cycle. Probably normal temperature increase in the rectum to 38 g C in the period of ovulation, and this is 15-25 day cycle in 28 days.

    Measurement in the oral cavity is considered impractical.

    Recently, ear thermometers have appeared on the market, which are considered to be the most accurate. When measuring in the ear canal the norm is the same as when measuring in the axilla. But small children usually react nervously to the procedure.

    Call ambulance teams require the following conditions:

    a. In any case at a temperature of 39.5 and above.

    b. High temperature is accompanied by vomiting, visual impairment, stiffness of movements, muscle tension in the cervical spine( it is impossible to tilt the chin to the sternum).

    's. High fever accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen. Especially in the elderly, even with moderate pain in the abdomen, at the temperature I advise you to call an ambulance.

    . In a child under 10 years of age, the temperature is accompanied by a barking, dry cough that is difficult to breathe. Greater likelihood of developing inflammatory narrowing of the larynx, the so-called laryngotracheitis or false croup. The algorithm of action in this case is the moistening of the inhaled air, trying not to frighten, calming, the child to take to the bathroom to pour hot water to get steam, to inhale moistened, but certainly not hot air, therefore, the hot water should not be less than 70 centimeters. In the absence of a bathroom, an improvised tent with a source of steam. But if the child is still frightened and does not calm down, then leave the attempts and just wait for an ambulance.

    etc. Sharp for 1-2 hours, the temperature rises above 38 g. S in a child under 6 years old, who had early convulsions at high temperature.
    Algorithm of action - to give antipyretic( dosage in advance should be agreed with the pediatrician or see below), call for an ambulance.

    When should I take an antipyretic to lower body temperature:

    a. Body temperature is above 38.5 g. C( if in an anamnesis febrile convulsions, then at a temperature of 37.5 ° C).

    b At a temperature below the above figures only if the symptoms are expressed in the form of a headache, feelings of aches in the whole body, general weakness.significantly interferes with sleep and rest.

    In all other cases, it is necessary to give the body the benefits of elevated temperature, helping it to withdraw the so-called infection control products.(dead leukocytes, macrophages, remnants of bacteria and viruses in the form of toxins).

    For this, almost any doctor recommends the reception of a warm liquid in a large volume. And also with a tendency to fluid retention in the body taking diuretics. Here opens a wide field of activity for traditional medicine.

    I will bring the vegetable folk remedies that I prefer.

    Folk remedies at elevated temperature

    a. In the first place, fruit juice with cranberries - take as much as the body requires.
    b. Morse from currant, sea-buckthorn, cowberry.
    c. Any alkaline mineral water with a low percentage of mineralization or simply pure boiled water.

    The following plants are contraindicated for use at an elevated body temperature: St. John's wort, golden root( rhodiola rosea).

    In any case, when the temperature rises above five days, I recommend to see a doctor.

    Before going to the clinic I advise you to think over the answers to the following questions.

    a. The onset of the disease, when there was a fever and can anything be associated with her appearance?(hypothermia, increased physical exertion, emotional overstrain).

    b. Was there contact with temperature-sensing people in the next two weeks?

    in. Have you been sick in the next two months with any disease with fever?(remember, you may have suffered some kind of malaise "on your feet").

    d. Did you have a tick bite this season?(it is appropriate to recall even the contact of the mite with the skin without a bite).

    etc. It is very important to remember if you live in endemic areas for hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome( HFRS), and these are the areas of the Far East, Siberia, Ural, Volgovian region, whether there was contact with rodents or products of their vital activity. First of all, fresh viruses are dangerous, since the virus is contained in them during the week. The latent period of this disease is from 7 days to 1.5 months.

    e. Indicate the nature of the manifestation of increased body temperature( abrupt, constant, or with a smooth increase at a certain time of day).

    h. Specify, whether to you have been spent within two weeks of a vaccination( inoculations).

    f. Clearly tell the doctor what other symptoms accompany high body temperature.(catarrhal - cough, runny nose, pain or sore throat, dyspeptic - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, loose stool, etc.)
    All this will allow the doctor to more purposefully and timely appoint examinations andtreatment.

    OTC drugs used to reduce body temperature.

    1. Paracetamol in various names. Dosage for adults is single 0.5-1 g.daily up to 2 gr.the period between receptions is not less than 4 hours, the child 15 mg per kilogram of the child's weight( for information in 1 gram 1000 mg).For example, a child of 10 kg of weight requires 150 mg-in practice it is slightly more than half of a tablet of 0, 25 grams. It is produced both in tablets of 0.5 grams and 0.25 grams, and in syrups and rectal suppositories. Possible application from infancy. Paracetamol is a part of almost all combined anti-cold medications( fervex, teraflu, koldreks).
    It is better to use infants in rectal suppositories.

    2. Nurofen( ibuprofen) adult dosage 0.4gr., children 0,2 grams Children are recommended with caution, used in children with intolerance or a mild effect of paracetamol.

    3. Nise( nimesulide) is available both in powders( nimesil) and in tablets. Adult dosage 0.1gr. .. children 1.5 milligrams per kilogram of the weight of the child that is, at a weight of 10kg, 15 mg is required. Just over a tenth tablet. The daily dosage is not more than 3 times a day

    4. Analgin - adult 0.5 grams. .. children 5-10 mg per kg of the child's weight That is, with 10 kg of weight, a maximum of 100 mg is required - this is the fifth part of the tablet. Daily up to three times a day. Not recommended for children for frequent use.

    5. Aspirin is an adult single dose of 0.5-1 g. Daily up to four times a day, children are contraindicated.

    At elevated temperatures all physiotherapy, water procedures, mud therapy, massage are canceled.

    All of the above drugs I recommend taking alone on an emergency. All further treatment after consultation with a doctor.

    Diseases flowing with a very high( above 39 degrees C) temperature.

    Influenza is a viral disease, accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature, pronounced aches and joint pains in the muscles. Catarrhal phenomena( runny nose, coughing, tickling in the throat, etc.) are joined on the 3rd-4th day of the disease, and in the case of the usual ov.v.i.first the appearance of colds and then a smooth rise in temperature.

    The habit of Russians lingering with the treatment of influenza and getting sick "on their feet" leads to complications. About 40% of those infected with influenza risk getting bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, less often - pyelonephritis, stomatitis and other diseases. Therefore, the appearance of chills, a cold and other symptoms that resemble the flu should become a signal for the patient to start treatment. In the first hours of development of the flu, the body needs support, and the patient - getting rid of the symptoms. If you suspect a flu, you can start treatment with a symptomatic drug, for example, a drug of European quality, Antigrippin. The use of this symptom in the complex treatment of influenza will help to alleviate the condition of the patient and prevent the development of complications.

    Angina - marked pain in the throat when swallowing and at rest.

    Chicken pox( chickenpox), measles can also start with a high fever and only on day 2-4 the appearance of a rash in the form of vesicles( vials filled with liquid).

    Pneumonia( inflammation of the lungs) almost always, except for patients with reduced immunity and persons of advanced age, is accompanied by high fever. Distinctive feature, the appearance of pain in the chest, intensifying with deep breathing, dyspnea, dry cough in the beginning of the disease. All these symptoms in most cases are accompanied by a feeling of anxiety, fear.

    Acute pyelonephritis ( inflammation of the kidneys), along with high temperature, the pain in the projection of the kidneys( just below 12 ribs, with irradiation in the side more often on one side) comes to the fore in the foreground: swelling on the face, high blood pressure.urine.

    Acute glomerulonephritis , the same as pyelonephritis only with the inclusion of the pathological reaction of the immune system. Characterized by the appearance of urine in erythrocytes. Has, in comparison with pyelonephritis, a greater percentage of complications, is more prone to transition to a chronic form.

    Gemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome is an infectious disease transmitted from rodents, mainly from vole mice. It is characterized by a decrease, and sometimes a complete absence of urination in the early days of the disease, redness of the skin, severe muscle pain.

    Gastroenterocolitis ( salmonellosis, dysentery, paratyphoid, typhoid fever, cholera, etc.) The main dyspeptic syndrome is nausea, vomiting, loose stool, abdominal pain.

    Meningitis and encephalitis ( including tick-borne) -inflammation of meninges of an infectious nature. The main meningeal syndrome is head marked pain, visual impairment, nausea, tension of the neck muscles( you can not bring your chin to your chest).For meningitis, the appearance of a small-point hemorrhagic rash on the skin of the shins, the anterior wall of the abdomen is characteristic.

    Viral hepatitis A is the main symptom of jaundice, the skin and sclera become icteric.

    Diseases flowing with moderately elevated body temperature( 37-38 degrees C).

    Exacerbations of chronic diseases, such as:

    Chronic bronchitis, complaints of coughing both dry and with phlegm, dyspnea.

    Bronchial asthma of an infectious-allergic nature - complaints of nocturnal, sometimes daytime attacks of air shortage.

    Tuberculosis of the lungs, complaints about coughing are long, marked general weakness, sometimes in sputum streaks of blood.

    Tuberculosis of other organs and tissues.

    Chronic myocarditis, endocarditis, characterized by prolonged pain in the region of the heart, arrhythmic irregular heartbeat

    Chronic pyelonephritis.

    chronic glomerulonephritis - the symptoms are the same as with acute only less pronounced.

    Chronic salpingo-opharitis is a gynecological disease characterized by pains in the lower abdomen, discharge, soreness with urination.

    With subfebrile fever, the following diseases occur:

    Viral hepatitis B and C, complaints of general weakness, pain in the joints, jaundice is attached at later stages.

    Diseases of the thyroid gland( thyroiditis, nodular and diffuse goiter, thyrotoxicosis), the main symptoms, the sensation of lumps in the throat, palpitations, sweating, irritability.

    Acute and chronic cystitis, complaints of painful urination.

    Acute and exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, a male disease characterized by difficulty and often painful urination.

    Sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, syphilis, and also opportunistic( and may not manifest as a disease) urogenital infections -toxoplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, ureoplasmosis.

    A large group of oncological diseases, one of the symptoms of which can be slightly elevated temperature.

    Basic tests and examinations that can be prescribed by a doctor if you have a long subfebrile condition( elevated body temperature in the range 37-38gr C).

    1. Complete blood count - allows you to judge whether there is any inflammation in the body according to the number of leukocytes and the value of ESR( erythrocyte sedimentation rate).The amount of hemoglobin can indirectly indicate the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    2. A complete urinalysis testifies to the state of the urinary system. First of all, the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes and protein in the urine, as well as the specific gravity.

    3. Biochemical blood test( blood from the vein): .CRP and rheumatoid factor - their presence often speaks of the hyperactivity of the body's immune system and manifests itself in rheumatic diseases. Hepatic tests can diagnose hepatitis.

    4. Markers for hepatitis B and C are assigned to exclude the corresponding viral hepatitis.

    5. HIV- to exclude the syndrome of acquired immunodeficiency.

    6. Blood test for RV - for the detection of syphilis.

    7. Mantoux reaction, respectively, tuberculosis.

    8. Stool analysis is prescribed for suspected gastrointestinal and helminthic infections. Positive hidden blood in the analysis is a very important diagnostic feature.

    9. Blood test for thyroid hormones should be done after consultation of the endocrinologist and examination of the thyroid gland.

    10. Fluorography - even without diseases it is recommended to go every two years. It is possible to prescribe PHG by a doctor if there is a suspicion of pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchitis, tuberculosis, lung cancer. Modern digital fluorographs allow you to diagnose without resorting to large radiography. Accordingly, a low dose of X-ray irradiation is used and only in obscure cases, additional examinations are required on the X-ray and tomograph. The most accurate is the magnetic resonance tomograph.

    11 Uzi of internal organs, thyroid gland produce for diagnosis of kidney, liver, pelvic organs, thyroid gland.

    12 ECG, ECHO KG, for the exclusion of myocarditis, pericarditis, endocarditis.

    Analyzes and examinations are appointed by the doctor selectively, based on clinical necessity.

    Therapist - Shutov A.I.