
Elevated blood pressure - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Elevated blood pressure - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Increased blood pressure - excess pressure in the arteries of a person is greater than the figures considered the norm, and this is from 110/70 to 139/89 millimeters of mercury, measured at rest, that is, at least ten minutes after any physical and emotional stress. A brief increase in blood pressure after a physical or emotional load is considered normal, and blood pressure figures are taken into account by doctors to determine the body's physical endurance.

    The main complaints and conditions in which it is possible to suggest an increase in blood pressure.

    Periodic headaches, dizziness, often accompanied by nausea. Noise in ears. Pulsation in the temporal parts of the head, flickering flies before the eyes, fatigue. Also, attacks of rapid heartbeats are possible, sometimes pressing pains in the heart are rather long from thirty minutes or more, the pain is not associated with physical activity. Often, high blood pressure occurs without any sensations( asymptomatic) and is detected only during medical examinations. But, despite this, it must also be treated, since it has a negative effect on the body and contributes to the appearance of other diseases.

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    The causes of increased blood pressure, a great many. But before you start to identify them, you need to find out if you have high blood pressure.

    Causes of misconceptions that you have high blood pressure:

    1. Incorrect blood pressure measurement

    Left on the photos shows the correct method of measuring blood pressure.

    The study should be conducted in a comfortable position, the arm should be placed on the table, at the heart level. The cuff is placed on the shoulder, the lower edge of it is two cm above the elbow fold. Ducts should be located freely, without squeezing, located on the inside of the shoulder. The cuff size should correspond to the size of the arm: the rubber inflatable cuff portion should cover at least 80% of the circumference of the arm. For adults, the average size of the cuff is 12-13cm wide and 30-35cm long. But there are also more complete ones. When purchasing the device, ask to choose the required dimensions.

    The cuff should be inflated to a pressure of 20 mm Hg higher after the pulse has disappeared. Reduce the pressure in the cuff, you need about 2 mm. Pt.st. The amount of pressure at which the first tone appears is called systolic blood pressure and corresponds to the maximum discharge of blood from the heart into the vessels( systole).The disappearance of the tone corresponds to the arterial pressure in the diastole, that is, when the ventricles rest. The magnitude of the rupture between systolic and diastolic pressure is important for establishing the causes of A / D and the selection of medications.

    Immediately only on the basis of the figures of systolic and diastolic pressure the cause of the rise of pressure can not be established. Further examinations are needed. In some cases, a large or small gap between C / A / D and D / A / D is due to the individual feature of the vessels. So it is not necessary to attach special importance to this fact.

    a) What not to do before measuring blood pressure:

    * Exclude the use of coffee and strong tea for an hour before the test.
    * Five, and if there was a significant physical or emotional load, then 10-15 minutes rest before measurement.
    * Do not smoke for an hour before measurement( and generally it is better not to be smoking).
    * Cancel during the day, taking nasal and eye drops( if you take).

    The number of BP measurements must be at least two, with an interval between two measurements of at least a minute. If there is a difference between the two dimensions, a third measurement is made.

    The average result is taken as the final result. Naturally, the tonometer that you use should be checked and certified. If the device is new, a certificate is enough.

    In the future, when doubts arise in accuracy, verification is required, which you can make in medical stores.

    2. Incorrect measurement of blood pressure measurements.

    Even if the pressure increase is fixed by a doctor and even repeatedly - this is not a reason for the diagnosis of hypertension. The situation in the doctor's office is not always comfortable for you and can cause all the known hypertension of a white coat. Learn to measure blood pressure at home, based on the above recommendations. Are there any doubts? Then I advise to conduct SMAD - daily monitoring of blood pressure( conducted in any medical institution).This is the same tonometer, only working around the clock and fixing the results of measurements every 15-30 minutes. The research is conducted without interruption from the patient's primary activity. To date, this is the most accessible and fairly accurate method to find out if you have high blood pressure.

    You all did according to the recommendations and found:

    1. Average A / D during the day at 110 / 70-120 / 80- and there are no crisis rises A / D

    congratulations, you do not have high blood pressure.

    2. Arterial pressure during the day is kept at the level of 130 / 80-139 / 89

    this is the so-called "high normal pressure".It is already necessary to use non-medicament methods of preventing the development of arterial hypertension. They are simple and accessible to everyone. This is a lifestyle change.

    * Quitting smoking.
    * Normalization of body weight.
    * Decreased alcohol consumption.
    * Reduce consumption of table salt to 5 grams per day. This refers to the dosing of food prepared without salt. If this is not possible, then at least do not dosalivat usual food and do not use too salty.
    * Increase moderate exercise! This is a very important stage. It is recommended dynamic physical load, it is better in the open air for 30-40 minutes at least four times a week. But not accompanied by discomfort, but bringing pleasure with an easy feeling of fatigue.
    * Changing the diet with increasing plant foods. Meat is mostly low-fat varieties. It is useful to split( in small portions) and separate food( carbohydrates separately from proteins).This allows the gastrointestinal tract to digest food more qualitatively, and deliver more useful substances to the bloodstream and protect the body from harmful( so-called slags).

    3. Blood pressure is higher than 140/90 mm Hg.

    You have high blood pressure. Now we need to establish the causes of blood pressure.

    Diseases accompanied by increased blood pressure

    The symptom of high blood pressure is inherent in many diseases. This is diabetes, and kidney disease in the form of pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, kidney stone disease, narrowing of the renal arteries, polycystic kidney disease( not to be confused with individual sinus cysts occurring asymptomatically), pheochromacitoma( adrenal disease).Increases blood pressure and with various heart defects, thyroid gland diseases. In these cases, hypertension is called symptomatic and, depending on the cause, is divided into renal, hemodynamic, central and endocrine.

    The percentage of all these unpleasant diseases from the total number of hypertension is small, about five percent( or simply a detailed examination to identify the cause of increased blood pressure).Basically, the so-called essential hypertension is identified, its causes in the so-called deregulation of the body's neurophysiological tuning.

    Causes - hereditary predisposition, mental overstrain, inactivity, bad habits, malnutrition. In advanced stages, constant medical treatment is required. To make a diagnosis, you need to start with simple survey methods that are free and available in any clinic. Do not rush to expensive research consult several therapists, make sure that clarifying the diagnosis through these methods will change the concept of treatment.

    Standard tests and examinations to clarify the causes of high blood pressure:

    • Complete blood test - allows you to determine whether there are inflammatory processes in the body, decreased hemoglobin has many causes, one of them is a violation of kidney function, therefore, a further examination, including kidneys, is required.
    • Complete urinalysis reveals changes in the urinary system. With diabetes mellitus, glucose is detected in the urine.
      The blood test for sugar reveals a violation of susceptibility to glucose, for the diagnosis of diabetes, one analysis is not enough, if there is an increase or decrease in the results, an endocrinologist
    • is required. A blood test for biochemistry( surrendered from the vein), cholesterol is important and decomposition is importanton the fraction, since low-density lipoproteins( bad cholesterol), in the literal sense of the word, stick to the vessels causes a gradual narrowing of them, also leads to the formation of cholesterol plaques. Lipoproteins of high density( good cholesterol) have no harmful effect. Therefore, even with a large total cholesterol, the analysis can be considered normal.
    • The next important component of the biochemistry of creatinine, and better the creatinine clearance, on it we judge the purifying activity of the kidneys.
    • Electrocardiogram, Echocardiogram.
    • Ultrasonography of the kidneys.
    • The examination of the ophthalmologist of the vessels of the fundus allows us to judge the degree of changes in the arteries and veins characteristic of increased blood pressure.

    All of the above is included in the survey standards for suspected hypertension and should be carried out within the framework of social insurance free of charge.

    Treatment and drugs for high blood pressure

    The next stage with the uncertainty of the diagnosis is a further examination. When delivered - the appointment of treatment, which is appointed by the doctor individually. Your task is to choose permanent doctors, because the choice of drugs and their dosages requires patience from both the doctor and the patient. Frequent replacement of doctors, and sometimes not necessary consultation of associate professors, candidates, professors can lead at this stage to the fact that you will try the entire pharmacy range. The assortment of preparations is so wide that each doctor has his favorite often prescribed medications.

    Phytotherapy with increasing blood pressure

    At any stage of treatment, it is possible in parallel with the ongoing drug therapy, the use of herbal medicine( treatment with herbs, fruits of plants).

    Examples: If you feel that the blood pressure rises after some stress or you are concerned about internal tension, restless sleep, then you can take sedative( soothing) herbs. Such: as: valerian, motherwort, peppermint, melissa, cones of hops.

    If high blood pressure is accompanied by swelling on the lower limbs, face, periodic dyspnoea, use of diuretics containing leaves of cowberry, bearberry, dog rose, elderberry flowers, acacia white flowers is possible. The intake of diuretic herbs should be accompanied by the intake of potassium, which is contained in dried apricots, bananas, persimmon, salad, buckwheat.

    I also find it useful to use infusions of hawthorn, fruits of ashberry ordinary in them the presence of flavonoids - substances influencing the elasticity of the vascular wall, and thus contributing to the prevention of atherosclerosis, is one of the most important causes of high blood pressure.

    Directly antispasmodic effect is the fruit of the black chokeberry( aronia).

    Contraindicated in use with increased arterial pressure:

    Aralia Manchurian, immortelle sandy, St. John's Wort, Rhodiola rosea( golden root), goat medicinal, magnolia vinegar, Tartar prickly, Eleutherococcus.

    Stay healthy! Therapist Shutov Alexey Ivanovich.

    February 2011.Revised classification of hypertension

    Millions of people who were told that they have high blood pressure may again find themselves in a healthy group, as the results of a recent study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine may lead to a revisionexisting classification of arterial hypertension.

    Earlier, the standard of normal blood pressure was considered to be figures up to 120/80 mm Hg. Art. However, a study of 13,000 people showed that in young people whose diastolic pressure exceeds the norm by 20 divisions, as well as in older persons with systolic pressure 20 points higher than normal, the risk of death is not increased compared to those inwho is under normal blood pressure.

    The risk of premature death increased significantly only in people older than 50 who had systolic blood pressure above 140 mm Hg.and in young people whose diastolic blood pressure rose above 100 mm Hg. Art.

    "We believe that this approach in assessing arterial pressure will allow to diagnose arterial hypertension only to those people who have it raised to a level of risk," says Brent Taylor, head of the study.

    According to the American Heart Association, in the United States, high blood pressure causes more than 56,000 deaths a year.