  • Muscari

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    Description. In addition to the scientific name "muscari", this plant is also called mouse hyacinth and viper onion. These names probably reflect tiny, like unrealistic plant sizes. Muscari is a close relative of hyacinths, and his plants really resemble miniature hyacinths: their leafless peduncles are crowned with dense, racemose inflorescences collected from tiny bells. Muscari is a perennial bulbous plant. The genus muscari has about 60 species of

    , which originate from the Mediterranean, Southern and Central Europe, Asia Minor and the Caucasus. Many species grow under natural conditions in the territory of Russia.

    The height of plants varies from 10 to 20 cm, and sometimes up to 30 cm, depending on the species. The plants bloom 7-10 days. The flowering period of the muscari continues depending on climatic conditions from mid-March to mid-May. Flowers in Muscari often have a blue color, but there are species with purple, white, purple and even pale yellow flowers. Some species of muscari have a strong aroma. Leaves are narrow, linear, appear before flowers. The bulbs are small, pointed-ovoid with a thin light skin. A number of varieties have been created on the basis of some species. The most muscular Armenian and its varieties are most decorative and often grown on the

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    sites. Plants of this species bloom with scented blue flowers with a thin white border. The number of flowers in the inflorescence can reach 50 pieces. Flowers 0.5 cm long, plant height - 15-20 cm. Blooms in May.

    Several garden varieties with different coloring of inflorescences are derived from the muscari of Armenian breeders.

    Blue Spike - is a very decorative terry variety with pale blue flowers.

    Seffier - flowers are dark blue with a white border.

    Fantasy Creation - flowers are greenish-yellow terry.

    Muscarias belong to the class of ephemeroids, or short-flowering. After flowering, annual flower plants can be planted in their place.

    Muscari grows well on sunny places and perfectly tolerates penumbra and even shade. They are interesting to look in the rock gardens, along the paths or planted in groups. Dense, undisturbed plantings are more effective. Muscari adorns small gardens. They are planted in open places, glades, lawns, lawns, which, however, do not cut until the leaves of the muscari are dead. Mouse hyacinth can be placed anywhere in the garden, even with small curtains under the fruit trees. After all, Muscari blossom in the spring, and even a slight shadow from the foliage appearing on the trees is not terrible for them. When the tree crowns are densely green, the muscari will already bloom. However, one should not plant these flowers under evergreen trees and shrubs, although they are also shade-tolerant.

    Muscari can be planted in curbs, and also planted near peonies and even in their roots, thus compacting the planting of flower crops.

    Cultivation and care. Muscari is unpretentious, grows well on a loose, non-acidic, permeable, drained, not too wet soil and does not tolerate wetting. Therefore, muscari can not be planted in low parts of the garden, where prolonged stagnation of water may occur. In one place muscari can be grown for several years.

    The muscari propagates by bulbous bulbs and seeds, mostly by self-seeding. On fertile soil the bulbs will be larger and the plants will bloom better. This is facilitated by a timely seating. These melkolukovichnye plants give a big increase and do not require excavation for many years, until their bush grows. Do not plant more than once in 3 years between August and October. If the muscari must be multiplied more rapidly, the nest division is carried out every 2 years. Nests of bulbs are excavated and divided. The bulbs are planted immediately after the division of the bush to a depth of 7 cm at a distance of 4-10 cm from each other, depending on whether the is quickly and how much density you want to get the curtain. But one condition is observed: be sure to plant the bulbs in groups. Muscari responds well to the introduction of organic fertilizers. Before planting under the digging, add compost at a rate of 5 kg / m2.In spring, a full mineral fertilizer is applied on the snow. With good care, the muscari will be more abundant blossom, form larger bulbs and reproduce better. Muscari comes from mountainous regions and therefore requires moisture only at the beginning of growth. After the flowering plants are preparing for rest - a period of vegetative dormancy, when they exist in the form of a bulb throughout the summer. And moisture during this period is harmful to them. Muscari is very winter hardy, so they need to be sheltered for the winter only in the first year of planting.