  • Hypotrophy of the testis and hereditary factors

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    Hypotrophy( hypoplasia) of testicles - do not underestimate. It is a signal of a decrease in the function of the testicle and may indicate serious violations. Often, the testicles go through without symptoms and are detected only when examined by a doctor for other reasons. But to cultivate an undiagnosed disease in the body is extremely dangerous, the consequences of this may be further indifferent to other organs.

    Testicles develop in the intrauterine period in the abdominal cavity. A few weeks before the birth of the boy, the testicles through the inguinal canal move with the pulling of all layers of tissues to themselves. These layers of tissues standing in the way of their movement, quite a lot, they form a scrotum, the function of which is to protect the testicles from all sorts of aggressive factors throughout life.

    In the presence of gene or chromosomal malfunction or the turn of the development of the fetus away from the normal testicles can undergo structural changes. There are various pathologies, among which there is also left testis hypotrophy, manifested as a reduced size of the left compared with the right.

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    Variations in testicle size with

    hypotrophy The normal length of the testicle is 4-6 cm, width 2-3 cm, volume 20-30 cm3.One almost always is slightly higher than the other - just to make it comfortable to move around on your feet. But the size of the testicles should be the same. The allowable difference is not more than 5-6 mm.

    Symptoms of hypotrophy occur due to various causes. Often it is a congenital malformation of development. Often, testicular hypotrophy is infectious. Hydrocele( hydrocephalus) is also often the cause of hypotrophy. There is a disease and due to injuries, or because of a violation of the function of the mechanism of fluid absorption by the scrotal membrane in boys.

    The following algorithm is used for diagnostics:

    • A general examination of the patient is carried out. With him in most cases the doctor receives a lot of necessary information. The size of the testicles is assessed visually, and the symmetry of these organs is also assessed.
    • The skin in the area of ​​the scrotum is also scrutinized to exclude the development of more serious diseases or to confirm their presence.
    • A survey of adult patients or parents of small patients( testicular hypotrophy and other types of disruption of their size is very often found in children).During the interview, the doctor asks questions about what the patient is worried about;about the time of occurrence of the first violations;on the presence or absence of discomfort or pain during urination, defecation, at rest;what features of the course of pregnancy were in the mother, etc.

    Than the hypotrophy of the testicle

    Hypotrophy indicates an abnormal development of the testicles. If hypoplasia( decrease) is observed on both organs, this may indicate a lack of male sex hormones. With a decrease in the size of one( right or left) or both testicles in relation to the normal development of organs, there is a risk of male infertility.

    It is possible to correct the condition with the use of hormonal drugs. When the disease develops on the right or left testicle, the second( unhypotrophic) takes on the function of both of them. Because of this, it can even grow in size in relation to the normal average size. In this case, there are no special risks, unless the violation in size is indicative of any, much more serious disease.

    With increasing one of the testes relative to the other, varicocele can be diagnosed - a serious disease with varying degrees of development. It is characterized by rather dangerous complications, frequent of which is infertility.

    Hypotrophy can occur with cryptorchidism, the treatment of which should be resorted to immediately after diagnosis of the disease. Surgical methods are usually used to treat cryptorchidism.

    Methods for treatment of testicular hypotrophy

    Treatment of testicular hypotrophy is not always necessary. With a decrease in the left testicle with the normal functioning of the right doctor, prosthetics of the hypotrophy organ may be suggested. This operation is recommended purely for aesthetic reasons.

    With bilateral reduction of testes, hormone replacement therapy is used to develop secondary sexual characteristics. In this case, prosthetics is also acceptable.

    If the hypotrophy has arisen as a complication after the transferred disease, a set of measures for neutralizing pathologies is applied.

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