  • For the prevention of fatigue and disease

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    1. Sit with your back to the table. Lean on him with your hands and get up, taking the pelvis forward. In this position, hold for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

    2. Raise your arms to the sides and bend them at the elbows. Vigorously take your elbows back. Repeat 10 times.

    3. The arms are bent at the elbows, the brushes lie on the back of the head. Turn the trunk to the right and left, 5 times in each direction.

    4. Hands to the sides at the height of the shoulders, palms up. Move the scapula, then lift your arms above your head, hold them in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

    5. Hands bent at the elbows, fingers touching the shoulders. Elbows describe wide circles back. Repeat 10 times.

    6. Now let's do three finger exercises. Close the extended fingers of your right and left hands. With force, without moving your fingertips, squeeze your hands. Hands are relaxed, fingers simulate playing the piano - just a few seconds. Then a few seconds shake your hands, as if you want to shake off them droplets of water. Repeat 20 times.

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    Feel more vigorous, fatigue receded? Do not forget to continue to do these simple exercises at least once or twice during the working day. And here is another version of the for industrial gymnastics:

    1. The basic stance is standing: standing, legs together, socks are bred, hands are lowered. At the expense of 1-2 climb on your toes, raise your arms arcs, stretch, at the expense of 3-4 return to and. Repeat 4 times.

    2. I. item - standing at the table, right foot on the toe, left - on the full foot, the body is tilted forward, the hands rest on the table. At the expense of 1-2 change the position of the legs. Perform 1-2 minutes.

    3. AI standing, arms in front of the chest. At the expense of 1-2 squeeze and unclench fingers. Repeat 15-20 times.

    4. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows, hands at the shoulders. At the expense of 1-4 rotate the arms in the shoulder joint forward, at the expense of 5-8 - back. Repeat 15-20 times.

    5. The basic stance, the head is lowered, the chin is pressed to the chest. At the expense of 1-2 turn the head to the left shoulder, without lifting your chin from the chest;on account of 3-4 return to and.etc. The same to the right shoulder. Repeat 5-10 times in each direction.

    6. Self-massage with both hands of the back surface of the neck from the bottom up. Repeat 3-4 times.

    7. AI - the main rack, look up, throwing your head back. At the expense of 1 tilt the head to the left, at the expense of 2 return to and.etc. The same to the right. Repeat 5-10 times in each direction.

    If you work with your head down for a long time, doing the same exercises with your hands, you need to think about prevention of cervical osteochondrosis.

    First of all, at work at the table or at the machine, try to choose the right posture, and if it is difficult, find the opportunity from time to time to change it.

    What position can be considered correct? If you work sitting, be sure to lean against the back of the chair to ease the burden on the muscles of the back. The seat of the chair should be firm, its height should not exceed the length of the shin. To low-level people, typists who work in a chair above normal, it is useful to put a small bench under their feet. The back of the chair should be at the level of the shoulder blades. The height of the table should be such that the forelegs are loosely lowered, and the body does not lean forward. Do not tilt your head unnecessarily. The distance from the eyes to the subject under consideration is 30-35 cm.

    Those who work standing should be watched to ensure that the load is evenly distributed on both legs.

    Every 1.5-2 hours of work, it is advisable to make a physical break for 3-5 minutes. In addition to the usual exercises, include in it and special: movements for the head and shoulder joints. They are performed at a slow and medium pace, smoothly, with a gradually increasing amplitude, some - with the resistance provided by the hands. Each exercise is repeated 6-8 times.

    1. Raise and lower the head.

    2. Rotate the head first into one, then to the other side.

    3. Tilt your head in one direction, then the other way.

    4. Raise your head upwards - to the side and lower it. The same - repeat in another direction.

    5. Raise the head, then lower the chin to one shoulder, then raise the head and lower it to the other shoulder.

    6. Head movements: upwards - to the side, then chin - to the shoulder. Repeat in the other direction.

    7. Put the brush on the back of the head and give them resistance, try to deflect the head "back.

    8. Put the brush on the forehead and resisting them, try to tilt the head forward.

    9. Holding the head with your hands, try to rotate it first into one, then to the other side, and then tilt it to one and then to the other arm alternately.

    Do the last three exercises, make sure that the muscle tension lasts 5-7s, and relaxation is 7-8 seconds

    If is tired legs, will be helped by special exercises

    Lying or sitting, strain the muscles of the legs, bend the fingers, then straighten them and relax the muscles

    Get up on the toes, hold in this position, then descend to the full stop. Sitting, connect the knees, straining the muscles of the legs, while the feet are on the floor on the width of the shoulders, then relax.

    Run small steps around the room on your fingers, then go around-it's worth repeating every morning so that your legs are not flabby.from the floor a pencil or a handkerchief, hold the object for a few seconds, then release it, the same with the fingers of the other leg.

    Socks and heels together. At this position, lift yourself up on your toes and slowly sink down on your heels.

    With thick ankles it is useful in the morning and evening to massage them in a circular motion, to include circular movements of feet in the gym.

    For flatfoot prophylaxis walking barefoot( sand, pebbles, mown grass), style swimming, croding, exercises for muscles holding the arches of the foot are very useful: flexion, extension, rotation of the foot, walking on toes, jumps.

    Those who work standing, we advise 3-4 times a day for 2-3 minutes stand on the outer edges of the foot.

    Self-massage of feet and shins is useful( however, with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis it is contraindicated), as well as exercises on the roller track. By the way, if you cut the grooves along the circumference of the wooden rollers of the massage path, the resulting cogwheels greatly increase the intensity of the massage.