
Spongy kidney: the course of the disease, diagnosis and the need for treatment

  • Spongy kidney: the course of the disease, diagnosis and the need for treatment

    A spongy kidney is a diffuse extension of the direct renal tubules with the formation of a large number of small cysts and pathology affects both of them.

    Parenchyma in the pyramid zone in the development of this disease is usually condensed and fibrotic changes. And when accompanied by pyelonephritis, inflammatory changes occur. Calcification of the kidney parenchyma is considered a secondary disorder in the onset of the disease, because urinary stasis in the enlarged canal tubules provokes increased precipitation of calcium salts.

    This is important!

    With the development of a spongy kidney, the functioning of the organ does not deteriorate for a long time, and the distortion basically becomes the cause of infection by infectious pathology, the progression of the formation of stones and the violation of the patency of the urinary canals.

    Causes of the development of the pathology of

    The majority of studies in the field of urology show that the spongy kidney, as a pathology that occurs during intrauterine development, is similar in its etiology and pathogenesis to polycystic kidney disease.

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    It is believed that the development of a spongy kidney is correlated with a late violation of embryogenesis, and violations of collective tubules occur in the postnatal period. The genetic nature of this disease is confirmed.

    Basically, the spongy kidney is seen in people in middle age and older, usually in males. Due to the prolonged latent course of the disease in childhood, the disease is very rare.

    How does the pathology of

    manifest? Usually, for a long time, this pathology does not manifest itself in any way. Symptoms develop, usually at the age of twenty to forty years, subject to the addition of various complications, such as stones in the cystic cavity, infectious lesions of the kidneys and urinary tract.

    The main clinical signs of complication of the spongy kidney are acute or dull pain sensations of paroxysmal nature in the lower back, blood in the urine and pyuria. More than 60% of cases with spongy kidney develops papillary nephrocalcinosis.

    This is important!

    Colic in the kidney is manifested due to the movement of small stones from the cystic cavity to the calyx and pelvis. Inflammatory process due to the movement of stones makes itself felt through the violation of urinary diversion, a periodic increase in the temperature regime.

    In rare cases, only with a severe course of urolithic pathology and a recurrent secondary infection, simultaneously with the spongy kidney, purulent melting and subsequent death of the parenchyma begins. This is evidenced by severe renal failure.

    How to determine the presence of the disease

    The diagnosis of a spongy kidney is established after receiving the results of an extensive urological examination, the main method of which is excretory urography.

    Ultrasound examination of the organ makes it possible to establish the presence of small cysts in the deep layer of the kidney parenchyma.

    Laboratory tests help confirm the presence of blood in the urine, pyuria, detect proteins and calcium in the urine.

    How correctly treated pathology

    Provided there are no complications of the spongy kidney and asymptomatic course of the pathology treatment will not be required. In such a situation, prevention is organized to prevent complications.

    In the clinical manifestation of pathology, treatment involves the elimination of secondary infection of the organ and metabolic disorders, that is, the elimination of further deposition of calcium salts in the altered tubule of the kidney. With the development of pyelonephritis requires a lot of drinking, special nutrition with a low concentration of calcium in foods and carrying out prolonged antibacterial treatment.

    Only in exceptional cases, patients with a spongy kidney in order to prevent the formation of iatrogenic infection, instrumental urological manipulations are performed.

    Nephrostomy is usually required in the development of complications of a spongy kidney with urolithic pathology or pyelonephritis, or in the absence of results from conservative therapy.

    This is important!

    If focal-cystic deformity affects only a specific segment of the kidney, resection is performed. Nephrectomy or removal is performed in rare cases and only with unilateral defeat.

    Moving small stones that interfere with a normal urine outflow can be an indication for surgical removal of stones.

    In the absence of complications, the prognosis with a spongy kidney is favorable, but with a progression of nephrocalcinosis and infection over time, the prognosis deteriorates noticeably.

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