
Symptoms of omission of the kidney: manifestations of the disease at 3 stages

  • Symptoms of omission of the kidney: manifestations of the disease at 3 stages

    A healthy kidney is known to have mobility, and it can move slightly, but not more than one or two centimeters. An omission of the kidney or a disease of nephroptosis is called its pathological displacement of two or more vertebrae downward when moving or any change in the position of the human body.

    In a normal position, the kidney is supported by a ligamentous device:

    • with a kidney foot;
    • kidney bed;
    • special shell - it is attached to the vertebral lateral divisions.

    In people with any violations of the constitution of the body, for example, in very thin people or persons with flabby muscles of the abdominal region, the natural support of the kidney is disturbed and thus its descent occurs.

    How the disease manifests itself in the 3 stages of

    Symptoms of the omission of the kidney are manifested in the patient's dependence on how the disease proceeds. Therefore, all clinical manifestations are divided into three stages of development of this disease.

    1st stage of nephroptosis

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    In the first stage of the disease, the lowered kidney becomes already available for normal palpation by 1/3.As a rule, at the height of inspiration the doctor probes the lower edge of the lowered kidney - it leaves on exhalation in the hypochondrium. This is the first, the initial stage, often occurs without a pronounced symptomatic picture. When the kidney goes down by seven centimeters or more, dull aches may appear, which go to the lumbar region. Such painful sensations arise because of the stretching of the so-called fascial capsule of the diseased kidney.

    Same pain can occur with significant physical exertion. Usually they pass in a person at rest or after the patient simply assumes a comfortable horizontal position, when the kidney returns to its original place in the kidney bed. A sign of the omission of the kidney( right) in the first stage may be some severity in the hypochondrium( in the right quadrant).It is recommended that patients begin to do medical exercises.

    2nd stage of nephroptosis

    Usually, in the second stage, almost all of the kidney leaves under the costal arch, and it becomes available for palpation in the clinic already by 2/3, but only with the patient's vertical position, and after the person assumes a horizontal position, the kidneystill able to return to the kidney bed.

    By itself, with an increase in the level of displacement of the kidney in the patient, the signs of the disease also increase. Painful sensations become more frequent and intense, as in renal colic. They arise in man, both during physical activity, and during abrupt displacements.

    At this stage, there may be changes in the urine: the analysis shows an increase in the level of erythrocytes and protein. This is the first sign of stagnation in the kidney of blood due to a violation of natural venous outflow.

    3rd stage of nephroptosis

    In the last third stage of the patient, the entire kidney is already coming out from under the place of the costal arch - it is lowered right up to the small pelvis. Painful sensations acquire a systematic character, and they can even give in the inguinal zone.

    In the third stage of nephroptosis, the intensity of pain no longer depends on the position of the patient's body.

    At this very time, various complications begin to develop, such as, for example:

    • kidney hydronephrosis;
    • pyelonephritis;
    • arterial hypertension.

    This is important! It should be noted that the pain syndrome is not the only symptom of the omission of the kidney. So, at the second and third stages, so-called fornal bleeding can occur during urination, which occurs in the patient due to a prolonged disruption of his blood supply and constantly increasing hypertension( renal).

    Additional symptoms of omission of the kidney

    Pain syndrome can be supplemented with nausea and vomiting reflexes. Similarly, patients may have various kinds of mental and emotional disorders.

    The main of them include:

    1. neurasthenia;
    2. increased excitability;
    3. insomnia;
    4. decreased appetite;In rare cases,
    5. has depression, dizziness, increased fatigue.

    We note that nephroptosis develops in women 15 times more often than in males, and the right kidney is much lower.

    It should also be aware that during pregnancy or after childbirth nephroptosis may be accompanied by:

    • a significant deterioration in appetite;
    • by severe intestinal disorders;
    • is depressed;
    • neurasthenic syndrome.

    To determine the omission of the kidney, the signs of which were listed above, you can use urography, as well as ultrasound.

    The main causes of the disease

    Kidney disease can occur for the following reasons:

    1. Lowering the tone of the muscular corset of the abdominal area( quite often nephroptosis is observed in women during pregnancy, especially when multiple or multiple).
    2. A sharp loss of previous weight and previous infectious diseases( as a rule, the kidneys are lowered in small children due to the decrease and weakening of the fatty capsule that supports the kidney).
    3. Any trauma in the lumbar region( spine area) or abdominal trauma, as well as various hematomas in the pericardial tissue.
    4. Genetic predisposition( heredity).
    5. Regular physical activities of an intense nature, including weight lifting.

    How to relieve pain while lowering the kidney?

    Treatment of the omission of the kidney in the early stages is quite simple - it is enough to wear an elastic band throughout the day. It is the corset or bandage that, when the kidneys are lowered, returns this organ to its original position and does not allow it to shift. You can also buy a special belt.

    But it should be remembered that it is necessary to engage in physiotherapy exercises that strengthen the walls of the abdominal area. And do not forget that in the kidneys with adhesive processes wearing a corset( bandage), as well as physical exercises are completely contraindicated.

    Unfortunately, with a late diagnosis or complications, a patient may need surgery. As a rule, before the operative intervention the doctor prescribes a long course of treatment with antibiotics. Earlier during the operation, doctors fixed the kidney in the right position, without depriving it of natural mobility. But recently doctors refuse to conduct surgical intervention, preferring medicines.

    We would like to draw your attention to the fact that although kidney dysfunction currently occurs quite often, the prognosis of this disease without proper treatment remains very unfavorable due to the frequent development of various complications. In 20 percent of all cases of disease( at the last stage of its development) the patient expects a loss of working capacity, but the timely treatment started gives very good results and effectively helps to minimize the incidence of complications.

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