Where did the bunny hide?
Features of the game and its educational value. The purpose of this game is in many ways similar to the previous one: the development of spatial representations of children and their verbal designation. Kids get the opportunity to use already acquired knowledge and ideas in a new, more complex game situation. This game is more complicated than the previous one and in its content and nature of joint activity.
The learning task requires that the child does not just answer where the hidden bunny is, but also guessed why he hid here. In solving this problem, one needs not only to apply the available knowledge, but also to show resourcefulness, ingenuity. This requires elements of creative thinking.
By its nature this game is no longer fun, but a game-task that requires the child more focused thought efforts. Despite the collective nature of the activity, the game is designed for the separation of responsible roles: one of the children is hiding, and someone is looking. Teaching task is solved by both, but in different ways. Those who hide, decide together with the tutor how to make a puzzle, ie, how to find such a place for a bunny, so that it can be not only called words, but also perform a game action with a bunny. He who seeks, must independently solve an informative spatial problem( denote by words, where the bunny is in relation to the objects of the situation) and.guess the game action with it, which came up with those who hid the bunny.
This game teaches children the agreed implementation of different roles and responsibilities for each other.
Play stuff. An imaginative toy( preferably a bunny).In addition, you can use other imaginative toys( doll furniture, dishes, cars, etc.).
Description of the game and the techniques of its conduct."Do you want to play today in riddles? Only this will be special! It is necessary to guess where the hare-mischief hid and what he is doing there, "- says the teacher to the children and suggests that they take their places. Then he beckons to one of the children( preferably a more bold and developed child), invites him to move away to the wall, become a back to the children, close his eyes and hands with his ears and do not look around until he is called.
Turning to the rest of the children, the provider in a whisper conspires with them, where to hide the bunny. He offers a place where you can hide a bunny, and tells what he will do there. For example: "Let's put a bunny on the aquarium, let Vova guess that the bunny wants to see how the fish swim."The teacher asks the children not to reveal the secret: "Do not say where the bunny is hidden and what he is doing there. The driver must find it himself and tell him where he is hidden, and we'll see if he has correctly found and correctly guessed what the bunny is doing. "
"It's time!" - Children say in chorus, and the guide goes in search. The educator warns that he should not only find a toy, take and bring it, but also tell where he found it and what the bunny did there. If the child finds difficulty in the correct verbal designation of the place, the educator offers the children to help him. One of the children comes to the guide and tells him in the ear where the bunny hid. But the riddle, what he is doing there, the child must guess by himself. In this he can help guide the question of the teacher. If the answer is correct, the children clap their hands and say: "Well done!" Then a new lead is selected.
So in turn, children are looking for a hidden bunny and guessing different game actions, and the rest with the tutor come up with new puzzles. Here are a few examples of such puzzles: the bunny climbed onto the cabinet behind the flag and was afraid to jump;the bunny went to the car and wanted to ride it;The bunny sat astride a horse and waited for him to ride;The bunny sat down at a little table and wanted to be fed.
The specific content of such stories depends on the situation in the group and on the resourcefulness of the educator.
Rules of the game.
1. To hide the toy every time in a new place, which can be easily noticed and denoted by a word.
2. To think out where to hide the toy, and guess only those whom the teacher will call.
3. It is forbidden to prompt and reveal the secret where the bunny hid. Who prompts - will not be chosen to lead.
Tips for the educator. When choosing a place( where to hide a bunny), proceed from what new prepositions and adverbs the children should learn. The task of the game is not to learn to look for toys, but to expand the vocabulary and develop intelligence.
At the beginning of the game, make the search for a toy more self-confident in children. In the future, it is necessary to attract passive, timid, inhibited children to the role of the guide. After all, participation in such a game helps to overcome shyness and self-doubt, which are often an obstacle in the education of children and in their social development.
If the child can not guess the game riddle, help him with leading questions.