
Treatment of endometriosis with herbs - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Treatment of endometriosis with herbs - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Endometriosis is a benign disease in which endometrial tissue( the inner lining of the uterus) is found outside the uterus. For location

    endometrial heterotopias( endometrial tissue outside the uterus), endometriosis classified into:
    1. endometriosis( involving the fallopian tubes, ovaries, uterus ligamentous apparatus)
    2. Extragenital endometriosis( with involvement of the abdominal cavity, lungs, and so on.g. up to bodies of endometriosis)
    3. Mixed endometriosis, occurs when both genital and extragenital endometriosis)

    when any form of endometriosis herbal medicine can be used courses for 2 months, 2 times per secondd( longer courses are possible under the supervision of a phyto-therapeutist) as the only therapy if clinically endometriosis is not manifested. That is, if there is no bleeding, anemia, an adhesion disease as a result of extragenital endometriosis, etc. If treatment of endometriosis should be a chemical drug( hormonal drugs, anti-anemic therapy and symptomatic therapy) or surgical intervention is required, then herbal therapy can be used as an adjunctive therapy.

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    Goals herbal medicine for endometriosis

    Herbal Medicine for endometriosis helps to achieve the following objectives:

    General objectives:
    1. Increase the body's defenses
    2. Vitamin therapy
    3. Reducing the severity of side effects from chemotherapy
    4. Improving the effectiveness of the treatment of the chemical nature of drugs

    Treatment of Endometriosis:
    5. Normalization of the hormonal background of the female body
    6. Reduction of the severity of the pain syndrome
    7. Help in the fight against anemia
    8. Auxiliary treatment of the secondary infertility
    9. Improving mood background woman
    10. Better night's sleep

    Herbs for the treatment of endometriosis

    What herbs and fees is used as brewing, dosage, duration of treatment, when it is possible to repeat the course? The department phytotherapy RUDN treatment is provided following algorithm:

    Accept immunomodulatory agents rate from 2 months to eighteen months, depending on the severity of the disease, processing time, dimensions endometrial heterotopias( endometrial growths outside the uterus), the general condition of the patient:

    1. During the follicular phasemenstrual cycle: tincture of peony evading 40 drops in the morning after eating.
    2. Between lyuteonovoy( 2d) phases of the menstrual cycle Eleutherococcus senticosus extract, 60 drops morning and afternoon before eating
    3. With abundant uterine bleeding during menstruation: assigning further treatment extracts shepherd's purse, smartweed, bark Viburnum

    Root of the ara 2 parts of
    Birch buds 5 parts
    Fruits of the cerebellum 2 parts
    Flowers of the tansy 4 pieces
    Leaves of the plantain 2 parts
    Poplar buds 2 parts
    Cleavage grass 4 parts
    Method of preparation: 2 gr collection is primed200 ml boiled water. To insist 30 minutes in a thermos, take 1/3 cup of infusion 3 times a day in a warm form 30 minutes before meals. Duration of admission from the beginning to the end of the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, determined by the rise in the peak of rectal temperature.
    • Collection:
    • Anise:
    • Anis • 2 parts •
    • Kiprei • 5 parts •
    • Clover • 4 parts •
    • Blackcurrant • 4 parts •
    • Licorice • 2 parts •
    Salvia • 2 parts
    Eucalyptus 2 parts
    How to prepare: 2 g of collection pour 200 ml of boiled water. Infuse 30 minutes in a thermos, take 70 ml infusion 3 times a day in a warm form( at 8.00, 14.00, 20.00).Duration of admission - before the next menstruation( in the secreting phase of the menstrual cycle, the onset of which is set by the rise in the peak of rectal temperature)
    • During the luteonic phase of the menstrual cycle: an extract of Eleutherococcus prickly on 60 drops in the morning and afternoon before meals. Duration of taking 2-4 menstrual cycles, taken simultaneously with the infusion given above.

    Traditional Medicine:

    • Seeds of horse beans roast, grind and cook like Turkish coffee. Drink on the coffee cup after eating. Duration of admission is 1 month.
    • Gather:
    Rhizome rhizome asparagus
    Aspen cortex
    Yarrow grass
    Grasshorn grass
    Birch leaves
    Lime leaves
    Horse chestnut fruits
    How to prepare: Mix all ingredients at 50 g. Take 1 tablespoon of collection with top, brew in 1 cup of boiling water( can be in a thermos) for 3 hours. Take 1 glass 3 times a day. Duration of admission is 1 month.
    • Collection:
    Grass pepper
    Grass leaf
    Grass of St. John's wort
    Grass of gravel
    Grass of thymus
    Grass of acanthus
    Grass of sparrow
    Grass of cuff
    Greasy leaves of large
    Leaves of mallow forest
    Leaves of mackerel
    Method of preparation: Mix all ingredients to 50 gr. Take 4 tablespoons of the collection, cook in 1 liter of water over a low heat for 20 minutes. Take 75 ml 3 times daily before meals. Duration of admission is 1 month.

    Please note! The course of phytotherapy is selected individually, depending on the tolerance and the expected effect. It is better to choose therapy under the supervision of a doctor, relying on the recommended treatment.

    Contraindications of herbs in endometriosis

    Phytotherapy is contraindicated if:
    1. The patient has allergic reactions to the components of charges.
    2. The patient has allergic reactions that have occurred in the treatment of phytotherapeutic drugs.
    3. As the only therapy for severe conditions, such as: severe pain, heavy bleeding during menstruation, leading to post-hemorrhagic anemia.
    4. When pregnancy

    Phytotherapy can be used, but with caution:

    1. When self-treatment in a stable state and with a well-established diagnosis.
    2. If the patient's condition worsens. Only the doctor will be able to tell what the deterioration of this patient is due to and make the necessary decision on the further tactics of treatment! But remember, ask for help from a doctor as soon as possible if the condition worsens!
    3. When breastfeeding, I also recommend not to engage in independent selection of fees, but contact your doctor, since all herbs are ingested with breast milk into the baby's body.

    Prognosis of endometriosis treatment with herbs

    What effect can it achieve in treatment and why is it so important and traditional treatment prescribed by a doctor?
    • The addition of phytotherapy to the basic treatment of endometriosis helps to reduce the severity of side effects from treatment with chemical preparations.
    • On the other hand, herbal treatment enhances the therapeutic effect of chemical preparations.
    • If it is necessary to carry out surgical treatment, phytotherapy prepares the woman's body for surgical intervention and helps the early recovery in the post-operation period.
    • Phytotherapy can be used for a long time and the positive effect from it will last longer after cancellation, in comparison with chemotherapy treatment.
    • Phytotherapy for any disease helps to strengthen the body, increase protective forces, normalize the work of the nervous system.
    • Herbal treatment helps in the fight against complications of endometriosis, whether it's anemia or secondary infertility.

    Dear women, do not use herbal medicine without consulting your doctor. Remember that endometriosis can lead to very serious changes in the body, up to severe anemia, adhesions, infertility. Only a doctor can correctly diagnose you, assess the severity of your condition and prescribe competent treatment. Do not allow the development of complications of endometriosis, systematically go through the examination and adhere to the prescribed treatment your doctor. Be healthy!

    Doctor phytotherapeutist Akimova NS