  • Herbs from allergies - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Allergy( from the Greek "allos" - another, alien and "ergos" - effect) is a reaction of the immune system to a substance that is "regarded" by the immune system as an alien, that is, as an allergen. Substances can enter the body in different ways. But most often by inhalation( inhalation), with food and water( orally) and when applied( percutaneously).

    Allergic reactions can manifest as rashes, itching, swelling, difficulty swallowing and breathing, falling blood pressure, up to a shock state. Also, an allergic reaction can underlie bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis and a number of other diseases.

    Phytotherapy can be applied with good effect as an auxiliary treatment for a prolonged course of an allergic reaction, manifested as skin rashes, itchy skin. Most often this condition occurs with chronic urticaria.

    If suspected of an allergic reaction in the beginning, follow the following survey algorithm:
    - Primary treatment to a doctor, whether it's a therapist, dermatologist or an allergist. In case of emergency, an immediate call of an ambulance team.

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    - Submit a clinical blood test( especially informative increase in the level of neutrophils).
    - Transfer blood to IG E.
    - Perform a study on allergens. Most public and private laboratories offer allergological profiles that include different types of allergens.
    - Consultation of an allergist based on research results.

    In the future, diagnostic search can expand up to the study of feces for pathogenic microflora, helminth and protozoal infection.

    It is necessary to approach the search for the cause of the allergy in each individual patient in a comprehensive and individual way.

    What herbs are used to treat allergy

    Perhaps one of you will find it strange that phytotherapeutic drugs can be taken with allergic reactions. After all, some patients have an allergy to the flowering of plants, their pollen, others to gluten contained in cereal food products: oats, rye, wheat, etc. But nevertheless, plants are not only able to cause allergies, but also to cure it. Namely:

    • Herbs such as elecampane, licorice, yarrow, violet, horsetail have antiallergic effect. They are included in the following preparations: gastroguttal, glycyram, extracts and infusions of violets, extracts and infusions of yarrow.

    • The action of cowberry, sweet clover, chestnut, lagohilus, mallow, cuff and licorice is aimed at removing edema, reducing itching, improving lymph flow. The following drugs are accepted: angionorm, glycyral, lagahilin, pheocarpine, escusane, esflazid.

    • With the aim of eliminating intoxication, take elephant, burdock and Jerusalem artichoke. Medicinal preparations: belosorb, detoxil, lignosorb, pecto, polyphepan, ryacen-RD, stimbipid, superantitox, ultrasorb, entergin.

    • For immunocorrection use: aralia, leuzeum, eleutherococcus, echinacea. These herbs are found in the following preparations: anmarine, korfit, leveton, leuzea tincture, aralia, eleutherococcus extract, melton, estifan.

    • Artists, immortelle, milk thistle, chamomile, hodgepodge have a hepatoprotective effect. Preparations: gastroguttal, polifitokhol, romazulan, sibektan, silimar, flamin, hofitol.

    • To restore the function of the duodenum in the doses are added: oregano, calendula, kelp, tansy, bed, crate, sponge, sage. Or take the following phytotherapeutic drugs: kaleflon, laminarid, tinctures of calendula, scallop, oregano, carotolin, salvin, tanacesole.

    Indications for the treatment of allergy with herbs

    The purpose of phytotherapy is indicated with a protracted course of an allergic reaction and with chronic allergies, manifested in the form of urticaria, itching of the skin.

    Objectives of herbal medicine for allergies:

    1. Strengthening the effect of chemical medicines
    2. Reduction of the side effect of chemotherapy drugs
    3. Prevention of frequent allergy relapse
    4. Elongation of the inter-recessionary period
    5. Improvement of the gastrointestinal tract and liver
    7. Removal of intoxication
    8. Improvement of the general condition of the patient: removal of itching, puffiness
    9. Improving the quality of life

    Herbs and collections from the allergy

    What herbs and dues are used,ivat, dosage, duration of treatment, when it is possible to repeat the course?

    The following algorithm for the treatment of allergy is proposed at the Department of Phytotherapy of PFUR:

    • Collection:
    Flowers of the immortelle 20,0 gr
    Grasshopper herb 15,0 g
    Mint leaves 5.0 g
    Flowers of tansy 10,0 g
    Grass remake 10,0 gr
    Trifolia leaf 10,0 g
    Yarrow herb 5.0 g
    Preparation: 1 teaspoonful of collection pour 200 ml of boiled water. Infuse 30 minutes in a thermos, drain, take infusion 3 times a day for 15 minutes before meals. Duration of admission is 3-4 weeks.
    • Simultaneously take Chitopan 1 tablet 3 times a day( or preparations with the same action: silibor, sibexan, chitopan, chitolene, berberine, kaleflon, allanton, carpel, polyphytocholite, silimar, tanacesole, henofalk, holosas, allochol).Duration of admission is 3-4 weeks.
    Please note!
    The course of phytotherapy is selected individually depending on the tolerance and the expected effect. It is better to choose therapy under the supervision of a doctor, relying on the recommended treatment.

    Traditional medicine:

    • Pour 10 liters of aspen and nettle cortex with 1 liter of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 10 minutes, then apply compresses to skin areas with allergy manifestations. Use until allergy symptoms disappear.

    • 50 grams of roots of elecampane, 30 g of dandelion roots, 20 g of Jerusalem artichoke tuber and 10 g of herb yarrow, and 1 tablespoon of the mixture boil for 10 minutes. Take inside 2-4 glasses a day. Duration of admission is 1 month.

    • 2 tablespoons of crushed celery roots for 2 hours in 1 glass of cold water. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before eating. Duration of admission is 2 weeks.

    If it is not possible to undergo allergy treatment with phytotherapeutic drugs under the supervision of a doctor, use the following treatment regimen:

    1. Diet: the first 1-2 days of hunger( if there are no contraindications to hunger), then 2-3 days mono-diet( preferably cereals).
    2. Adequate drinking regimen: drink 1 to 2.5 liters per day of table water without adding gas( depending on age, sex, presence of cardiac and renal pathology)
    3. Polyphepan 1 tablespoon 3 times a day andbefore bedtime. Take within 2 weeks - 1 month.

    Contraindications to the treatment of grass allergy

    Phytotherapy is contraindicated if you:

    1. An allergic reaction to the components of the collection, manifested earlier or during treatment.
    2. Intolerance of the components of collection, established laboratory.
    3. With primary manifestations of allergy.
    4. In an acute stage of an allergic reaction.
    5. In life-threatening conditions such as swelling of the mucous membranes of the oropharynx, laryngo- and bronchospasm, lowering of arterial pressure, state of shock, etc.

    Phytotherapy can be used, but with caution:

    1. For self-treatment.
    2. If the patient's state of health worsens, if it is caused by the progression of the allergy, and not by an allergic reaction to the components of the collection. In any case, the use of phytotherapy should be suspended before consulting a doctor and finding out the reason!
    3. At pregnancy it is necessary to select individually phytotherapy depending on the term of pregnancy.
    4. When breastfeeding it is recommended not to engage in self-selection of fees, but to consult a doctor, as the herbs enter with the breast milk into the baby's body.

    Forecast of treatment of grass allergy

    What effect can it achieve in treatment and why is it so important and traditional treatment prescribed by a doctor?

    The addition to the mainstream therapy of medicinal herbs helps speed up the treatment of chronic allergies, reduce the recurrence rate of the disease, neutralize the side effects of chemical preparations such as antihistamines and hormones, restore the function of organs such as the gastrointestinal tract and liver,immunity, "cleanse" the body, improve the overall condition of the body. In some cases, increased allergization of the body lead to helminthic and protozoal invasions, most often lambliasis. Phytotherapy also has anthelmintic and antiprotozoal effect.

    We examined the treatment of an allergic reaction like a urticaria with a protracted course, accompanied by itching and skin rashes. In all other cases - treatment only chemical agents that have a faster effect, in connection with the possibility of developing life-threatening conditions.

    According to WHO, allergic reactions occur in every 3-5 people on the ground. The main reasons are: deteriorating ecology, widespread and not always justified use of medicines of chemical nature, consumption of food containing a large number of biologically active additives, the use of household chemicals. This list can be supplemented for a long time, and many of my patients say that they have an allergy to life. But, in fact, everything is not so sad. In my opinion, and this thought I try to convey to my patients, any disease is for us a clue how to live. Namely, what to exclude from their daily life, from their food.

    Now there is a large number of biologically "pure" products, whether it be food products or products for the care of themselves and the house. In large cities, these products are found on the shelves of hypermarkets with the label "environmentally friendly products", there are shops of "eco-nutrition".There are a lot of online stores in the world network, where you can make an online order and receive products in any corner of Russia and CIS countries.

    In any case, there is always a choice. And this choice is yours!

    Doctor phytotherapeutist Akimova NS