
Fishtail Hairstyle: Weaving technique and useful tips and photo-instructions

  • Fishtail Hairstyle: Weaving technique and useful tips and photo-instructions

    Haircut of a fish tail: how to make it yourself( step-by-step photo-instructions are attached)

    Among the many techniques of weaving hair, the fish tail hair style is considered especially fashionable today. It got its name because its tightly fitting strands resemble scales, and the shape really resembles the tail of sea and river dwellers. There are so many of its variations from the simplest to the most incredibly clever. This article is designed to teach you to do this little masterpiece yourself.

    The basis of skill is the secret of the

    technique. Looking at this elegant and neat hairstyle from outside, you might think that it is only a professional who can do it. However, it is enough to carefully study the sequence of laying strands, and you will understand that nothing is impossible. To understand the intricacies of the weave scheme given below.

    To open a whole world of all sorts of ways before you, you should learn only one technique. Spend a couple of minutes, learn a few illustrations, and you'll learn how to weave a fish tail braid. We move from words to practice. Here is an example of the simplest haircut variation.

    instagram viewer

    Complicating the

    task Now you can move on to a more sophisticated weaving. We will learn two hairstyles based on the fish tail. Option 1 - asymmetric braid with a shift to one side. There are two techniques combined here. From the line of the forehead to the ear, use a rope weave, and only after - the fish tail.

    Option 2 - weaving in the technique of the fish tail throughout the head. It can be made less tight, then the hair will take a more erratic character and is better suited for an informal occasion, for example, at a party.

    When some techniques of weaving are honed, you can choose a model from the set of existing options and learn how to make your favorite. Here are just a few of them, the most fashionable and vivid. These photos will provide food for your imagination and will reveal the secrets of mastery.

    Saddle inspiration

    All these beautiful images simply can not leave any girl indifferent. Looking at them, I just want to try to create something like that. Do not waste time, get down to business. This step-by-step instruction will help you master another hairstyle based on the fish tail.

    This romantic and feminine image will emphasize your charm and will be appropriate in both business and informal settings. By the way, adjusting the width of the strands - making them thinner or thicker - you can noticeably change one and the same hairstyle, creating different shades of mood.

    And here's an example of how to use the fishtail weave to create subtle touches in the everyday image. To learn how to do this hairstyle, see the detailed instructions below.

    This brace of braid can be made double, or wider, or add tapes to the weave - the number of options is limited only by the possibilities of your imagination.

    Hit of the season

    Recently, asymmetry has been very popular in the fashion world. It can be found in any fashionable phenomenon, and hairstyles are no exception. That's why almost any styling has a variation with a displacement on its side. So the fish tail looks very favorably in the asymmetric variant. See for yourself:

    Simple, but unusual

    Many interesting hairstyles combine two different techniques, or even more. And this does not mean that they can not be done on their own. On the contrary, most often they are very simple to perform. For example, like this one. It looks unusual and "heaped", but even novice can. Let's consider the step-by-step process of its creation.

    To complement your knowledge of the skill of weaving you will be helped by video containing a lot of useful advice.

    Among the many techniques of weaving hair especially fashionable today is the fish tail hair. It got its name because its tightly fitting strands resemble scales, and the shape really resembles the tail of sea and river dwellers. There are so many of its variations from the simplest to the most incredibly clever. This article is designed to teach you to do this little masterpiece yourself.

    The basis of skill is the secret of the

    technique. Looking at this elegant and neat hairdress from the side, one might think that it is only a professional who can do it. However, it is enough to carefully study the sequence of laying strands, and you will understand that nothing is impossible. To understand the intricacies of the weave scheme given below.

    To open a whole world of all sorts of ways before you, you should learn only one technique. Spend a couple of minutes, study a few illustrations, and you'll learn how to weave a fish tail braid. We move from words to practice. Here is an example of the simplest haircut variation.

    To complicate the task

    Now you can move on to a more sophisticated weaving. We will learn two hairstyles based on the fish tail. Option 1 - asymmetric braid with a shift to one side. There are two techniques combined here. From the line of the forehead to the ear, use a rope weave, and only after - the fish tail.

    Option 2 - weaving in the technique of the fish tail throughout the head. It can be made less tight, then the hair will take a more erratic character and is better suited for an informal occasion, for example, at a party.

    When some techniques of weaving are honed, you can choose a model from the set of existing options and learn how to make your favorite. Here are just a few of them, the most fashionable and bright. These photos will provide food for your imagination and will reveal the secrets of mastery.

    Saddle inspiration

    All these beautiful images simply can not leave any girl indifferent. Looking at them, I just want to try to create something like that. Do not waste time, get down to business. This step-by-step instruction will help you master another hairstyle based on the fish tail.

    This romantic and feminine image will emphasize your charm and will be appropriate in both business and informal settings. By the way, adjusting the width of the strands - making them thinner or thicker - you can noticeably change one and the same hairstyle, creating different shades of mood.

    And here's an example of how to use the fishtail weaving to create subtle touches in the everyday image. To learn how to do this hairstyle, see the detailed instructions below.

    This brace of braid can be made double, or wider, or add ribbons to the weave - the number of options is limited only by the possibilities of your imagination.

    Hit of the season

    Recently, asymmetry has been very popular in the fashion world. It can be found in any fashionable phenomenon, and hairstyles are no exception. That's why almost any styling has a variation with a displacement on its side. So the fish tail looks very favorably in the asymmetric variant. See for yourself:

    Simple, but unusual

    Many interesting hairstyles combine two different techniques, or even more. And this does not mean that they can not be done on their own. On the contrary, most often they are very simple to perform. For example, like this one. It looks unusual and "heaped", but even novice can. Let's consider the step-by-step process of its creation.

    To complement your knowledge of the skill of weaving you will be helped by video containing a lot of useful tips.