
Chemistry for long hair: light, wet, spiral, how to do, photos before and after, reviews

  • Chemistry for long hair: light, wet, spiral, how to do, photos before and after, reviews

    For sure, there is no one in the world at least one representative of the weaker sex, completely satisfied with its own external appearance. Some ladies do not like their weight, others - growth, and the third - hair. Thus, mistresses of luxurious curls tend to direct hair and vice versa. It's easiest for capricious beauties to help you style your hair: you need to use an ironing pad to smooth out the curly hair, and those who want to have romantic curls do chemistry on your hair, so that luxurious curls fall on your long hair.

    Perm is a process by which lush and fine curls are formed. Such locks last for several months.

    In other words, under the influence of the chemical means by which the hairs are processed during the procedure, their structure is destroyed, so the shock of hair forms large curls and small curls.

    In order to maintain the chemistry on long hair for a long time, the curls are treated with a certain fixing solution. In the photo before and after the curling process, you can see the difference in the image and draw a conclusion for yourself if you are ready to be so transformed.

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    Types of chemical. Curling

    The chemical procedure exists for these types:

    • Acid. This species is most popular in women due to long-lasting effect. The period of preservation of ringlets reaches 6 months.
    • Alkaline. Duration not more than three months, in case of hard hair, the term is extended to 4.5 months.
    • Neutral.
    • Amino acid. The composition of solutions for chemistry includes proteins that nourish the hair. This light curl is the most gentle for the curls, they take the form of soft and natural. However, the length of the wave is short.
    • Biocoasting. Such a wave is used in the absence of ammonia and other components destroying the structure of the hair. This chemistry will last a long time.

    Light chemistry for fashionable beauties

    For light chemistry, a hairdresser uses the means that minimally damages the hair. Because an easy wave for the mistress of long hair has become the most demanded procedure. It's just for those ladies who have fine hair. Thanks to chemistry, they acquire brilliance, strength and, of course, volume. In this article, you will learn how to make curls that will have a stunning effect on everyone around you.

    Vertical method for long hair

    This process involves winding curls on the so-called hair curlers in the standing position. Hairdressers do not particularly willingly make it for long hair, because it is somewhat difficult. If you are afraid that vertical chemistry will not be to your face, then let the master lay his hair in such a way as if after a wave.

    One of the types of vertical perm is spiral chemistry, which looks fine on long hair. To create a spectacular image, the hairdresser uses curlers in the form of a spiral. Spiral chemistry helps to form curls of varying sizes: from large to small curls in African style.

    Wet technique

    The process involves the use of gentle tools that not only do not harm, but even nourish them. Fixing of laying is carried out with the help of a foam or varnish, giving the appearance of wet hair. Hairdressers promise that the curls will last about 3 months, but, unfortunately, such a period will not be sustained.

    And then, wet chemistry suits the hostess not all hair types: women with fat curls should not do this hair, because the look of the hair is untidy, the look of the head is not washed.

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    See also: Is it possible to twist the head of hair without a curling rod?